Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Glossary For Courses 19 and 20 (A Preview)

1)  Unoriented superstrings -- A superstring that is not oriented to its substringular counterpart during instanton.

2)  Black-Hole -- The result of a collapsed star that sucks things in, and also, even light tends to not be able to escape it, even though such a phenomenon may be detered.  Black-Holes are interiarly completely Kaluza-Klein, in terms of the light-cone-gauge topology that these convert the ingoing phenomena into.

3)  Worm-Hole -- A region of folding space that is 12-dimensional, and, it bears a hope that is a corallary to the dangers of a black-hole.  Worm-Holes interiarly have a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology, in terms of the light-cone-gauge topology that these convert the ingoing phenomena into (while the interior phenomena are in the worm-hole).  Phenomena that are about to enter, or, had just left a worm-hole, may have either a Kaluza-Klein or a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.

4)  Norm-Gaussian -- Gaussian form that forms a norm placement of singularization.

5)  Imaginary Gaussian -- Gaussian form that forms an imaginary norm placement of singularities.

6)  Imaginary Norm -- When some phenomenon is norm, yet off, of the given relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

7)  Norm placement of singularization -- A norm condition positioning that works to inter-relate phenomena, that, on account of their corelative wobbling, associates the delineation and the Fourier-Based codifferentiation of  superstrings and their corresponding Planck-Based phenomena with the same universe.

 8)  Imaginary norm placement singularization -- A norm condition positioning that works to inter-relate phenomena, that, on account of their corelative wobbling, associates the delineation and the Fourier-Based codifferentiation of superstrings and their corresponding Planck-Based phenomena with differenta universes.

Gaussian Conditions -- The association of phenomena with a particular space.

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