Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Some More Additional Knowledge As To The Space-Hole

Ultimon Flow happens, in part, via the operand of the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric.  This is in terms of the inter-related forward and backward moving time -- that may be denoted in the globally distinguishable via the extrapolated motion of superstrings via their respective Fourier Transformations.  The relatively norm-to-holomorphic half of the Ultimon -- when such a localization of parameters considers this to be the general region in which time is depicted to move in the forward-time delineation --  moves counterclockwise, while, the corresponding norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the Ultimon is the general region in which time is depicted to move in the backward-time delineation.  (Normal, or, forward-moving time delieation, moves in such a manner so as to work at bringing reality toward what I deam of as a metaphyisical region.  The directly prior statement is one of part of my general philosophy.)  The cycling of the substringular itself has mini-string that is pulled from its corresponding respective nodes in order that the related segments may be shared so as to help change the Laplacian conditions of the related point commutators to gradually recycle into superstrings over a relatively large sequential series of instantons.  The superstrings that reiterate, that are of the conicentral substringular encoders, are, per instanton, involving the condensed oscillation from within the respective first-ordered-point-particles that comprise the corresponding superstrings that are indistinguishably different from those that existed at the same general location in each individual preceeding instanton.  This is given a general tense of Noether Flow.  Such a general type of concept is also true in terms of other superstrings, due to the condition that condensed oscillation is gradually, yet continuously, being recycled in the substringular in order to fascillitate with the continued differential exchange of norm-conditions.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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