Friday, October 26, 2012

A Little More As To The Previous

So, to begin where I had left from before, yet, when one considers the motion of the main world-tubes that most directly relates to the motion of backward-moving-time, the world-tubes when taken individually face in the opposite direction as to their respective corresponding main world-tubes that relate most directly to forward-moving-time.  Backward-Moving-Time-Relating-Main-World-Tubes act as a buffer operand of a holonomic region that is used so as to adjust not only all of the time potentials of all of the instantons of one iteration of Tau to simultaneously exist in a covariantly granular codifferentiable manner, yet, it also acts as such a buffer operand region in so that it works to adjust the inter-placement of MRC's (Major-Reality-Changes) in so that 1 10,000th of the past and future inevitable states of each of the universes of one set of parallel universes that may change in a non-obtrusive enough manner as each layer of reality is multiplicitly, yet gradually, integrated in a manner that moves in the Fourier-Based Gaussian redelineation that involves the lowest euler re-cooridination of optimum hermicity -- the path of least resistance.  The less re-vamping of norm-conditioned hyperbollic tensorism that is involved in the changes of those norm-conditions that allow for the continued interactive kinematic codifferentiation of the various superstrings that move around the Ultimon over time, and, the more smooth that the corresponding changes in norm-conditions happen in any given arena of superstrings that involves an arbitrary locus that one may pick in a particular scenario over time, the less effort that it takes for the prior desired activities to be able to happen so that energy may persist.  Forward-Moving-Time main-world-tubes are the only ones that are used when superstrings are not going thru a tachyoninc phase, yet, backward-moving-time-related -main-world-tubes bear the same general size and shape as their corresponding forward-moving-time-related-main-world-tubes.  One is only cognitive of what one would call an organized state of a universe in the stated forward-moving-time.  So, as our linear time moves forward, the reconditioning of the changes in history are gradually revamped upon all of the universes of one set of parallel universes, and this happens for all three sets of parallel universes -- as well as happening in all of the activitated layers of reality of each of the just stated universes.  The layer of reality that is always predominant is the layer of reality that was most previously, in any given arbitrary case, activated.  Unless Tau reiterates, the discreteness of what is, in the existant scenario, the overall reality, is, in a sense, unitized.  I will continue later!  Sincerly, Samuel David Roach.

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