Monday, October 15, 2012

A Little Bit Of Extra About Point Particles

First-Ordered-Point particles, of which may be considered as nodes of relatively compactified condensed oscillation, are comprised of mini-string that is consolidated into fairly spherical configurations that interconnect -- in the case of those said point particles that comprise superstrings -- to form the holonomic delineations that work to form the corresponding superstrings that I just mentioned.  First-Ordered-Point-Particles also work to form the norm-states that act as either: the basis of norm-projections that operate as a phenomena that either forms or breaks down ghost anomalies, the basis of norm-projections that operate in so as to either cause or end certain Yakawa Couplings, or, these work to act as point commutators that act as a guidance operator that helps in the called for format of the motion of superstrings, so that corresponding superstrings may be fascillitated to move through Ultimon Flow to the next redistributions that are necessary for the needed redelineations of the said superstrings.  Yet, all of material stratum is mostly Fock instead of directly first-ordered superstrings.  The condensed oscillations of superstrings, when one considers the compactified condition of the directly corresponding compactified mini-string that works to form the corresponding first-ordered-point-particles, bears a conicenter whose relative Laplacian placement -- given the same Lagrangian-basis of mapping polarization -- varies as to where such a center of the related coniaxial is distributed.  This is because the condition of the distribution of the compactification of any given arbitrary superstring is just about always going to vary, since the manner in which the related compacifications are contoured in a topological tense will always bear topological sways that tend to bear a sub-topological tensoric surface area arrangement that will not be perfectly based on a flush spherical compactification basis.  The central volume of the mentioned nodes, and the "wave" portion that may be refferenced as the De Broglie basis to the corresponding pointal phenomena that are here the said first-ordered-point-particles, are mini-string segments that are basically never completely compacified in terms of the tautness of the directly related condensed oscillation that comprises any said first-ordered-point-particle.  The locus of the related condensed oscillation of superstrings is smaller, in terms of the Hodge Volume of the mini-string that comprises first-ordered-point-particles, for said nodes, when these are undergoing the Imaginary Time duration of Ultimon Flow than when the said superstrings are undergoing instanton.  This is due to the condition of the ebbing of mini-string that happens to those point-particles that most directly integrate to form superstrings that must happen in order for condensed oscillation to be able to exchange and interchange the holonomic phenomena of its topological substrate in order for superstrings to codifferentiate with other superstrings over any prolonged Fourier Transformation.  The said nodes then re-obtain the appropriate fractal modulae by the ensuing instantons via the ebbing back, in an indistinguishably different manner, of that condensed oscillation that works to make the appropriate tenses of those first-ordered-point-particles that work to integrate physically to form the redelineation of the correspnding superstrings.  The resultant re-compactification works to refill the related nodes, via their conicenters, in such a manner in so that the Laplacin placement -- given the same Lagrangian-basis of mapping polarization -- works to help organize both the future operations of the said superstrings, the condition of the vibrations of the corresponding superstrings, as well as working to help determing the conditions that lead to the potentail orientation, or, lack of orientation, of the corresponding superstrings.  As the superstrings recycle via the recycling of the indistinguishable differences in the holonomic substrate of those condensed oscillations that work to form those point particles that most directly form the related superstrings, there is always some ebbing to and fro that works to pull in and pull out mini-string segments so that mini-string, or, so that substringular fields, may be able to interact so that superstrings may interact.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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