Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The New Stough About The Space-Hole

To move on from where I left from last time, one major world-tube of such an action, along the homotopical mapping of one tori-sector-range, is a quantum of one either forward or backward moving time-basis, respectively, of roughly one-half of the globally distinguishable phenomena that exist for one set of parallel universes.  This is since an individual set of universes has four of such major world-tubes -- each world-tube as such has incorporated into it at least a little bit of each layer of reality that exists for the layers of reality that exist in the set of parallel universes that correspond to each of the world-tubes that I elluded to.  Each tori-sector-range directly corresponds to a layer of reality that bears a definitive physical reality.  The respective tori-sector-ranges, per conicentrally synchronous iteration of instanton, are localized along the exterior of the general Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric.  The recycling of the condensed oscillation that works to comprise the mini-string that forms the holonomic entity of the fields of superstrings works to recycle the related superstrings of all four world-tubes that appertain to one set of parallel universes.  The same is also respectively true for all three sets of parallel universes.  Superstrings are reformed via the indistinguishable alteration as to what specifically is the very same segmental holonomic entity of mini-string that is utilized to form both substringular fields, norm-states, first-ordered point particles, as well as superstrings -- and superstrings are comprised of point particles that are, in tact, comprised of mini-string that organized as a phenomena of the mentioned condensed oscillation.  I have a lot more to mention about this!  I will continue with the suspense later.
Have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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