Friday, October 19, 2012

Some Knowledge About World-Tubes

One may think, what characteristics of a given arbitrary tori-sector-range makes the said range able to aquaint it with a specific universe?  Here is the start of a viable explaination:  The majorized hoops that inter-connect the two main world-tubes of the Overall positive-time-oreinted region of what we perceive of as the physical phenomena of our set of parallel universes, as well as the majorized main hoop that inter-connects the two main world-tube of the Overall negative-time-oriented region of what we perceive of as the physical phenomena of our universe, work to bear a conformal dimensionality that is trivially assymetric -- in terms of the topological outer surface area of the just mentioned world-tubes.  This is because the said world-tubes that I have mentioned do not, and, can not, neither fold nor homotopically bend to any significant extent from their usual state of Laplacian format.  This just mentioned condition of superconformal invariance is due to their shape, function, and operation.  Also, the just mentioned condition of superconformal invariance is due too to the condition that the said main world-tubes that most relate to forming a place for the Fourier-related activity of positive-time-oriented superstrings are shaped like the said main world-tubes that most relate to forming a place for the Fourier-related activity of negative-time-oriented superstrings.  Both dual sets of main world-tubes that relate to the same set of parallel universes have both a holonomic substrate and encodement that inter-relates to phenomena that exists in all of the layers of reality that exist in each of the dual main world-tubes, taken as individual pairs.  Also, since the "annulus" that binds both main world-tubes of the positive-time-oriented superstrings is so large, that it amounts to a doubled-up main world-tube that barely, in a Laplacin-like manner, curves in a hermitian-like manner inward toward the relative center of the cross-sectional delineation of any given arbitrary slice of extrapolation of the topological Laplacian mapping of any said cross-sectional determination of any snapshot of the inter-binding that exists between the two mentioned main world-tubes.  Likewise, the corresponding "annulus" that binds both of the main world-tubes of the negative-time-oriented superstrings bears a Laplacin-based codifferentiable condition that behaves in the same general described manner as I have just discussed as appertaining to the inter-connectivity of the main world-tubes that correspond to the directly corelative positive-time-oriented superstrings.  Such is also the general Laplacian-based manner of the general mapping of the main world-tubes of all three sets of parallel universes, when taken individually in a respective determination.  So, the general Laplacian-based mapping of an individual set of main world-tubes for the positive-time-oriented superstrings of one given set of parallel universes is shaped like that of its directly corresponding main world-tubes that are directly related to negative-time-oriented superstrings, except that the mapping is, in a manner that I will later describe when I have the time,  assymetric in a way that is similar but different to a tense of trivial assymetry.  I will explain what I meant by that more in my next post.
Gotta Run!
Samuel David Roach.

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