Friday, October 26, 2012

A Little More As To The Previous

So, to begin where I had left from before, yet, when one considers the motion of the main world-tubes that most directly relates to the motion of backward-moving-time, the world-tubes when taken individually face in the opposite direction as to their respective corresponding main world-tubes that relate most directly to forward-moving-time.  Backward-Moving-Time-Relating-Main-World-Tubes act as a buffer operand of a holonomic region that is used so as to adjust not only all of the time potentials of all of the instantons of one iteration of Tau to simultaneously exist in a covariantly granular codifferentiable manner, yet, it also acts as such a buffer operand region in so that it works to adjust the inter-placement of MRC's (Major-Reality-Changes) in so that 1 10,000th of the past and future inevitable states of each of the universes of one set of parallel universes that may change in a non-obtrusive enough manner as each layer of reality is multiplicitly, yet gradually, integrated in a manner that moves in the Fourier-Based Gaussian redelineation that involves the lowest euler re-cooridination of optimum hermicity -- the path of least resistance.  The less re-vamping of norm-conditioned hyperbollic tensorism that is involved in the changes of those norm-conditions that allow for the continued interactive kinematic codifferentiation of the various superstrings that move around the Ultimon over time, and, the more smooth that the corresponding changes in norm-conditions happen in any given arena of superstrings that involves an arbitrary locus that one may pick in a particular scenario over time, the less effort that it takes for the prior desired activities to be able to happen so that energy may persist.  Forward-Moving-Time main-world-tubes are the only ones that are used when superstrings are not going thru a tachyoninc phase, yet, backward-moving-time-related -main-world-tubes bear the same general size and shape as their corresponding forward-moving-time-related-main-world-tubes.  One is only cognitive of what one would call an organized state of a universe in the stated forward-moving-time.  So, as our linear time moves forward, the reconditioning of the changes in history are gradually revamped upon all of the universes of one set of parallel universes, and this happens for all three sets of parallel universes -- as well as happening in all of the activitated layers of reality of each of the just stated universes.  The layer of reality that is always predominant is the layer of reality that was most previously, in any given arbitrary case, activated.  Unless Tau reiterates, the discreteness of what is, in the existant scenario, the overall reality, is, in a sense, unitized.  I will continue later!  Sincerly, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Some Knowledge About World-Tubes

One may think, what characteristics of a given arbitrary tori-sector-range makes the said range able to aquaint it with a specific universe?  Here is the start of a viable explaination:  The majorized hoops that inter-connect the two main world-tubes of the Overall positive-time-oreinted region of what we perceive of as the physical phenomena of our set of parallel universes, as well as the majorized main hoop that inter-connects the two main world-tube of the Overall negative-time-oriented region of what we perceive of as the physical phenomena of our universe, work to bear a conformal dimensionality that is trivially assymetric -- in terms of the topological outer surface area of the just mentioned world-tubes.  This is because the said world-tubes that I have mentioned do not, and, can not, neither fold nor homotopically bend to any significant extent from their usual state of Laplacian format.  This just mentioned condition of superconformal invariance is due to their shape, function, and operation.  Also, the just mentioned condition of superconformal invariance is due too to the condition that the said main world-tubes that most relate to forming a place for the Fourier-related activity of positive-time-oriented superstrings are shaped like the said main world-tubes that most relate to forming a place for the Fourier-related activity of negative-time-oriented superstrings.  Both dual sets of main world-tubes that relate to the same set of parallel universes have both a holonomic substrate and encodement that inter-relates to phenomena that exists in all of the layers of reality that exist in each of the dual main world-tubes, taken as individual pairs.  Also, since the "annulus" that binds both main world-tubes of the positive-time-oriented superstrings is so large, that it amounts to a doubled-up main world-tube that barely, in a Laplacin-like manner, curves in a hermitian-like manner inward toward the relative center of the cross-sectional delineation of any given arbitrary slice of extrapolation of the topological Laplacian mapping of any said cross-sectional determination of any snapshot of the inter-binding that exists between the two mentioned main world-tubes.  Likewise, the corresponding "annulus" that binds both of the main world-tubes of the negative-time-oriented superstrings bears a Laplacin-based codifferentiable condition that behaves in the same general described manner as I have just discussed as appertaining to the inter-connectivity of the main world-tubes that correspond to the directly corelative positive-time-oriented superstrings.  Such is also the general Laplacian-based manner of the general mapping of the main world-tubes of all three sets of parallel universes, when taken individually in a respective determination.  So, the general Laplacian-based mapping of an individual set of main world-tubes for the positive-time-oriented superstrings of one given set of parallel universes is shaped like that of its directly corresponding main world-tubes that are directly related to negative-time-oriented superstrings, except that the mapping is, in a manner that I will later describe when I have the time,  assymetric in a way that is similar but different to a tense of trivial assymetry.  I will explain what I meant by that more in my next post.
Gotta Run!
Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Next Part Of The Prior Derivation

A superstring that is one-dimensional has a much greater length than its width, and, a one-dimensional superstring has a much greater length than its thickness.
A two-dimensional superstring bears much more of a circumference than the thickness of its Gliossi-based topology, and, a two-dimensional superstring bears much more of a circumference than the width of its Glioss-based topology.  So, the multiplicative factors between the elluded to scalars that work to show the directly prior mentioned large difference is limited, yet, one may, for all practicle purposes, call such a multiplicative-based scalar superlative basically "infinite."
When a one-dimensional superstring goes through what I call The Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue-type of activity during BRST, the corresponding superstringular counterpart, as it initially wobbles to a small degree in the forward holomorphic direction -- in so as to pull along, in a sense, its corresponding superstring, the relatively "frontal" portion of the topology of the superstring and its counterpart sway its relative bottom end inward, while the said superstringular main operators mentioned sways its relative top end outward (toward the theoretical observer, if the foward holomorphic direction is considered in the relative right-moving direction).  As the substringular mechanism moves back in its sway to the relative right, the just mentioned sway of its relative frontal topological vantage-locus works to sway in the opposite relative tensor of holomorphicity.
Gotta Go!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Work Toward The Derivation Of The Imaginary Exchange Or Real Residue

Let us consider, as a point that I elluded to before, that all positive Imaginary Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all negative Real Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the square of the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the square of the scalars that exist within the limt of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all negative Imaginary Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the cube of the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the scalars that exist within the limit of the variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all positive Real Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the fourth power taken to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the fourth power taken to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).
So, let us now consider the wobble of one Planck-Related phenomenon relative to the wobble of a directly adjacent Planck-Related phenomenon that is of the same universe.
Such a wobble is by 1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  The inverse of this nuber is 9.05193739*10^(80)/(I degrees).
The natural log of 9.05193739*10^(80) is 186.4097863.
186.4097863/(the square root of a negative 1 degrees) means that one has two singularities that coexist and codifferentiate in a Laplacian manner as may be shown in the following:
(1-(e(186.4097863)/infinity)) relative to the simulataneous "steps taken forward, let sleep- walking back again" (-1+(e(186.4097863)/infinity)) states that act as trivially isomorphic relatively indiscrete numbers that coexist as one general phenomena.
Please do not "jump" to conclusions.  I will continue with a fuller explaination when I have time.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why Planck-Related Phenomena Wobble

The Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue happens during BRST in order to fascillitate the activity that inter-relates to the light-cone-gauge to be able to spring substringular phenomena into the Njenhuis part of Ultimon Flow.  When a superstring and its corresponding substringular counterpart ebb back-and-forth during the mentioned Exchange, the topological sway of the said superstring and its counterpart bears a wobble that is Njenhuis to both the norm-to-holomorphic while back to the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction of the said ebbing.  The elluded to Lagrangian in which the mentioned substringular phenomena bear the said topological sway first angles the bottom of the superstring and its counterpart in a cross-product manner, while then reversing the mode of such a wobble.  Such a wobble is by 1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  This works to cause Plack-Related phenomena of the same universe -- that are adjacent -- to codifferentiably wobble by the same angle, relative to each other.  I will continue with more of an explaination as to this later!
Samuel David Roach.

A Glossary For Courses 19 and 20 (A Preview)

1)  Unoriented superstrings -- A superstring that is not oriented to its substringular counterpart during instanton.

2)  Black-Hole -- The result of a collapsed star that sucks things in, and also, even light tends to not be able to escape it, even though such a phenomenon may be detered.  Black-Holes are interiarly completely Kaluza-Klein, in terms of the light-cone-gauge topology that these convert the ingoing phenomena into.

3)  Worm-Hole -- A region of folding space that is 12-dimensional, and, it bears a hope that is a corallary to the dangers of a black-hole.  Worm-Holes interiarly have a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology, in terms of the light-cone-gauge topology that these convert the ingoing phenomena into (while the interior phenomena are in the worm-hole).  Phenomena that are about to enter, or, had just left a worm-hole, may have either a Kaluza-Klein or a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.

4)  Norm-Gaussian -- Gaussian form that forms a norm placement of singularization.

5)  Imaginary Gaussian -- Gaussian form that forms an imaginary norm placement of singularities.

6)  Imaginary Norm -- When some phenomenon is norm, yet off, of the given relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

7)  Norm placement of singularization -- A norm condition positioning that works to inter-relate phenomena, that, on account of their corelative wobbling, associates the delineation and the Fourier-Based codifferentiation of  superstrings and their corresponding Planck-Based phenomena with the same universe.

 8)  Imaginary norm placement singularization -- A norm condition positioning that works to inter-relate phenomena, that, on account of their corelative wobbling, associates the delineation and the Fourier-Based codifferentiation of superstrings and their corresponding Planck-Based phenomena with differenta universes.

Gaussian Conditions -- The association of phenomena with a particular space.

An Idea About Force, Presented A Different Way

Force may be viewed of as the kinematic effect of the multiplicit directoralized combination of the abelian/non-abelian/partially abelian-based import of the motion of the integration of the respective individual Chi-based structures of the corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces -- in respect to their corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, in such a manner that the vibration of the corresponding mini-traces works to relate superstrings to the corresponding universes that these belong to.  This is, to where, the sequential series of the discrete energy impedance indices that are related to the said Traces, here, work to integrate in such a manner in so as to allow for a field trajectory of the corresponding discrete energy permittivity that exists in the relatively holomorphic direction relative to the said Traces.  This happens in such a manner, via the springing action of the Imaginary Exchange of Real Reimmanian Residue that occurs during BRST, this of which works to indirectly cause the Njenhuis part of Ultimon Flow, so that energy may be able to oscillate enough to remain as energy, period.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Little Bit Of Extra About Point Particles

First-Ordered-Point particles, of which may be considered as nodes of relatively compactified condensed oscillation, are comprised of mini-string that is consolidated into fairly spherical configurations that interconnect -- in the case of those said point particles that comprise superstrings -- to form the holonomic delineations that work to form the corresponding superstrings that I just mentioned.  First-Ordered-Point-Particles also work to form the norm-states that act as either: the basis of norm-projections that operate as a phenomena that either forms or breaks down ghost anomalies, the basis of norm-projections that operate in so as to either cause or end certain Yakawa Couplings, or, these work to act as point commutators that act as a guidance operator that helps in the called for format of the motion of superstrings, so that corresponding superstrings may be fascillitated to move through Ultimon Flow to the next redistributions that are necessary for the needed redelineations of the said superstrings.  Yet, all of material stratum is mostly Fock instead of directly first-ordered superstrings.  The condensed oscillations of superstrings, when one considers the compactified condition of the directly corresponding compactified mini-string that works to form the corresponding first-ordered-point-particles, bears a conicenter whose relative Laplacian placement -- given the same Lagrangian-basis of mapping polarization -- varies as to where such a center of the related coniaxial is distributed.  This is because the condition of the distribution of the compactification of any given arbitrary superstring is just about always going to vary, since the manner in which the related compacifications are contoured in a topological tense will always bear topological sways that tend to bear a sub-topological tensoric surface area arrangement that will not be perfectly based on a flush spherical compactification basis.  The central volume of the mentioned nodes, and the "wave" portion that may be refferenced as the De Broglie basis to the corresponding pointal phenomena that are here the said first-ordered-point-particles, are mini-string segments that are basically never completely compacified in terms of the tautness of the directly related condensed oscillation that comprises any said first-ordered-point-particle.  The locus of the related condensed oscillation of superstrings is smaller, in terms of the Hodge Volume of the mini-string that comprises first-ordered-point-particles, for said nodes, when these are undergoing the Imaginary Time duration of Ultimon Flow than when the said superstrings are undergoing instanton.  This is due to the condition of the ebbing of mini-string that happens to those point-particles that most directly integrate to form superstrings that must happen in order for condensed oscillation to be able to exchange and interchange the holonomic phenomena of its topological substrate in order for superstrings to codifferentiate with other superstrings over any prolonged Fourier Transformation.  The said nodes then re-obtain the appropriate fractal modulae by the ensuing instantons via the ebbing back, in an indistinguishably different manner, of that condensed oscillation that works to make the appropriate tenses of those first-ordered-point-particles that work to integrate physically to form the redelineation of the correspnding superstrings.  The resultant re-compactification works to refill the related nodes, via their conicenters, in such a manner in so that the Laplacin placement -- given the same Lagrangian-basis of mapping polarization -- works to help organize both the future operations of the said superstrings, the condition of the vibrations of the corresponding superstrings, as well as working to help determing the conditions that lead to the potentail orientation, or, lack of orientation, of the corresponding superstrings.  As the superstrings recycle via the recycling of the indistinguishable differences in the holonomic substrate of those condensed oscillations that work to form those point particles that most directly form the related superstrings, there is always some ebbing to and fro that works to pull in and pull out mini-string segments so that mini-string, or, so that substringular fields, may be able to interact so that superstrings may interact.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Tad Bit More Clarification Of Course 5

From where I left from last time, superstrings are "reformed" through the reiterations that work to define the integration of the frets of those Laplacian conditions that form the distributions and the resultant Fourier generation of those redlineations of where superstrings go from one Laplacian-based locus to another.  Such reformations are distributed at opposite Overall-Popov-Ghost-Trace Chi-related ends ends, and, the corresponding point particles that are here directly related are formed along the central Overall-Popov-Ghost-Trace figure-eight-structured entity.  There is a residue of mini-string, and, mini-string are strands of interconnected second-ordered point particles that act as the waves that form both the condensed oscillation that forms first-ordered point particles, the waves that interbind superstrings, and also, the fields that work to inter-relate substringular phenomena.  The mentioned residue of mini-string is brought from the Royal Arc to work toward the operation of Grassman relationship that exists in-between the corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their counterparts.  The mentioned mini-string segments are interconnected with the corresponding substrates of the Bases of Light that fold in an effort to form the mini-traces that work to allow for the relationship that exists in-between the multiplicit operators of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Ghost-Traces.  The superstrings -- that are indistinguishably different due to the related recycling of their condensed oscillation -- work to tie up in an effort to complete their pertinant topological consistancy, and, this is the result of an altered inclination toward a perturbation of what codifferentiates most directly with what over a successive Fourier Transformation.  The untying that I elluded to is performed during the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse -- that happens right before instanton.  This happens that way because of the initial void that attempts to happen when superstrings are in relatively such a state of relaxation from the prior impulse mode until the end of the Regge Action.  As the countering of the holonomic Laplacian condition of the counterparts of Real Reimmanian spaces virtually attempts to unfurl the fractal of pressurized vacuum that works to interbind third-ordered point particles, the surrounding reverberatorial pressure works to retie the virtually attempted said "unfurling."  The nodes that exist due to such a reverberatorial pressure work to pull the mini-string that exists during the elluded to sub-Fourier activity, causing the impulse mode that I reffered to -- that moves phenomena indirectly into the condition of the next succeeding duration of instanton. Sincerely, Sam.  The suspense will soon be answered.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The New Stough About The Space-Hole

To move on from where I left from last time, one major world-tube of such an action, along the homotopical mapping of one tori-sector-range, is a quantum of one either forward or backward moving time-basis, respectively, of roughly one-half of the globally distinguishable phenomena that exist for one set of parallel universes.  This is since an individual set of universes has four of such major world-tubes -- each world-tube as such has incorporated into it at least a little bit of each layer of reality that exists for the layers of reality that exist in the set of parallel universes that correspond to each of the world-tubes that I elluded to.  Each tori-sector-range directly corresponds to a layer of reality that bears a definitive physical reality.  The respective tori-sector-ranges, per conicentrally synchronous iteration of instanton, are localized along the exterior of the general Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric.  The recycling of the condensed oscillation that works to comprise the mini-string that forms the holonomic entity of the fields of superstrings works to recycle the related superstrings of all four world-tubes that appertain to one set of parallel universes.  The same is also respectively true for all three sets of parallel universes.  Superstrings are reformed via the indistinguishable alteration as to what specifically is the very same segmental holonomic entity of mini-string that is utilized to form both substringular fields, norm-states, first-ordered point particles, as well as superstrings -- and superstrings are comprised of point particles that are, in tact, comprised of mini-string that organized as a phenomena of the mentioned condensed oscillation.  I have a lot more to mention about this!  I will continue with the suspense later.
Have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Next Additional Post As To The Space-Hole

Under the conditions appertaining to the space-hole that I described at the end of my last post, the here temporary ellongated Laplacian state of the space-hole eigenstate that I was mentioning then acts as a fractal of a pressurized vacuum that exists in-between the overt substringular substringular entities and their counterparts in such a manner that the corresponding overt superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and the overt point commutators -- that here directly associate with the just mentioned strings i -- nteract in a Yakawa manner with their counterparts via the mini-string segments that act as a binding field -- that is Gliossi to both the mentioned overt phenomena and their corresponding counterparts.  This binding allows for what is known as the condition of the substringular per iteration of discrete energy to be at a virtual standstill during a most crucial general type of metric that is known of as an instanton.  The Laplacian-based mapping transition from substringular iteration into the placement of a conicentral-based substringular encoder format -- that directly corresponds with the related superstrings and the other pertinant substringular phenomena that works to code for a specific layer of reality -- interacts with the light-cone-gauge in such a manner that motion may subsequently happen that allows for Ultimon Flow to interact in enough of a synchronous manner so that each succeeding instanton integrates metric-wise to form the sequential series of iterations that forms that motion of distributed and redistributed phenomena that we know of as time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sinereley, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Next Part As To Stringular Encoders

Superstrings of the same universe are interconnected with the same general Planck-phenomena-basis of wobble, when in consideration of their codifferentiating covariant norm-conditions -- when this is considered over any given arbitrary viable Laplacian condition that involves a given arbitrary locus during instanton.  Such norm-conditions involve the most directly involved first-ordered point commutators, to where the said point commutators, of which exist as norm-states, are either zero-norm-states, Campbell-norm-states, Hausendorf-norm-states or, Campbell-Hausendorf-norm-states.  Stringular counterparts are interconnected with point particle counterparts that exist in the respective general locus of those point commutators that exist. as most directly interconnected with the directly prior mentioned stringular counterparts.  Stringular counterparts, during instanton, and when orientable with their corresponding superstrings, always exist in the forward-holomorphic directoralization -- when taken relative to the positioning of the corresponding superstrings.  Point commutators that are of positive-norm-states bear counterparts that tend to exist in the forward-holomorphic directoraliztation of the relative positioning of their corresponding point commutators.  Point commutators that are of negative-norm-states bear counterparts that tend to exist in the reverse-holomorphic directoralization of the relative positioning of their corresponding point commutators.  The relative positioning of the counterparts of zero-norm-state counterparts varies in the holomorphic directoralization-based-format as to where these are positioned, during instanton, reltative to their corresponding zero-norm-states.  This Laplacian generalization of tendancy is a condtion that works at tending to happen during instanton.  I will leave this short yet brief for now.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sinererly, Samuel David Roach.

The Next Part Of The Prior As To Encoders and the Space-Hole

The relatively central substringular encoder that acts as an operator of the recycling of the condensed oscillation of the mini-string that acts as the holonomic substance of the field entity of superstrings, recycles their condensed oscillation over a sequential series of instantons back into relatively loose nodes that -- over a more prolonged duration of a relatively divergent Fourier Transformaton -- provides condensed oscillaton that is transposed into the holonomic substrate of point commuators.  Yet, the interconnection of the topology of the substringular, via a maintained homotopy, is caused by the interconnection of the mentioned mini-string that exists among unfrayed phenomena -- that is caused to spontaneously remain as unfrayed due to Cassimer Invariance.  Certain masses that are directly codifferentiable with point commutators via both their Laplacian norm-interactions and their Fourier kinematic interactions -- that interplay over a sequential series of instantons -- is brought into play due to the redisplacements and the redelineations of mini-string indices that alter in both position and operation, in part, by both the encodement that is due to the substringular encoders, as well as by the encodement that is due to the Laplacian and the tightly-knit Fourier-based codifferentiations that exist during each general respective mapping and duration that exists over the course of activities that happen during what I call the "space-hole". And, the "space-hole" happens during the majorization of the Bases of Light that happens right before the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse.  Certain mass-related interactions that involve point commutators can have counterparts that have a space-hole reltaionship that behaves as before, except that the perturbations in the Ricci Scalar that often happen spontaneously work to both redistribute and redelineate the theoretical effects of the operational encodements that would other-wise take into effect due to the elluded to pretextual bases.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincererly, Samuel David Roach.  Think of it this way.  "Huddle!  Break!", along with a gameplan, in sports, also needs to take into effect the things that happen due to the actual ensuing plays. The Ricci Scalar is the amplitudinal basis of gravity.  The Rarita Structure is the operational substrate that allows gravity to happen.  The activity of the directly prior works to effect the motion of those superstrings that are directly pushed and pulled by those phenomena.  This is, although, gravity is a relatively "weak" force.

A Continuation of More Knowledge As To The Space-Hole

When it comes to the recycling of substringular condensed oscillation, one cycle of the mentioned recycling works to give all of the superstrings of the directly related tori-sector-range a chance to be a substrate of a "center-state", even though such mentioned tori-sector-ranges are constantly perturbating and permutating into both distinguishably -- in some regions -- and indistinguishably -- in other ranges -- forms and formats.  The directly prior condition is a general concept as to the kinematic evolving of the substringular, when in consideraion of all of the loci that exist in each individual layer of reality in each multiplicitly considered parallel universe in the substringular.  So, in a very real sense, the format of the substringular in each tori-sector-range is always in flux -- in terms of both overt and discrete Fourier Transformations.  Or, in other words, all of the phenomena of the substrings of each tori-sector-range becomes recycled as a relative holonomic operand of the kinematic Fourier differentiation of the motion of that generalized entitiy of a central substringular encoder that moves in such a fashion so as to allow for that motion of its corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, so that the motion of discrete phenomena may happen -- so that energy may be both continuous, spontaneous, and covariantly interactive with the other substringular phenomena that codifferentiates on account of the freeing up of room that is due to the corresponding Gaussian Transformations.  Gaussian Transformations have a root cause by the activity of the Higgs-Landau-Action.
(The Higgs "Boson" is  the "question" that forms the universe as an "answer.")  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Some More Additional Knowledge As To The Space-Hole

Ultimon Flow happens, in part, via the operand of the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric.  This is in terms of the inter-related forward and backward moving time -- that may be denoted in the globally distinguishable via the extrapolated motion of superstrings via their respective Fourier Transformations.  The relatively norm-to-holomorphic half of the Ultimon -- when such a localization of parameters considers this to be the general region in which time is depicted to move in the forward-time delineation --  moves counterclockwise, while, the corresponding norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the Ultimon is the general region in which time is depicted to move in the backward-time delineation.  (Normal, or, forward-moving time delieation, moves in such a manner so as to work at bringing reality toward what I deam of as a metaphyisical region.  The directly prior statement is one of part of my general philosophy.)  The cycling of the substringular itself has mini-string that is pulled from its corresponding respective nodes in order that the related segments may be shared so as to help change the Laplacian conditions of the related point commutators to gradually recycle into superstrings over a relatively large sequential series of instantons.  The superstrings that reiterate, that are of the conicentral substringular encoders, are, per instanton, involving the condensed oscillation from within the respective first-ordered-point-particles that comprise the corresponding superstrings that are indistinguishably different from those that existed at the same general location in each individual preceeding instanton.  This is given a general tense of Noether Flow.  Such a general type of concept is also true in terms of other superstrings, due to the condition that condensed oscillation is gradually, yet continuously, being recycled in the substringular in order to fascillitate with the continued differential exchange of norm-conditions.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Part Two As To A Clarification of Courses 2 and 4

The idea where I left off during my last blog post, the general gist of it, is that every system must go through a succession of stress and relaxation.  The conicentral substring that is being related here has many globally distinguishable superstrings that are directly related to it in terms of the directly associated Laplacian Ward conditions that exist during any given arbitrary instanton in which one may extrapolate the mapping of the corresponding  superstrings.  The substrates of the given basis of light works to fold into  mini-traces that are here tied to each globally distinguishable superstring.  The flow that one may be able to determine from the subsequent Fourier-based activity involves a looping throughout the general operand of the Ultimon.

A Little Addendum To Courses 2 and 4

Between healthy superstrings, there is no breakage of topology during instanton.  Yet, there is a temporary one (breakage) in-between the strings and there counterparts during the "space-hole."  As the strings mentioned and there counterparts attempt to unfurl from each other, the vacuumed pressure of the ellongated hole that exists in-between them pulls the loose ends of each of these in towards each other in order to re-establish the appropriate tying that works to form a stable homotopy.  After this tying, the interaction of the string-and-counterpart connections, and, the string-to-string connections, works to pull the nodes of both the strings and their counterparts out of the vibrating strands and the vibrating hoops that they were in in a fashion that is temporarily disorganized enough to allow for the start of the appropriate differential recycling.  The result, indirectly, of which is light.  The points in-between the strings alter in compactification enough to allow for a substring to form at the center-state of the related tori-sector-range.  The former surrounding strings get their condensed oscillation in their center in such a manner that the directly related mini-string segments are relaxed, in the process, as some of their nodal-based phenomena is shared in the surrounding area of the corresponding pulled in nodes.

Monday, October 1, 2012

More As To The Operation Of The Space-Hole

The space-hole is the activity that happens during the majorization of the Bases of Light -- right before the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse -- when the substringular encoder is temporarily disconnected with its directly corresponding counterstrings.  The said superstrings get close to their counterstrings, causing the mini-string that work to attach these to temporarily disconnect at the region that lies in-between these said stringular phenomena.  The strings then are pulled a little closer to each other immediately afterward due to a fractal of a pressurized vacuum.  The directly corresponding mini-string segments that exist under the mini-string segments that had worked to disconnect them now act as a substrate that the disconnected mini-string bounces off of.  The disconnected superstrings are then caused to bounce "up" and retie at a position higher than these were originally relatively tended to connect at.  The leverage of the arc of these sueprstrings is what works to cause them to push the counterstrings relatively inward toward the center state of the tori-sector-region after the space-hole.  (Once the mini-string segments are re-connected.)  This motion that I just described here tugs at the encoder strings described here so as to pull the strings and their corresponding counterstrings into the center state of the mentioned tori-sector-regon.  At the center state of the said tori-sector-region, the string and the said counterstring iterate there -- during instanton -- for 10^(-43) second.  The encoder string and its counterstring, directly before, mold with 5,000 template encoder strings and 5,000 counterstrings.  The Planck phenomena after the said molding are always directly attached to the active encoder string and the active counter-encoder string at instanton.  The molding that I just described is the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse, and, such a pulse is what happens in-between the "space-hole" and instanton.  At the space-hole, the overall Basis of Light is formed, and, by instanton, the related Planck phenomena are retied into mini-Basis of Light.  This is true for all four quaternions.  The formation of the overall Basis of Light is formed during the looping of the Ultimon before an individual instanton.  For the Umptillionth time, mass is TRANSLATED faster than light often enough (but not usually), yet, while it is tachyonic, it is not actually mass.  Mass that is TRANSLATED  faster than light has its light-cone-gauge topology temporarily converted from Kaluza-Klein to Yang-Mills!!! 
This is because one can not have an infinite fractal modulae.  Sincerley, Sam Roach.

A Little More As To Common "Wobble"

When a black-hole forms, the directly associated Planck phenomena that initially enter the said black-hole belong to the universe that inolve those Planck phenomena that are normal to the frayed stringular topology by a wobble of 1.104735878*(-81)Idegrees.  Next, Planck phenomena enter the said black-hole that are normal to the frayed superstrings related Planck phenomena that are normal when in consideration of a relative wobble that exists within a factor of 9.1*10^6* the most discrete adjacent-based covariant wobble that exists among two arbitrary given Planck phenomena that are of the same universe.  Next, the tendancy is toward the motion in the direction of Planck phenomena to enter the mentioned black-hole that are off of normalcy -- in terms of adjacent covariant wobble -- by up to 91*10^81.  (Black-Holes are to never get to that point of potential danger, if one may be able to ward them off by then.)  While some of our universe is being eaten up by any given arbitrary black-hole that has existed for any noticable period of time-based duration, some parts of paralllel universes are eaten up by black-holes as well.  A black-hole is elliminated when the whole black-hole sector is filled in a manner that I will not describe.  Black-Hole sectors "try" to eat up the universe.  That is why these are unwanted.  Black-Holes fray substringular material.  Black-Holes are formed by accumulative dilation build-up that interacts with normal substringlar Fourier-based differentiation.  Dilatons are the massless set quantum of gravitational-based angular momentum energy.  Excessive dilaon accumulation exists after a star has collapsed.  Dilatons accumulate when ghost anomalies are not efficiently annhilated by negative-norm-states.   When two-dimensional superstrings have anharmonically differentiated in a Fourier-based manner too much in a relatively limited region, the corresponding negative-norm-states do not have the adequate opportunity to orphoganate the related norm-conditions that are formed by the related positive-norm-states.  Masses that exist for a relatively long time tend to undergo more entropy.  Entropy produces annharmonics of the corresponding substringular fabric.  Annharmonic stringular Fourier-based differentiation produces multiple zero-norm ghost states, since the zero-norm states cannot form Jacobian-based spatial tangents with the active surface of the directly related ghost anomalic eigenbases.  This lack of multiplicit cohesive parity puts world-sheet paths in the way of each other, in terms of what should become their Laplcacian-mapped paths.  This works to breaksup the related topology, and thus form black-holes.