Friday, October 5, 2012

A Continuation of More Knowledge As To The Space-Hole

When it comes to the recycling of substringular condensed oscillation, one cycle of the mentioned recycling works to give all of the superstrings of the directly related tori-sector-range a chance to be a substrate of a "center-state", even though such mentioned tori-sector-ranges are constantly perturbating and permutating into both distinguishably -- in some regions -- and indistinguishably -- in other ranges -- forms and formats.  The directly prior condition is a general concept as to the kinematic evolving of the substringular, when in consideraion of all of the loci that exist in each individual layer of reality in each multiplicitly considered parallel universe in the substringular.  So, in a very real sense, the format of the substringular in each tori-sector-range is always in flux -- in terms of both overt and discrete Fourier Transformations.  Or, in other words, all of the phenomena of the substrings of each tori-sector-range becomes recycled as a relative holonomic operand of the kinematic Fourier differentiation of the motion of that generalized entitiy of a central substringular encoder that moves in such a fashion so as to allow for that motion of its corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, so that the motion of discrete phenomena may happen -- so that energy may be both continuous, spontaneous, and covariantly interactive with the other substringular phenomena that codifferentiates on account of the freeing up of room that is due to the corresponding Gaussian Transformations.  Gaussian Transformations have a root cause by the activity of the Higgs-Landau-Action.
(The Higgs "Boson" is  the "question" that forms the universe as an "answer.")  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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