Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Part One Of Session Two Of Course 11 -- Orbifolds

The Planck-Related phenomena of parallel universes of our set of universes surround the Planck-Related phenomena of our universe to more of an extent than one would normally think.  The Planck-Related phenomena of parallel universes that mirror our universe, as a complete reflection of our said universe, directly surround the Planck-Related phenomena our universe.  The different angles that the Planck-Related phenomena of different universes, that surround our universe most directly, are normal to our universe -- with the ecception that the angles of these said alterior universes do not bear a covariant codifferentiable angle of relativistc wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees of one of these said universes relative to the other.  Such a condition that I have just mentioned works to cause the mentioned alterior universes to generally be undeterminable to our universe by ordinary means.  Planck-Phenomena are detectible to us by our ordinary means when the angle of vibration of the corresponding Planck-Phenomena is in  a Laplacian condition of orphoganation to each other, when this said angle is  relative to the adjacent Planck-Phenomena by the prior mentioned angle of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  When the said angle of vibration is greater, then, the angular momentum of the mentioned Planck-Related phenomena that angle in orphogantion by more of a degree than just mentioned does not have a correlative spin-orbital momentum that exists in four spots as a cross-like Laplacian-based mapping that bears orphoganation upon each other, in a manner that is not Gliossi, so as to not work to allow for a Real Reimmanian Exchange towards each other during the course of a given arbitrary iteration of group instanton.When the exchanges that happen that allow for the recycling of substingular differential geometries via the reallocation of mini-string segments in so as to involve Planck-Related phenomena of one universe to not be Real Reimmanian relative to the holonomic covariant codetermination of certain other Planck-Related phenomena, during a given arbitrary extrapolation of group instanton that more specifically happens during the BRST portion of the mentioned iteration of the said group instanton, then, the two elluded to sets of Planck-Related phenomena are of different universes during the mentioned iteration of group instanton.  Yet, if two sets of Planck-Related phenomena are of different universes, then, the Planck-Related phenomena of what may be described here arbitrarily as the "different" universe are not generally detectalbe to the other universe by ordinary means. 
I have a bit more to say about this. 
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Part Two Of Session 1 of Course 11 -- Orbifolds

An individual indsitinguashibally replaced orbifold may exist -- at one time or another -- in up to all 96 spatial dimensions plus time over a group-orientated metric that may involve a relatively inticate Fourier Transformtion.  This spin works to jerk (change the excelleration of) an arbitrarily given Planck-Related phenomenon during a given additive group metric of Ultimon Flow  Since 3*3 = 9 (There are three sets of parallel universes), and 10 spatial dimensions is one more than 9 spatial dimensions --  the Planck-Related phenomenon that is here being discussed must exist in a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time when at the locus of the mapping right at the Laplacian delineation of where the said Planck-Related phenomenon is at during BRST.  This is although the reverse-fracal of a photon, which is the basis of discrete energy permittivity, exists in a minium of ten spatial dimensions plus time over a minimum Fourier Transformation.  This is because as superstrings are basically at a standstill during an iteration of instanton, the corresponding Planck-Related phenomena dance at their general locus during the just mentioned duration.  The four ends of a Planck-Related phenomenon exist in four different covariant-based codifferentiably relative spots via its fractal of magnetic field, when in terms of its spin-orbital momentum, when during the correlatvie instantons in which the related said phenomenon is moving as a group along with the other discrete energy that exists here in an orbifold.  This prior activity works to allow for the Imaginary Residue of the mentioned Planck-phenomena to exchage with Fock Space in such a manner so that the directly associated Real Residue of the corresponding superstrings will have the "raw materials" for the said directly associated recycling of the condensed oscillation of mini-string.  (Topological delineation is recycled via the reassortment of the relative distribution of the mini-string that works to comprise discrete energy, substringular fields, norm-states, and other topological phenomena, on account of the need for the mutual reassortment of homotopic residue.  The loci-bases of the directly prior mentioned conditions bears at least some abelian-based wave-tug upon the prior mentioned Imaginary Exchange of the related superstrings and their counterparts, as the corresponding Planck-Related phenomena "dance" in a manner that works to settle the activity of the directly associated Ultimon Flow eigenmetrics that are about to bear holonomic phenomena propagated within the kinematics of their durations.  Such an exchange is named "Imaginary" in part because the exchange is just the end result of many exchanges that multiplicitly happen simultaneously through the relativity of a conipoint of a Global-Based coniaxial that may be mapped within the Ward-Caucy bounds of a given Laplacian -- and, the exchange that here exists is delineated back-and-forth off of the Real Reimmanian Plane.  (As opposed to on the relative Real Reimmanian plane.)
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Part One Of Session One Of Course 11 -- Orbifolds

While a Planck-Related phenomenon is wobbling during an iteration of instanton, the relative wobble that happens here works to allow for the spin-orbital momentum, or, the fractal of magnetic field, of the said Planck-Related phenomenon to be orphogonal to the adjacent Planck-Related phenomenon in four different places.  These four "legs" of the said discrete unit of energy impedance (in another words, of the said Planck-Related phenomenon) that are mentioned here works to form fields of Planck-Related phenomena that are known of as orbifolds.  This is because, the more that you can center on a specific locus of a Plack phenomenon-related field, the more that you may depict a "chain" of normalized Planck-Phenomena that are orphogonal to the initial said phenomenon, that is arbitrarily given here by a relativistic wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees in terms of angular momentum -- if all of the corresponding discrete energy phenomena here are of the same universe.   Yet, the spin and orbit of these said Planck-Phenomena that here have this wobble occurs at four different locations.  This directly prior condition causes the formation of a relatively Laplacian mapping that bears the shape of a cross.  This is due to the condition that the mentioned Planck-Related phenomena, throughout one normal cycle of Ultimon Flow, each spin in ten dimentions over the course of BRST.  (Just as photons, in a reverse fractal-like tense, exist in a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time over a minimal Fourier Transformation.)  My right wrist is very tired.  I will continue with the second part of this session later!
You have a phenomenal day!
Samuel David Roach.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Little Addendum To Genus-Bases of Chern-Simmons Indices

Let us consider a case scenario in which a superstring is projected through a smooth planar curvature in a three-dimensional field in which the shape of the elluded to trace that is thus formed over time is sinusoidal in nature.  The trace vibrates over a Fourier Transformation in a harmonic manner initially.  At one point after the initial vibrational-mode of the said trace, the kinematic projection of the mentioned trace bears an anharmonic pulse that involves a truncation in the sway of the vibration of the kinematic projection of the corresponding superstring that is here moving over time.  The related spot where the truncation happens here is during a point in which the given arbitrary superstring has just reached the point at which it is trying to change in concavity.  (The superstring has here just reached the point where there is to theoretically to be a change in the second derivative of its curvature.)  On account of the anharmonic truncation of the vibratorial oscillation of the trace -- the just mentioned trace, here, being a kinematic projection of a superstring --, causes the trace to not end up changing in concavity at the point in which it normally would, on account of the prior mentioned truncation of the corresponding harmonic mode of its vibratorial oscillation.  As an ansantz, this is due to the mathematical condition that infinity*0+ = 1, and not infinity.  (Or, also, infinity*0(-) = -1, and not -infinity.)  This condition will here cause the mentioned trace to need to reorganize in so that it may actually change in concavity at some future spot, during the translation of the projection of the said given arbitrary superstring over an ensuing metric that involves the here continuing Fourier Transformation of the kinematic motion of the related superstring that we are discussing here.  Yet, if the anharmonic sway of the vibratorial oscillation of the type of trace that I am here discussing is instead bearing an ellongation of its vibratorial sway over an eigenmetric that is part of the overall metric that involves the projection of such a format of substringular motion of a discrete unit of energy permittivity over time, then, the concavity of the curve will still change at the right spot -- if the action of the said ellongation of the vibratorial oscillation that would otherwise be harmonic is made anharmonic right at the spot in which it would tend to change in concavity.  Yet, such a motion would form an additional coefficient of singularity that acts as a multiple of infinity or as a multiple of negative infinity -- based on whether the mentioned ellongation is in the positive holomorphic direction or in the negative holomorphic direction, repectivley.  Such an ellongation in the prior harmonics would then form a tense of spuriousness that would form a detectible jointal-based spike in the relationship of the projection of the kinematic motion of the here discussesd superstring.  Spuriosness, as such in substringular cases, will always involve at least one instanton of an abberation from Noether Flow.
I will continue with the supense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Two Of Genus-Bases oF Chern-Simmons Indices

The reverse-holomorphism of the previously mentioned singularities would thus be -infinity,
-infinity^2, -infinity^3, and -infinity^4, -0+, -0+^2, -0+^3, and -0+^4 -- respecitively.  This is based on both the singularities that here refer to a hermitian case and also those singularities that here refer to a non-hermitian case. 
When singularities are based on spuriousness, each truncated jerk in the accelleration/decelleration of the related vibrations of the said trace fors a 0+ based singularity (if holomorphic and in one normal coniaxial framework).  If the related holomorphism is reversed with the initial conditions of what here works to define a positive directoralization, then, the singularity is based on 0- instead of 0+.  If more axials vibrate than that which allow for a condition of hermicity, then, for each added covariance, multiply the truncation-based singularity by 0+ -- for positive holomorphicity, or 0- -- for negative holomorphicity.  This is for one eigenmetric of truncated anharmonic sway.  Ellongated jerks involve the  same concept, yet here involving a multiple of singularity of infinity+ -- for positive holomorphicity, or infinity- -- for negative holomorphicity.  Indiscrete scalars may be multiplied by the values of singularity when there is a given set of conditions of an additional lack of hermicity.  For instance, if a trace similar to what I have mentioned is different on account of changes in all 32 spatial dimensions that are inter-twined in one given set of parallel universes that this situation would here refer to -- and also, if during a set of iterations of instantons that correspond to the directly related Fourier Transformation, the trace of a kinematically projected superstring bears an anharmonic sway that is ellongated during a gauge-metric that is part of the overall group metric in which the mentioned trace is vibrating, then, the superstring, in the course of kinematically traversing the said trace, will bear a singularity of infinity^31*infinity -- or, infinity^32.  Yet, if the mentioned trace that here changes in all 32 spatial dimensions bears an anharmonics that is briefly truncated in a gauge-metric that happens during the same overall group metric in which the said trace is vibrating, then, the trace will here bear a singularity of infinty^31*(0+) -- or, infinity^30.  In both cases, the Chern-Simmons index will bear a genus of 30.  (32-2=30.)  As another example, if the same type of trace that changes in all 32 spatial dimensions of its set of parallel universes is truncated in what may be here described arbitrarily as the negative direction, then the overall singularity that it will bear will be infinity^31*(0-) = infinity^(-30).  As one last example for the day, if the said just mentioned trace bears an ellongated anharmonic sway in the "negative" direction during a gauge-metric that exists within the locus of the extrapolated vibration of the said trace, then, its corresponding singularity at the junction of the change in its dimensionality will be infinity^31*(-infinity) = infinity^(-32).  That's all for now.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Genus-Bases For Chern-Simmons Indices

For every additional axial-related directoral-based sway that the said traversing path that is being mapped-out via a Fourier Transformation, there is an added degree of indiscrete tensorism that is involved with the here corresponding singularity format.  For instance, if a trace that a superstring is being projected through curves through a kinematic path that is moving through a binary coaxial plane, and the said trace vibrates back-and-forth in five different codifferentiable axials over the group metric that involves the related Fourier Transformation in which the corresponding superstring that is pulled through the mentioned trace, as it is swayed back-and-forth via a coniaxial that involves five different spatial axes that are redelineated along the kinematic-based mapping of the action of the mentioned trace, as it is going through its given arbitrary Lagrangian, then, the genus of the Chern-Simmons Index -- when this is in relationship to the here non-hermitian-based singularities -- will here then be of a third-ordered euclidean Hamiltonian operator.  This is on account of the condition that five axials minus two axials forms three axials, and, the existence of a tritiary coniaxial-format that extends beyond the hermicity capability of the given trace, when given the scope of the here present differential geometry, will form singularites that will here involve limits that are tantamount to numbers that are based on both infinity,infinity squared, infinity cubed, and infinity^4.  The Reverse-Dirac functions of such singularities would thus be involving limits that are tantamount to numbers based on both (0+),(0+^2),(0+^3), and (0+^4).  I have got to go now!
I will continue with the supense as soon as I can.
Sam Roach.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

About Some Of What's Coming Up

Hi, this is Sam Roach.  In some of my ensuing posts, I am about to relate some knowledge about certain singularities that appertain to situations that are either completely Chern-Simmons or partially Chern-Simmons.  This conversation that I am about to convey soon relates to situations that involve both non-hermtian case scenarios that are not spurious -- as well as conveying case scenarios that are either hermitian and spurious or not hermitan and spurious.  So, in some of the ensuing posts, I will convey, to a certain degree, what is going on in certain given arbitrary cases that involve either electromagnetic energy, plain energy, entropy, mass, phenomena that is safely translated through a worm-hole, and/or phenomena that is not safely translated through a worm-hole.  The type of knowledge that I will convey here in the ensuing posts that I am reffering to is stough that reffers to the format of singularities that inter-relate to the condition of the superstrings that are involved with the here given arbitrary cases.  These situations that I will work to describe in the posts that I am reffering to will involve cases when the genus of the Chern-Simmons inter-relation involves a genus of one, two, etc... .  The situations will also involve cases in which the conditions of spuriousness involves a genus of one, two, etc... .  Also, cases of spurious conditions may involve singularities that are either infinite and/or infinitessimal.  The conditions of certain of the case scenarios will also consider situations that may also involve inter-relations that combine incidents in which both prior mentioned genus-types are two or more.  The nature of such related case scenarios of singularity formats brings into picture odd function of attributes in which the related conditions are either discrete by infinity, or infinity squared, or... .  Or, the cases may involve situations in which the singularity formats bring into picture odd functions of attributes in which the related conditons are either discrete by (0+), (0+squared), etc... .  Also, such conditions of singularity may consider the relationship of Reverse-Dirac inter-relations in which the corresponding attributes are respectively discrete by (0+). (0+squared), etc..., or, (infinity), (infinity squared), etc... .  The work that I am elluding to also works to describe the inter-relations that involve the previous -- with multiconsideration of changes and inter-relationships that involve cases of relative reverse holomorphicity.  Such knowledge is not only an important heads up to course 16, yet, it also is an important start to understanding what is about to be written as course 11 on Orbifolds.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Basis As To How Cassimer Invariance Works

Cassimer Invariance works to reconnect homotopy during a duration that I call the "space-hole" in such a manner so that mini-string is brought into a topological interconnection between all of the unfrayed superstrings, due to the conditon that black-holes tend to currently "try" to eat up the mini-string that surrounds these during each group instanton.  The reconnection of homotopy is a condition that happens -- whether or not black-holes exist during particular given arbitrary group instantons -- as a mechanism, so that, if a black-hole were to possibly form in any future or present tense, such a formation of a phenomena that unfrays substringular phenomena may not be able to automatically harm the general conditon of homotoy.  The space-hole may also be considered the condition of substringular phenomena almost breaking homotopy so that there may be a reorganization of topological order so that motion may be spontaneously freed up, so that energy may persist.

Substringular Recycling

Substringular Recycling -- The indistinguishably different exchanging of the condensed oscillation of mini-string that allows for the indistinguishable exchanges of superstrings into norm-states that re-exchange back in an indistinguishable manner into superstrings and vice-versa.

String Theory Basis

String Theory -- The study of tiny vibrating hoops and tiny vibrating strands (mainly tiny vibrating hoops) of phenomena that form the discrete energy permittivity that forms the basis of the stough that makes up space-time-fabric.  This includes all of the accomadating phenomena that allows this basis of energy, and its other relating phenomena, to exist.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Some More Stough About The Dangers Of Colliding Gluons

Gluons are hadrons whose metrical activity directly causes leptons and/or quarks to "glue" together in so that protons, electrons, and nuetrons may be formed.
Gluons put the directly prior mentioned subatomic particles to be brought together via an Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode.
The metrical activity of gluons as these interbind leptons and/or quarks in such a manner so that the said larger sub-atomic particles may exist -- so that matter may exist in any organized reasonable fashion -- indirectly works, via the extensions of the Rarita Structure, to allow for that delineation of a Hausendorf Projection that is known of as a Wick Action to move through time in a way that it may apply a certain general type of pressure upon a gauge-action that is known of as a Landau-Gisner-Action.  The pressure applied to the just stated Landau-Gisner-Action works upon a field of mini-string via a stratum that is known of as the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism in such a manner so that leverage may be applied to a small boson that is known of as the Higgs Boson.  The just stated boson acts to raise the Klein Bottle in order for the Kaeler-Metric to occur in the general neighborhood of superstrings that need to soon undergo a Gaussian Transformation. Gaussian Transformations are needed in order for superstrings to regain the permittivity that these need so that the related superstrings may remain as discrete units of energy permittivity -- so that energy may exist at all.
So, bombarding gluons is potentially dangerous to the proper formation and delineation of the Wick Action -- such activity can possibly steer the stated Hausendorf projection in a manner that may veer Gaussian Transformations from doing what these need to do.  Such a corresponding mis-allignment may potentially dominoe in a manner that could keep superstrings from re-obtaining their permittivity, and thus, such a veering may work to cause certain superstrings to not be able to remain as discrete units of energy.
You don't want that.  You want energy to remain as energy so that space-time-fabric may remain safe.
Please end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.
Thank You.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Sam Roach.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Relating To Calabi Interactions

Hello, my name is Samuel Roach. First of all, when electromagnetic energy scatters upon a mass, the action here is a Calabi-Yau interaction -- whose sub-space of interaction is a Calabi-Yau Space. Yet, the mass that is struck by a given electromagnetic energy is -- within the mass' orbifold in this case -- Yau-Exact with superstrings that have a light-cone-gauge eigenstates that have a Kaluza-Klein topology. Normally, electromagnetic energy has a light-cone-gauge topology that is Yang-Mills, yet, within the duration of relatively few instantons once this given arbitrary EM energy initially has struck the mentioned mass, its light-cone-gauge topology briefly converts to a Kaluza-Klein topology that consequently converts the configuration of the said light's orbifold to be temporarily virtually Yau-Exact until the described electromagnetic energy begins to requantize back into a beam of photons. Such a tranformation of the Yau-conditions of this EM energy -- as well as such a transformation of the light-cone-gauge topology of the same arbitrarily described EM energy -- happens to any photon over a brief number of instantons when such photons initially scatter upon anything. Yet, unscattered quantized photons are partially Yau-Exact and Yang-Mills. The factor that makes initially scattered photons very different from substringular regions that bear mass is that the initially scattered photons are surrounded by a Yang-Mills eigenset of orbifolds that are partially Yau-Exact in a manner that allows these scattered photons to be briefly tachyonic without having all of the mass in the universe due to an "insulated border" of the described eigenset that pulls these photons back into quantized EM energy. Mass, on the other hand (yet not in a worm-hole) is always completely Yau-Exact and of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology. Orbifold eigensets of a mass are in a static equilibrium that forms a local conformal invariance that is covariant with its surroundings based on more of a direct wave-tug placed upon it by the Rarita Structure via the Ricci Scalar as well -- even though the here related orbifold eigensets bear an exterior that is Yang-Mills yet Yau-Exact. If I make any inadvertant mistakes, let's form a dialogue, and we will learn together.

About Certain Assymetric Needed Delineation

Hello, my name is Samuel David Roach. When you consider the condition that E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent are to spin assymetrically, then photons are not to collide head on.
Photons tend to propagate in the direction of their permittivity, such as the inertial nature of all phenomena related to superstrings. Given the construction of the discrete energy permittivity and the construction of the discrete energy impedance of a photon in the Lagrangian Fourier propagation of an arbitrary photon as it is propagated through space-time-fabric, the direct collision of photons head-on would potentially jeapordize the condition of the E(6)XE(6) strings that are directly affiliated with the said arbitrary photons in terms of the natural tendency of such named heterotic strings to spin assymetrically.
E(8)XE(8) strings are to spin assymtrically. So, the bombardment of orbifolds head-on in terms of the related E(8)XE(8) strings invading each others direct Gaussian sub-space would infringe upon the inertial tendency of the mentioned heterotic strings to spin assymetrically.
So, colliding the holomoriphiclly Laplacian-based ends of heterotic strings that are of a substringular nature in our kinematic-based region of space-time-fabric over the course of the Fourier activity of the propagation of such superstrings would infringe upon some basic Pauli-Exclusion-like conditions that are essential for the continued protection of local space-time-fabric. Saying silly things like, "Well, it only creates a fissure!" is like saying, "Well, we only put a little hole in the damm!" When one understands what I am trying to say, it becomes painfully clear that the collision of such hadrons in any such manner is shear foolishness.
Also, the Higgs Action is essential for the continued existence of Gaussian Transformations.
Gaussian Transformations are essential for the spontaneous existence of kinematically-based energy and thus for the continued existence of reality. I dare you to do the math that I prepared back in 2009 as to the dangers of illucidating the Higgs Action. Every eigenstate of such a basis of Action is differentially kinematic for the continued motion of each minute subspace that involves the spontaneously kinematic translation of energy. Without such a translation, energy would be unable to correlate in the manners that allow for covariant Fourier differentiation that is time-wise related, not to mention that the translation of changing norm-conditions allows for the differential reconfigurations that allow for commutations that even allow for the flow of different Laplacian configurations. Therefore, illucidating the Higgs Action should not happen, and the Hadron Colliding Experiment should be shut down for even the simple fact that the continued exsitence of Gaussian Transformations is essential for perpetual change and thus for the continued existence of unfrayed space-time-fabric.
Finally, the strong force is the gluonic force that interbinds leptons and/or quarks -- given what particle you are talking about. Gluons metrical activity are the source of the Wick Action. Am I talking to the wall! My Gosh, the Wick Action is essential for the proper Fourier Translation of the Higgs Action so that the Higgs Action may do its job in allowing the conditon of Gaussian Transformations to happen at all! So, learn all you can, and we will all agree that we need to end the Hadron Colliding Experiment! God Bless You, and so long!
Samuel David Roach.

More As To Certain Dangers (Hadron Colliding Experiment)

 I understand that the Hadron Colliding Experiment is just making a "fissure" in space-time-fabric, as it detects -- indirectly -- apparently a Higgs Boson, yet, does this make sense or not to you, a tiny hole in a dam is not safe!? Black-Holes are a Pandoras Box (whatever the case the spelling is) that should not be opened. If anything, black-holes are to be avoided from being near our range as Earthlings. To me, a "fissure" in space-time-fabric is a "discrete unit" of a black-hole. (Didn't know how to word the last concept better.) Est-ce que vous-comprendez? Do you understand? Si! Nous Somme Ici! We must think about other ways of engineering -- although indirectly -- down to the region local to the Higgs Boson Without Illucidating it. No more details.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

To my understanding, a superstring is a discrete unit of energy permittivity.
Directly to its reverse-holomorphic side, there is an inverse field-trajectory-based physical phenomena which is what I call a Planck-Related phenomena -- which acts as a discrete unit of energy impedance. Directly in the forward holomorphic direction of the initially stated superstring is its counterpart -- it is like the string, yet, with counterposing partitions that form the topological sway of its homotopical-based entity. A light-cone-gauge eigenstate interconnects the said Planck-Related phenomena with the said superstring. So, the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate acts as a holomomic substrate in such a way so as to behave as the said Planck-Related phenomenon's counterpart. The light-cone-gauge is not only what works the most in so as to spring superstrings into motion, yet, the vibrations that are formed by the plucking of gauge-bosons upon the second-ordered-light-cone-guage eigenstates works to form those vibrations that indirectly work to cause both gravity, as well as working to cause the gauge-metrics that bring the Wick Action into play. As you well know, the Wick Action is what instigates the beginning of a Gaussian Transformation. Enough said for now. P.S. E(6)XE(6) strings are to spin asymmetrically.
E(8)XE(8) strings are also to spin asymmetrically. These are called hadrons. Colliding these could potentially mess up the root of certain Gaussian Transformations, causing a domino effect. There is to be no "fissure" in the space-time-fabric!!!
Nous Somme Ici! We Are Here! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Hi, this is Sam Roach here. The condition as to whether or not two given different adjacent substringular phenomena are of the same universe or not is dependent on their relativistic norm-condition-based angle of vibration or oscillation via their covariant codifferentiable wobble during a group instanton that is involving both substringular phenomena. If there is a condition of normalcy -- with just the additional advent of a wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees between their corresponding Planck-Related phenomena, then, the two said adjacent substringular phenomena are said to share a common Gaussian-Based Real-Related (as opposed to Njenhuisly-related) spatial relationship.
To my understanding, the following logic makes sense.
 A superstring is a discrete unit of energy permittivity.
Directly to its reverse-holomorphic side, there is an inverse field-trajectory-based physical phenomena which is what I call a Planck-Related phenomena -- which acts as a discrete unit of energy impedance. Directly in the forward holomorphic direction of the initially stated superstring is its counterpart -- it is like the string, yet, with counterposing partitions that form the topological sway of its homotopical-based entity. A light-cone-gauge eigenstate interconnects the said Planck-Related phenomena with the said superstring. So, the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate acts as a holomomic substrate in such a way so as to behave as the said Planck-Related phenomenon's counterpart. The light-cone-gauge is not only what works the most in so as to spring superstrings into motion, yet, the vibrations that are formed by the plucking of gauge-bosons upon the second-ordered-light-cone-guage eigenstates works to form those vibrations that indirectly work to cause both gravity, as well as working to cause the gauge-metrics that bring the Wick Action into play. As you well know, the Wick Action is what instigates the beginning of a Gaussian Transformation. Enough said for now. P.S. E(6)XE(6) strings are to spin asymmetrically.
E(8)XE(8) strings are also to spin asymmetrically. These are called hadrons. Colliding these could potentially mess up the root of certain Gaussian Transformations, causing a domino effect. There is to be no "fissure" in the space-time-fabric!!!
Nous Somme Ici! We Are Here! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Rationality of Numbers

Often, an irrational Real number (besides pi) is rationally just another way of describing a fraction. Pi is sensible, because it is a scalar value that literally represents how many times of a traversal a half of an arc of a circle is when relative to the radius of the said given arbitrary circle. Again, the second example is similar to the first one.
Take the value of (e^(ipi)). It equals a negative one when one considers the formula isin(pi)+icos(pi). This formula is obviously correct, when one considers the radial delineation of the initial value. ln(e^(ipi))=ln(-1)=0-, which amounts to basically nothing, again, when radially delineated. Yet, if one is to linearly delineate such an imaginary scalar through a physical tensor that amounts to the traversal of an entity in anterior dimensions, then, numbers divisible by i(pi) are not then considered to be such zeroes anymore.
Think about it for yourself: If anterior dimensions and parallel universes are indeed real, is this actually possible?! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

More As To the Formation Of Photons

When photons form, electrons drop back an energy level and then go back to their original energy level. When this happens, the individual photons that form are formed via the Fujikawa Coupling that happens according to the Green Function. As a fermionic superstring that acts as a discrete unit of kinetic energy converts into a bosonic superstring that here is a photon, the topology of the open string that converts into a closed string bends hermitianly as the forming photon moves in the direction of energy permittivity. As this is happening, the actual folding of the loose strand of discrete energy acts in the opposite direction as the motion that the said photon is propagated in. -- The forming photon moves in the relative holomorphic direction as it bends to form the said photon in the relative reverse holomorphic direction. Hermitian means smooth in all of the derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that it exists in. So, the motion of a discrete strand of energy permittivity closing to form a discrete hoop of energy permittivity is pulled in the opposite chirality of holomorpicity than the direction in which the said forming photon is propagated in. What causes the Fujikawa Coupling to happen in a hermitian manner is the corresponding activity of zero-norm projections that acts at a conipoint that is subtended from the reverse holomorphic side of where the forming photon is propagated. So, the creation of E.M. always involves a smooth topological translation in terms of the here arbitrary example of a fermionic superstring changing into a bosonic superstring. So, in this case, topologically related Hamiltonian Operations are smooth in terms of the basis of relativity. -- The basis of relativity is the motion and the existence of E.M.. Sam.

Another Major Force

The strongest when considered overall, yet, the weakest when taken in a locally sub-Gliossi manner, force, would be that fractal of pressurized vacuum that holds sub-mini-string together in such a manner so that third-ordered-point-particles -- and thus, second-ordered-point-particles -- may be held together. Such a force thereby works in such a manner in so that mini-string may keep together, so that the fields of superstrings may remain fractally vigilant. The ability of the fractal strength of substringular fields works to keep first-ordered-point-particles and also decompacitified substringular fields together so that superstrings, and thus, phenomena, may remain in tact.


Samuel David Roach.

An Outlook of M-Theory

Hello, this is Samuel David Roach. M-Theory is the study as to the how, why, where, and during what metrics, superstrings tend to exist in membranes that may be described as orbifolds. Orbifolds form a general structural format in which superstrings may differentiate in both timeless and time-oriented delineations so as to form a particle-like and organizational-like basis in which to exist as bases of discrete spaces that may codifferentiate in such a manner in so that norm-conditions may both interact and alter.

The norm-conditions of superstrings must perpetually alter over multiplicit sequential series of interactive instantons so that phenomena may continue to kinematically move around each other so that motion, and thus energy, may persist at existing. The membranous condition of orbifolds works to allow phenomena to coexist as both energy-related, particle-related, and wave-related phenomena at the same focal-based-locus of metrical duration. This works to help explain part of why so much of phenomena may act as both a spot of discrete phenomena (particle-like), a general basis of kinematic motion (energy-like), as well as a displacement of a directoralized trace along a Ward-based Lagrangian (wave-like). This works to explain why electrons -- which, when these drop an energy level and then return back in order to remain in a condition that allows for the most stability, form photons -- are the atomic-based basis of the netting of the basis of pointal mass (particle), the foundation of mass that allows for E.M. to exist (energy), and are also the atomic-based foundation of wave-fronts (waves). Also, the condition that electrons exist in a basis of D-Fields that involve Fourier Transforms that bear a minimum of 6 spacial dimensions plus time over a sequential series of instantons is alagorical to the condition that, when one takes the maximum number of spacial dimensions in Minkowski Space (26 spacial dimensions plus time), and add 6 interactive Njenhuis integrative spacial dimensions, one arives at the 32 spacial dimensions of one set of parallel universes. Neuclons exist in 4 plus time over a Fourier, and 6+4 =10.

Photons exist in a minimum of 10 spacial dimensions plus time in a Fourier.

Also, with steps that I will show at some other time, this is why the first Gaussian Transformation started after the equivalence of the first 50 million instantons. This relates to the condition that E.M. in a vacuum travels at 3*10^8 meters per second, and, 3*10^8/6 = 50 million. I do not know if this has been coined yet, yet, I would venture that one may be able to call the initial Higgs Boson eigenstate an

Isoelliptiabelianoid. I may be a tad wrong on the naming of this initial particle, yet, the rest of what I was saying makes perfect sense to me! I will continue with the suspese later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

P.S.: I coined the term Isoelliptiabelianoid based on my effort to describe what I described in the end of my blogpost that was titled, The leverage of the Higgs Action in 2009.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Little More Good Stuff About The Higgs Boson

Hello, this is Samuel David Roach. M-Theory is the study as to the how, why, where, and during what metrics, superstrings tend to exist in membranes that may be described as orbifolds. Orbifolds form a general structural format in which superstrings may differentiate in both timeless and time-oriented delineations so as to form a particle-like and organizational-like basis in which to exist as bases of discrete spaces that may codifferentiate in such a manner in so that norm-conditions may both interact and alter.
The norm-conditions of superstrings must perpetually alter over multiplicit sequential series of interactive instantons so that phenomena may continue to kinematically move around each other so that motion, and thus energy, may persist at existing. The membranous condition of orbifolds works to allow phenomena to coexist as both energy-related, particle-related, and wave-related phenomena at the same focal-based-locus of metrical duration. This works to help explain part of why so much of phenomena may act as both a spot of discrete phenomena (particle-like), a general basis of kinematic motion (energy-like), as well as a displacement of a directoralized trace along a Ward-based Lagrangian (wave-like). This works to explain why electrons -- which, when these drop an energy level and then return back in order to remain in a condition that allows for the most stability, form photons -- are the atomic-based basis of the netting of the basis of pointal mass (particle), the foundation of mass that allows for E.M. to exist (energy), and are also the atomic-based foundation of wave-fronts (waves). Also, the condition that electrons exist in a basis of D-Fields that involve Fourier Transforms that bear a minimum of 6 spacial dimensions plus time over is alagorical to the condition that, when one takes the maximum number of spacial dimensions in Minkowski Space (26 spacial dimensions plus time), and add 6 interactive Njenhuis integrative spacial dimensions, one arives at the 32 spacial dimensions of one set of parallel universes. Neuclons exist in 4 plus time over a Fourier, and 6+4 =10.
Photons exist in a minimum of 10 spacial dimensions plus time in a Fourier.
Also, with steps that I will show at some other time, this is why the first Gaussian Transformation started after the equivalence of the first 50 million instantons. This relates to the condition that E.M. in a vacuum travels at 3*10^8 meters per second, and, 3*10^8/6 = 50 million. I do not know if this has been coined yet, yet, I would venture that one may be able to call the initial Higgs Boson eigenstate an
Isoelliptiabelianoid. I may be a tad wrong on the naming of this initial particle, yet, the rest of what I was saying makes perfect sense to me! I will continue with the suspese later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
P.S.: I coined the term Isoelliptiabelianoid based on my effort to describe what I described in the end of my blogpost The leverage of the Higgs Action in 2009.
Electromagnetic energy is the basis of what causes the ampllitude of the Polyakov Action, in the manner that the Polyakov Action is what most directly reflects what physically happens so that Lorentz-Four-Contractions may occur in the manner that these do so that physical phenomena may differentiate in a Fourier manner relative to the said general phenomena known of as electromagnetic energy.
What I term of as the Bases of Light helps to determine, along with the light-cone-gauge, the positioning, the Ward Caucy conditions, and the delineation of superstirngs that the relalted massive strings will have in their subsequent iterations during instanton.
Light is the basis of a quantized group of harmonically vibrating bosons in Noether Flow, being directed in a relatively transversal manner thru a relatively unitary Lagrangian over Fourier Transforms -- as a general concept -- going thru enough of a distribution so as to effect and be effected by alterior forms of E.M.. Enough for now! Sam Roach.

A Little Bit Of Refinement About Ways Of Looking At Mass

Hi, this is Sam Roach again! To be more clear and specific, my understanding is that inertial mass has more to do with the tension that exists among various given arbitrary superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that ineract with the activity of the Rarita Structure over time, while, gravitational mass has more to do with the tension that exists between various given arbitrary superstrings of discrete energy permittivity with gravitational-based particles via the Rarita Structure. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Different Types Of Mass

The whole general idea as to the difference between an interia-based mass and a gravitational-based mass is the integrative effect of the partial wave-tug eigenstates that move along as the corresponding effect of the Schwinger-Indices that differentiate in a Fourier-Based manner along the the corroborative Rarita Structure eigenstate that is local to a here given arbitrary specific general lous. I am limited now in how much I can type at this point, yet, I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

A Liltle Bit About The Rarita Structure

The Rarita Structure is the topological substrate that works to interbind the light-cone-gauge -- in a strucural manner -- with both gravitational-based particles, the Wick Action, and the given arbitrary superstrings, in such a manner so that gravity may have some sort of abelian-based codetermination with both superstrings, their light-cone-gauge eigenstates, and those norm projections that work to allow for the indirect occurance of Gaussian Transformations, along with allowing for interactions among other norm projections. The activity of the Rarita Structure -- via its Schwinger-basd vibrations -- works to directly in some ways and indirectly in others -- act in such a manner so that such gravitational pulls may happen so that gravity may exist at all. The scalar amplitude of this activity is called the Ricci Scalar.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Little Bit More Of A Heads Up

1)  A mass has both a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology and Yau-Exact singularities.

2)  Entropy eigenstates have a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology and completely Chern-Simmons singularities.

3)  Electromagnetic energy has a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology and Yau-Exact singularities.

4)  Plain kinetic energy that bears an even accelleration/deccelleration has a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology that has singularites that are not hermitian and not spurious.

5)  Plain kinetic energy that fluctuates in its accelleration/deccelleration has a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology has singularities that are both hermtian and spurious.

6)  Mass that is translated through a worm-hole safely (in this case, it technically is not a mass) has a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology that is not hermtian, and, the said singularities are not spurious.  (Partially Yau-Exact singularities.)

7)  Mass that is translated through a worm-hole in a manner that is not safe (in this case, it technically is  not a mass) has a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology that is spurious yet not hermitian.  (Another case of partially Yau-Exact singularities.)

The directly previous is a heads up to Course 16 that may help one to better understand Course 11.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Heads Up About Course 16 For Course 11

Consider a two-dimensional plane that has a trace that is displaced within it over time.
The said trace is in motion over a Fourier Transformation in a general arbitrary three-dimensional field, the motion of the trace of which moves in a common pattern during the initial part of the duration of the eluded to metric.  Since the direction of the motion of the displaced trace over time is here arbitrarily considered in the z(k hat) directoral mapping format, the trace produces singularities per eigenmetric of the overall motion of its Fourier-Based mapping.  Since this said trace only vibrates, in this case, in the two general dimensions that are not in the same general directoral-based mapping that relates to the axial of the direction of the said trace over time, the related singularities that are produced are related to a condition of hermicity that is here not spurious.
Now, consider the previously mentioned trace to be that of a superstring that takes into consideration its directly neighboring field in a smooth manner that bears no jointal-based curvature -- and this trace also bears no cusps.   The oscillation of the trace is here of an even harmonic mode that bears no change in acceleration or deceleration.   The said hermtian motion that I had described would also be on the Real-Reimmanian-Plane.  Thus, the condition of the motion of such a trace would, from the vantage-point of the immediate stringular field's neighborhood, not be spurious.  Such a trace is here said to be Yau-Exact.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Another Introduction To Course 11, Orbifolds

Superstrings that are of the same universe are going to tend to be within orbifolds, in which all of the superstrings of any given arbitrary orbifold that is of the said universe will more than likely be superstrings that are of the same universe as well.  I apologize for the redundancy, yet, I want to make this particularly clear.
Orbifolds often have pseudo-cohomologies that inter bind different orbifolds that are each of different universes that only have the orbifold of -- in our case -- our universe -- detectable within the means of any reasonable first-hand scientific simple extrapolation.  This is because although all of the universes of one set of parallel universes are very near each other from within what we would term of as a small scope of scalar distance, and, there is residue of all of the universes in kinematic space-time-fabric that is right near each of the other kinematic actual universes.  Yet, superstrings that are not of the same universe do not share a common Li Algebra Genus of Gaussian-Based spatiality.  Therefore, to a life form of a given arbitrary universe, an orbifold will tend to -- within any detection at first glance -- be comprised of superstrings that are all of the same universe.  Cohomoligies are the inter binding of the topology of substringular phenomena.  So, the mapping of an orbifold tends to map the manifold or membranal-like structure of a set of superstrings of one given arbitrary universe that acts as a relatively organized group of such substringular phenomena.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam.

An Introduction To Course 11, Orbifolds

Superstrings associate with other superstrings all of the time.  All superstrings interact in some fashion or another in-between each duration of instanton.  (See some of my recent past posts.)  In-Between each iteration of group instanton, there is a general activity that I term of as Ultimon Flow.
As a general tendency, superstrings tend to directly associate with other superstrings that are adjacent to the initial given arbitrarily mentioned superstrings that I referred to in this sentence.  Superstrings tend to move in "packs" that involve adjacent phenomena that are comprised of such superstrings that move together as a group through either a tense of tachyonic flow, a perturbation, a smooth free-flowing kinematic motion, a conformal invariance, or a superconformal invariance.  The basis of having definitive groups of superstrings that move in groups over time is known, at the smallest organizational level of such related groups, as orbifolds.  Orbifolds are tantamount to manifolds or membranes of substringular phenomena that are a foundation of what I term of as orbifold eigensets.  An orbifold eigenset is, here, one genus of substringular group-like format that is one level above an orbifold.  Most sub-atomic particles that are studied are comprised of orbifolds and/or orbifold eigensets.  This is just an introduction to what I term of as Course Eleven of my views on superstring theory -- which is about orbifolds.  I will continue with the suspense later!
You have a phenomenal day!
Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Function of the Regge Action

The focus of the function of the Regge Action is the bringing together of all of the superstrings and the Planck-Related phenomena of mainly the predominant layer of reality in such a manner so that the holonomic substrate of such phenomena may thread through the orifaces that loop in such a manner -- through Ultimon Flow -- so that these may be brought back to the spot where the duration happens that I call the setting of the Bases of Light.  During this setting of Bases, all of the individual layers of reality have the topological substrate of their respective Planck-Related phenomena huddled in groups, along with their corresponding superstrings adjacently undergoing the virtual break in homotopy that I call the space-hole, the binary-set-based groups of which equal in number to the existent number of layers of reality that exist in the here given arbitrary scenario of the set of parallel universes that one choses.  (Although, during one specific group instanton, all three sets of universes will have the same number of layers of reality.)  The function itself of the Regge Action is to get superstrings into the "swing" of Ultimon Flow.  Yet, the directly prior inter binding of substringular phenomena, so that it may enter what I call the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric, happens in such a manner so that point commutation may associate all three sets of universes in-between individual durations of instanton so as to be the focus of this function.  This way, superstrings may not only be encoded as to where to go next in less of a chaotic manner, yet, also, this way, superstrings here will not have to leap instantaneously from one spot to another with no space in-between.  This needs to be the case in order to allow for any hermicity at all.  Without smooth motion, there would be no hermicity, and nothing would then be able to ever come together.  Yet, obviously, there is some smooth-curved motion.  Therefore there is hermicity.
Therefore, phenomena moves in metrics that go down to infinitesimal durations that are much smaller than discrete units of time. Therefore, since light-speed is limited, and also, the Planck-Length is limited, phenomena -- appearing to jump from one spot to another -- must have something at least extremely similar to what I describe as Ultimon Flow happening in-between group instanton iterations in order for the needed hermicity to exist.  Please see my last post -- as well as other posts that you may chose.  By the way, the layers of reality that are not predominant in the course of what is to be the general setting of the directly associated group instantons that we are here discussing are brought together during the Regge Action -- although these anterior layers of reality do not, in this case, cycle the Ultimon via the manner that the predominant layer does.  Only the predominant layer of reality cycles through all three sets of universes in-between the individual corresponding group instanton iterations.  What determines what the layer of reality is is defined by the activity that happens during the setting of the Bases of Light.  The Bases of Light happens right before the the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode.  This last mentioned mode happens right before instanton.  So, what is made the predominant layer of reality once it has changed during a setting of an eigenmetric of the Bases of Light works to define what and when that layer is what it is -- based on the interaction of what we would call superstrings with their encoders.

Another Practical Application For Singularities

When there is a change in concavity, there is a change in the second derivative.  When there is a change in the second or more derivative of a curvature that has enough spatial dimensions so that the Laplacian-based mapping of the traversal of the said curvature is not spurious (the curve is smooth thru out the mapping), then, the curve is said to be hermitian.  This means that, if you have a two-dimensional plane, and there is a change in both the first and the second derivative, the curve can possibly be smooth.  Yet, if there are more changes in derivative than the number of dimensions that one is considering in a given mapping of a given curvature, then, it is impossible for the said mapping to be hermitian.  When there is a change in the second derivative, then, the limit does not exist from one side to the next of the related locus where the change happens to be specifically at.
So, whenever there is a change in concavity -- or more of a change in a derivative (relating to a jointal condition here) -- there is what is known of as a singularity.  
Singularities imply the existence of infinity, yet, as an entity -- infinity is nothing that is physical or tangible.Yet, infinity must exist in order to sustain the existence of the stuff that is tangible.
My belief is that both the physical and the metaphysical are both subtended in the vastness of infinity.
The infinitesimal must be able to exist in order for motion to not jump around sporadically.
If motion jumped around sporadically, then, there would be no smooth motion.
If there was no smooth motion, then, there would be no hermicity.
Without hermicity, the motion of the Fujikawa motion would snap at the attempt to form a photon, and thus, light would have never been produced.  Yet, obviously, light exists.  Therefore, it is obvious to me that gauge-metrics go down to the infinitesimal -- way smaller than a discrete unit of time.
Consider allegorically, a cartoon (please bear with me, I have a major point).  
After many frames, the cartoon forms an animation.
Consider that during the BRST portion of each instanton, superstrings are basically at a standstill.
In-Between the durations of each individual instanton, the substringular goes through Ultimon Flow.
The integration of the successive series of instantons forms the motion that interacts as energy.
Please read some of my other related posts.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

A Correction To The Biggest Mistake On My Blog

I meant to say that the limit as the natural log approaches 0 from the positive side toward the negative side is positive Imaginary infinity, while as the natural log approaches 0 from the negative side toward the positive is negative Imaginary infinity.
Obviously, when one is cognitive of what one is saying, the natural log as it approaches 1 from 0 to 1 is what may be termed of as an Imaginary (0+), while, when the natural log approaches (-1) from 0 to
(-1), one is approaching what one may term of as an Imaginary (0-).
Non the less, the rest of the concept that I was trying to detail, previously, was apparently no mistake.
Sorry for the confusion.
Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More About The Njenhuis Characteristics of Point Commutators

As to various given arbitrary point commutators that associate with each other, the different tenses of imagination that is associated with one set of point commutators relative to another -- in terms of two respective sets of point commutators that exist in two different respective universes -- works to allow these point commutators to be oriented in what tends to be an indirect manner, via both any arbitrary given Laplacian manner, as well as via any arbitrary given Fourier Transform that these may be associated with.  This is true in either a respective "snapshot" as to what is going on as well as any consideration of the mentioned point commutators over a transient period of time.  Such a covariant codifferentiation, when in terms of the respective tenses of imagination, being the basis as to why conformal repulsion localities exist in the manner that these exist in.  This works to help cause the general locus of the corresponding tori-sector-ranges that the said sets of point commutators belong to during a relatively limited number of covariant simultaneous instantons, via a Laplacian-based mapping through a centrally-based conipoint, to bear what I term of as an Imaginary Discrepancy.
Any free points -- known of as zero-norm-states -- whose conformal based dimension is zero -- work to allow these point commutators to terminate the what would here be a local tense of superconformal invariance.  This termination works to allow the said point commutators to always -- during the self-same set of group instantons that involve these, to bear condensed oscillation, as the zero-norm-states that these are here existant as -- during the said group metric -- bear inexact and non-linear differential associations both via a Laplacian setting during the individually related instantons as well as over the directly associated relatively very limited Fourier Transformtion that I have here been discussing.  The mentioned conformal repulsion locality recently mentioned works to flush the two mentioned sets of point commutators through different parallel universes aptly, once the said superconformal invariance is spontaneously ended in the mentioned case. This will happen more abruptly when regular magnetism is applied to these, whereas, if reverse magnetism is applied fairly directly to the two covariantly codifferentiable sets of respecitve point commutators that have been mentioned here, then, the general locus of the two sets of said point commutators that are here of two sets of universes will more likely remain in a tense of superconformal invariance for a longer time, and thus, will here tend to remain in their two respective different -- yet relatively close in the substringular -- universes.  The format of the applied magnetism, as well as how it is directed, works to effect the outcome of the delineation and also the re-delineation of the mentioned covariant codifferentiable sets of point commutators that have here worked to allow for the continuation of the static equilibrium of their most directly associated superstrings,these points of which  have here worked to allow superstrings to be continuous at moving through a certain given arbitrary sequential series of instantons.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Little Addendum As To The Directly Previous

The tendancy of the general operation of Noether Flow is the baic manner that superstrings "like" to move in -- unless an outward source directly interacts in such a manner so that such a tendancy is not held due to phenomena being perturbated out of it.
The tendancy of Noether Flow does not include the initial activity that happens in the specific locus of photons in the first 384 instantons after these have struck another phenonenon, even though photons, when detectible, move slower when moving through a medium that is not either a vacuum or a contorsionable spatial entitiy.  Yet, outside of the two prior conditions, Noether Flow is the general tendancy as to the format of the operation of the motion of superstrings.
This is why point particles, when these are effected in a certain general manner by reverse-magnetism, not only tend to remain in the same universe that such a given arbitrary situation of superstrings started in under the initial conditions that I had mentioned, yet, such point commutators also tend to not be tachyonic unless these are perturbated upon by an outside source.
Point commutators, since these work to allow for the motion of superstrings through Ultimon Flow, tend to have the general flow of the superstrings that these are most directly affiliated with.
The directly previous statement is only considering a relativlely transient period in which the condensed oscillation of the mentioned given arbitrary point commutators is indistinguishably the substrate that works directly with their corresponding superstrings.
The condensed oscillation that comprises point particles of the first-order is constantly being recycled in a manner that is indistinguishaly different.
Such recycling works to allow a continual exchange of norm-states to ground-states and back.
Such a continual exchange works to allow for that Cassimer Invariance that works to allow electromagnetic energy to bear its relativity condtitions upon superstrings, in a manner that does not fray superstrings.
Special relativity works to effect the abelian conditions of superstrings so that the fractal modulae of superstrings is not overstrained.
This is why, although superstrings of mass may be translated faster than light, these mass-bearing strings may not actually go faster than light as a mass.
The condition of tachyonic propulsion is the condtition of a temporary alteration of the topology of the local light-cone-gauge for a certain limited quantum of mass-bearing superstrings that is brought back to its original abelian topology.
The temporary tachyonic motion of superstrings that are undergoing a Calabi interaction is not what I mean by a tense of tachyonic propulsion.
A mass as a mass bears a Kaluza-Klein topology.  (Abelian).
A mass is translated as a massless phenomenon going in a tachyonic manner only when bearing a Yang-Mills topology.(Non-Abelian).
A mass, when slowed under light speed, bears a Kaluza-Klein topology. (Abelian).
Light and kinetic energy bear a Yang-Mills topology.(Non-Abelian).
As an anzantz, a vast majority of the velocity of a worm-hole is the contorsioning of space, and not tachyonic propulsion, yet, tachyonic propulsion still exists.
Samuel David Roach.

Some More as To The Nature of Norm-States

Fock Space point commutators exist in spaces that may be described, given their correlative Laplacian Transforms, as relatively inexact and nonliniear.  Thus, these type of point particles flush through parallel universes over relatively transient sets of instantons on a regular basis.
Fock-Based point commutators also generally flush around their respective individual set of parallel universes as their corresponding Real Reimmantian-based point commutators work to help superstrings to go through the main cycling of Ultimon Flow.  The main cycling of Ultimon Flow is that duration that exists in-between individual durations of group instanton, yet, such as with Fock Space point comutators, Real Reimmanian-based point commutators generally only cycle through that set of world-tubes -- during the mentioued Ultimon Cycle -- that correspond to their set of parallel universes.  Thus, both Real Reimmanain-based and Fock Space related point commutators, during a sequential series of instantons, not only eventually recycle indistinguishably into superstrings, yet, such point commutators tend to cycle through multiferrous universes that are of their set of parallel universes, on a regular basis.  This differs from the tendancy of superstrings to generally remain in their own individual universe.  This does not even touch upon the alteration of what layer of reality one is physically in.  As said before, the most recently pronounced layer of reality that has been activated is goint to be the predominant layer of reality during any given arbitrary cased that one is considing during a covariant sequential series of instantons.  The course of phenomena that tend to cause point commutators to generally stay in their own individual universe is magnetic manipulation -- generally, the manipulation of reverse-magnetism -- when such a magnetism acts upon point commutators that exist in one specific universe.  This scenario involves point commutators that are involved with superstrings during a relatively brief duration, and, this activity of the said magnetism works to help cause the mentioned point commutators to remain in the initial universe that these phenomena were at under the initially elluded to instant under consideration.  Such magnetic manipulation works to cause the given arbitrary point commutators, if not tachyonically manipulated during the same general sequential series of group metrics, to return back to a similar general substringular locus per group instanton, as may be denoted by the tendancies of Noether Flow.  If the mentioned reverse-magnetism is applied overtly in the prior elluded to fashion, yet, in a manner that produces significant tachyonic perturbation, then, the directly related point commutators will tend to stay in the initial universe that these were in right before the said application of magnetism, although these will not obey Noether Flow here. Yet, if a worm-hole works to act upon a set of point particles under a given arbitrary case scenario, then, the contorsioning of space that will happen here will be apparent by the torsioning of a macro-quanta of point commutators that operate as a basis of tachyonic-based Fock and Real space-based re-delineation.  This will happen in such a manner that phenomena that enter the said worm-hole will be brought to a totally different place and time in a potentially instanteous-lilke manner. 
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Friday, November 9, 2012

A Little About An Actual Clifford-Degeneration

Once the Polyakov Action is completed in a given arbitrary superstring during an instanton, the superstring that is here being discussed is going to go into either the gauge-metric known of as the Regge Action, and/or the said superstring is here about to go into the respective gauge-metrics known of as a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric while then going into the Regge Action -- right before the mentioned superstring is to go into the part of Ultimon Flow that happens in-between two successive instantons that directly affiliate with the globally distinguishable iterations of the said string.
Let's say here that the given superstring is about to go into a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric right after an iteration of BRST.  So, once the Clifford Expansion that happens, in refference to the light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is relevant here, occurs with respect with the initially mentioned given arbitrary superstring, then, as the said superstring recontracts back into what would be considered as a full substringular contraction, then the mentioned superstring enters the directly associated Klein Bottle in which the string undergoes an eigenmetric of the Kaeler-Metric  Then, the initial Clifford Expansion, that had just happened during the course of BRST, collapses harmonically in proportion with the recontracting of the said superstring -- that is Dirac in proportion to the tensoric manner of the reverse-contraction that the superstring.  This happens as the said superstring undergoes the process of expanding to the inverse of the extent that the superstring appears to us to have had contracted from the length that the said superstring would have had if it had been relatively "motionless" relative to light speed.  Such "degeneration" is not observable in the globally distinguishable, since it happens right after BRST, and thus, the mentioned degeneration does not anharmonically effect the fractal nor the elastic modulae of the directly inter-related light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  Such a degeneration is the compactification of the volume of the outskurts of the periphery of where the directly related light-cone-gauge eigenstate had stretched out here, right before the mentioned superstring recontracts back to a maximum contraction -- just as it starts to enter the inter-relative Klein Bottle eigenstate.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Some More About Norm-States

There are basically countless first-ordered-point-particles in the regions that exist from within any given arbitrary Gliossi-Sherk-Olive-Ghost entity, yet alone how many second and third-ordered point particles that exist in the same general form of region.  Point-Commutators that are not of Fock-Space often consist of relatively scrambled positive-ground spaces from superstrings that exist under such a condition in-between the metrical conditions of individual instantons.  Point-Commutators that are of Fock-Space are never -- during the same identical group instanton -- directly part of a superstring until the condensed oscillation that works to form such point commutators is recycled back into the general locus of the corresponding first-ordered-point-particles that integrate in a Laplacian-based manner to form the holonomic entity of a superstring.  Point-Commutators that are not Fock, yet are not directly part of a superstring during any given arbitrary instanton, often work to form "positive"-zero-norm states.  (Since it is here not a negative-norm-state, I chose the positive corelation.)  Such norm-states are often organized into projections that have the capacity of working to help cause the initialization of the starting and the finishing of a type of Yakawa Coupling that is here known of as a Fujikawa Coupling.  Fujikawa Couplings are the process of the conversion of a fermionic superstring that is here a discrete unit of the kinetic energy from an electron into a bosonic string that is known of as simply a photon -- via the Greene Function.  Such zero-norm-projections also work to initialize the beginning of the process of those interactions that exist between Schwinger Indices -- along the Rarita Structure -- and the Wick Action, in so that the format of the inter-related Gaussian Transformations may be initialized.  Point-Commutators may also be comprised of as the holonomic entitiy of the positive-norm-substrate of positive-norm-states.  (The directly prior may be considered as an ansantz.)  Positive-Norm-States not only work to form the physical  memory of superstrings via the formation of ghost anomalies, yet, these positive-norm-states also help in the function of working to get superstrings to be tugged along from out of BRST and the Regge Slope into the general format of the metric of Ultimon Flow that exists in-between the metrical duration of the general condtion of instanton.  Such added wave-tug adds as a subtended hold upon superstrings so that such strings may be balanced enough to flow out of the condition of BRST with enough of a basis of organization to be effectively kinematic, by providing the mentioned superstrings with positional stability over the "time" that exists in-between the metrical durations that exist in-between instantons.  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Little As To World-Tubes

The following knowledge is on the nature of superstrings.:  One main world-tube is near another main world-tube.  Each of the prior mentioned world-tubes is conprised in part by one and two-dimensional superstrings.  Each one-dimensional superstring that I just mentioned bears a two-dimensional field.  Each two-dimensional superstring that I recently mentioned bears a three-dimensional field.  So, two-dimensional superstrings form world-sheets that bear a minimum of three spatial dimensions, while one-dimensional superstrings form world-sheets that bear a minimum of two spatial dimensions.  Both one and two-dimensional superstrings work to form world-sheets via the physical  mapping as to where these said strings were at -- in terms of what had happened in the substringular in the relatively transient past, relative to where the said superstrings are at in terms of their simultaneaous position aver a set conimetric.  The just mentioned world-sheets are differentially associated to each other as a function of their degree of covariant kinematic codifferentiation.  The positive-ground-states that here exist in the form of partitions are arranged at the center-state of the linkages that are binding, via the toroidal-like nature of the related world-sheets that are formed by the mapping of the trajectory of the said related superstrings over a sequential series of instantons.  The kinematic re-delineation of superstrings works to form the locus of their inter-relative covariant codifferentiation over time.  This post works to show -- to a mild extent -- the inter-relationship type of basis of every superstring, in some form or another, toward all of the other stings over time, and, time is the interaction of phenomena over a sequential series of instantons.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Some More About BRST

The Bette Action and the Polyakov Action happen during the same general metric, per instanton.
Both the Bette Action and the Polyakov Action happen during the BRST portion of instanton.
The Bette Action works to help allow for superstrings to be orientable.  If a superstring is neither orierntable during both the Bette Action and the Regge Action -- when in pertainance to any given arbitrary superstring over the course of one particular instanton -- then, the superstring will be tachyonic over the course of the ensuing instanton.
The Polyakov Action works to reverse contract superstrings to the inverse extent that the corresponding superstrings are Lorentz-Four-Contracted during BRST.
Right after BRST, if a given arbitrary superstring is to undergo the Kaeler-Metric during the inter-related instanton, the related superstring re-contracts as it falls into the corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate that it is to enter during the gauge-metric that is here related to a partial activity of a corresponding Gaussian Transformation.
If the prior mentioned superstring is not to undergo the Kaeler-Metric over the course of the corelative instanton, then, the said superstring simply goes into the Regge Action right after the corresponding metric of BRST.
If a superstring is to go thru the Kaeler-Metric, then, the Regge Action happens for half of the duration that it would otherwise take to do so.
If the prior said superstring is to undergo the Kaeler-Metric, then, the said superstring will go thru the given eigenmetric from the moment that it leaves BRST to the moment that it goes into the Regge Action for half of the duration of metric that it would normally take to go thru the Regge Action.
The Polyakov Action works to methodically convert superstrings into a relative assortment of point commutators.
The Regge Action organizes both the result of the Polyakov Action and the result of the Bette Acton so that the related superstrings may be facilitated to go thru the rest of Ultimon Flow over the course of what is here to be the cause of the ensuing iteration of kinematic flow in so that the next instanton may happen.
Gotta Run!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerley, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Time Flow

Time moves both backward and forward at the same time. 
This is because time is more granular than fabric.
Phenomena that happens that is more indellably integrated into the collective consciousness cannot be changed, while, phenomena that happens that is not cognitively imbued in the collective consciousness may potentially be altered.
I call the tendancy of the latter the concept of Major Reality Changes.
Once in a while, 1/10,000 of past and future realities alter.
There is, to a certain degree, an intermingling of layers of reality.
The activated layer of reality is the one that is predominant in the multiplicit array of all of the universes of a set of parallel universes.
When a reality change happens in one universe, all of the universes in all three sets of parallel universes undergo the basis of a Major Reality Change in their own individual manners.
Each type of universe changes via such an alteration of both past and future realilties in a different way.
Once Tau is capable of reiterating, the prevailant reality is the overall definitive reality for each of the individual universes in Overall Space-Time.
I will continue withe the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Friday, October 26, 2012

A Little More As To The Previous

So, to begin where I had left from before, yet, when one considers the motion of the main world-tubes that most directly relates to the motion of backward-moving-time, the world-tubes when taken individually face in the opposite direction as to their respective corresponding main world-tubes that relate most directly to forward-moving-time.  Backward-Moving-Time-Relating-Main-World-Tubes act as a buffer operand of a holonomic region that is used so as to adjust not only all of the time potentials of all of the instantons of one iteration of Tau to simultaneously exist in a covariantly granular codifferentiable manner, yet, it also acts as such a buffer operand region in so that it works to adjust the inter-placement of MRC's (Major-Reality-Changes) in so that 1 10,000th of the past and future inevitable states of each of the universes of one set of parallel universes that may change in a non-obtrusive enough manner as each layer of reality is multiplicitly, yet gradually, integrated in a manner that moves in the Fourier-Based Gaussian redelineation that involves the lowest euler re-cooridination of optimum hermicity -- the path of least resistance.  The less re-vamping of norm-conditioned hyperbollic tensorism that is involved in the changes of those norm-conditions that allow for the continued interactive kinematic codifferentiation of the various superstrings that move around the Ultimon over time, and, the more smooth that the corresponding changes in norm-conditions happen in any given arena of superstrings that involves an arbitrary locus that one may pick in a particular scenario over time, the less effort that it takes for the prior desired activities to be able to happen so that energy may persist.  Forward-Moving-Time main-world-tubes are the only ones that are used when superstrings are not going thru a tachyoninc phase, yet, backward-moving-time-related -main-world-tubes bear the same general size and shape as their corresponding forward-moving-time-related-main-world-tubes.  One is only cognitive of what one would call an organized state of a universe in the stated forward-moving-time.  So, as our linear time moves forward, the reconditioning of the changes in history are gradually revamped upon all of the universes of one set of parallel universes, and this happens for all three sets of parallel universes -- as well as happening in all of the activitated layers of reality of each of the just stated universes.  The layer of reality that is always predominant is the layer of reality that was most previously, in any given arbitrary case, activated.  Unless Tau reiterates, the discreteness of what is, in the existant scenario, the overall reality, is, in a sense, unitized.  I will continue later!  Sincerly, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Some Knowledge About World-Tubes

One may think, what characteristics of a given arbitrary tori-sector-range makes the said range able to aquaint it with a specific universe?  Here is the start of a viable explaination:  The majorized hoops that inter-connect the two main world-tubes of the Overall positive-time-oreinted region of what we perceive of as the physical phenomena of our set of parallel universes, as well as the majorized main hoop that inter-connects the two main world-tube of the Overall negative-time-oriented region of what we perceive of as the physical phenomena of our universe, work to bear a conformal dimensionality that is trivially assymetric -- in terms of the topological outer surface area of the just mentioned world-tubes.  This is because the said world-tubes that I have mentioned do not, and, can not, neither fold nor homotopically bend to any significant extent from their usual state of Laplacian format.  This just mentioned condition of superconformal invariance is due to their shape, function, and operation.  Also, the just mentioned condition of superconformal invariance is due too to the condition that the said main world-tubes that most relate to forming a place for the Fourier-related activity of positive-time-oriented superstrings are shaped like the said main world-tubes that most relate to forming a place for the Fourier-related activity of negative-time-oriented superstrings.  Both dual sets of main world-tubes that relate to the same set of parallel universes have both a holonomic substrate and encodement that inter-relates to phenomena that exists in all of the layers of reality that exist in each of the dual main world-tubes, taken as individual pairs.  Also, since the "annulus" that binds both main world-tubes of the positive-time-oriented superstrings is so large, that it amounts to a doubled-up main world-tube that barely, in a Laplacin-like manner, curves in a hermitian-like manner inward toward the relative center of the cross-sectional delineation of any given arbitrary slice of extrapolation of the topological Laplacian mapping of any said cross-sectional determination of any snapshot of the inter-binding that exists between the two mentioned main world-tubes.  Likewise, the corresponding "annulus" that binds both of the main world-tubes of the negative-time-oriented superstrings bears a Laplacin-based codifferentiable condition that behaves in the same general described manner as I have just discussed as appertaining to the inter-connectivity of the main world-tubes that correspond to the directly corelative positive-time-oriented superstrings.  Such is also the general Laplacian-based manner of the general mapping of the main world-tubes of all three sets of parallel universes, when taken individually in a respective determination.  So, the general Laplacian-based mapping of an individual set of main world-tubes for the positive-time-oriented superstrings of one given set of parallel universes is shaped like that of its directly corresponding main world-tubes that are directly related to negative-time-oriented superstrings, except that the mapping is, in a manner that I will later describe when I have the time,  assymetric in a way that is similar but different to a tense of trivial assymetry.  I will explain what I meant by that more in my next post.
Gotta Run!
Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Next Part Of The Prior Derivation

A superstring that is one-dimensional has a much greater length than its width, and, a one-dimensional superstring has a much greater length than its thickness.
A two-dimensional superstring bears much more of a circumference than the thickness of its Gliossi-based topology, and, a two-dimensional superstring bears much more of a circumference than the width of its Glioss-based topology.  So, the multiplicative factors between the elluded to scalars that work to show the directly prior mentioned large difference is limited, yet, one may, for all practicle purposes, call such a multiplicative-based scalar superlative basically "infinite."
When a one-dimensional superstring goes through what I call The Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue-type of activity during BRST, the corresponding superstringular counterpart, as it initially wobbles to a small degree in the forward holomorphic direction -- in so as to pull along, in a sense, its corresponding superstring, the relatively "frontal" portion of the topology of the superstring and its counterpart sway its relative bottom end inward, while the said superstringular main operators mentioned sways its relative top end outward (toward the theoretical observer, if the foward holomorphic direction is considered in the relative right-moving direction).  As the substringular mechanism moves back in its sway to the relative right, the just mentioned sway of its relative frontal topological vantage-locus works to sway in the opposite relative tensor of holomorphicity.
Gotta Go!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Work Toward The Derivation Of The Imaginary Exchange Or Real Residue

Let us consider, as a point that I elluded to before, that all positive Imaginary Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all negative Real Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the square of the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the square of the scalars that exist within the limt of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all negative Imaginary Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the cube of the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the scalars that exist within the limit of the variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all positive Real Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the fourth power taken to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the fourth power taken to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).
So, let us now consider the wobble of one Planck-Related phenomenon relative to the wobble of a directly adjacent Planck-Related phenomenon that is of the same universe.
Such a wobble is by 1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  The inverse of this nuber is 9.05193739*10^(80)/(I degrees).
The natural log of 9.05193739*10^(80) is 186.4097863.
186.4097863/(the square root of a negative 1 degrees) means that one has two singularities that coexist and codifferentiate in a Laplacian manner as may be shown in the following:
(1-(e(186.4097863)/infinity)) relative to the simulataneous "steps taken forward, let sleep- walking back again" (-1+(e(186.4097863)/infinity)) states that act as trivially isomorphic relatively indiscrete numbers that coexist as one general phenomena.
Please do not "jump" to conclusions.  I will continue with a fuller explaination when I have time.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why Planck-Related Phenomena Wobble

The Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue happens during BRST in order to fascillitate the activity that inter-relates to the light-cone-gauge to be able to spring substringular phenomena into the Njenhuis part of Ultimon Flow.  When a superstring and its corresponding substringular counterpart ebb back-and-forth during the mentioned Exchange, the topological sway of the said superstring and its counterpart bears a wobble that is Njenhuis to both the norm-to-holomorphic while back to the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction of the said ebbing.  The elluded to Lagrangian in which the mentioned substringular phenomena bear the said topological sway first angles the bottom of the superstring and its counterpart in a cross-product manner, while then reversing the mode of such a wobble.  Such a wobble is by 1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  This works to cause Plack-Related phenomena of the same universe -- that are adjacent -- to codifferentiably wobble by the same angle, relative to each other.  I will continue with more of an explaination as to this later!
Samuel David Roach.

A Glossary For Courses 19 and 20 (A Preview)

1)  Unoriented superstrings -- A superstring that is not oriented to its substringular counterpart during instanton.

2)  Black-Hole -- The result of a collapsed star that sucks things in, and also, even light tends to not be able to escape it, even though such a phenomenon may be detered.  Black-Holes are interiarly completely Kaluza-Klein, in terms of the light-cone-gauge topology that these convert the ingoing phenomena into.

3)  Worm-Hole -- A region of folding space that is 12-dimensional, and, it bears a hope that is a corallary to the dangers of a black-hole.  Worm-Holes interiarly have a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology, in terms of the light-cone-gauge topology that these convert the ingoing phenomena into (while the interior phenomena are in the worm-hole).  Phenomena that are about to enter, or, had just left a worm-hole, may have either a Kaluza-Klein or a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.

4)  Norm-Gaussian -- Gaussian form that forms a norm placement of singularization.

5)  Imaginary Gaussian -- Gaussian form that forms an imaginary norm placement of singularities.

6)  Imaginary Norm -- When some phenomenon is norm, yet off, of the given relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

7)  Norm placement of singularization -- A norm condition positioning that works to inter-relate phenomena, that, on account of their corelative wobbling, associates the delineation and the Fourier-Based codifferentiation of  superstrings and their corresponding Planck-Based phenomena with the same universe.

 8)  Imaginary norm placement singularization -- A norm condition positioning that works to inter-relate phenomena, that, on account of their corelative wobbling, associates the delineation and the Fourier-Based codifferentiation of superstrings and their corresponding Planck-Based phenomena with differenta universes.

Gaussian Conditions -- The association of phenomena with a particular space.

An Idea About Force, Presented A Different Way

Force may be viewed of as the kinematic effect of the multiplicit directoralized combination of the abelian/non-abelian/partially abelian-based import of the motion of the integration of the respective individual Chi-based structures of the corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces -- in respect to their corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, in such a manner that the vibration of the corresponding mini-traces works to relate superstrings to the corresponding universes that these belong to.  This is, to where, the sequential series of the discrete energy impedance indices that are related to the said Traces, here, work to integrate in such a manner in so as to allow for a field trajectory of the corresponding discrete energy permittivity that exists in the relatively holomorphic direction relative to the said Traces.  This happens in such a manner, via the springing action of the Imaginary Exchange of Real Reimmanian Residue that occurs during BRST, this of which works to indirectly cause the Njenhuis part of Ultimon Flow, so that energy may be able to oscillate enough to remain as energy, period.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Little Bit Of Extra About Point Particles

First-Ordered-Point particles, of which may be considered as nodes of relatively compactified condensed oscillation, are comprised of mini-string that is consolidated into fairly spherical configurations that interconnect -- in the case of those said point particles that comprise superstrings -- to form the holonomic delineations that work to form the corresponding superstrings that I just mentioned.  First-Ordered-Point-Particles also work to form the norm-states that act as either: the basis of norm-projections that operate as a phenomena that either forms or breaks down ghost anomalies, the basis of norm-projections that operate in so as to either cause or end certain Yakawa Couplings, or, these work to act as point commutators that act as a guidance operator that helps in the called for format of the motion of superstrings, so that corresponding superstrings may be fascillitated to move through Ultimon Flow to the next redistributions that are necessary for the needed redelineations of the said superstrings.  Yet, all of material stratum is mostly Fock instead of directly first-ordered superstrings.  The condensed oscillations of superstrings, when one considers the compactified condition of the directly corresponding compactified mini-string that works to form the corresponding first-ordered-point-particles, bears a conicenter whose relative Laplacian placement -- given the same Lagrangian-basis of mapping polarization -- varies as to where such a center of the related coniaxial is distributed.  This is because the condition of the distribution of the compactification of any given arbitrary superstring is just about always going to vary, since the manner in which the related compacifications are contoured in a topological tense will always bear topological sways that tend to bear a sub-topological tensoric surface area arrangement that will not be perfectly based on a flush spherical compactification basis.  The central volume of the mentioned nodes, and the "wave" portion that may be refferenced as the De Broglie basis to the corresponding pointal phenomena that are here the said first-ordered-point-particles, are mini-string segments that are basically never completely compacified in terms of the tautness of the directly related condensed oscillation that comprises any said first-ordered-point-particle.  The locus of the related condensed oscillation of superstrings is smaller, in terms of the Hodge Volume of the mini-string that comprises first-ordered-point-particles, for said nodes, when these are undergoing the Imaginary Time duration of Ultimon Flow than when the said superstrings are undergoing instanton.  This is due to the condition of the ebbing of mini-string that happens to those point-particles that most directly integrate to form superstrings that must happen in order for condensed oscillation to be able to exchange and interchange the holonomic phenomena of its topological substrate in order for superstrings to codifferentiate with other superstrings over any prolonged Fourier Transformation.  The said nodes then re-obtain the appropriate fractal modulae by the ensuing instantons via the ebbing back, in an indistinguishably different manner, of that condensed oscillation that works to make the appropriate tenses of those first-ordered-point-particles that work to integrate physically to form the redelineation of the correspnding superstrings.  The resultant re-compactification works to refill the related nodes, via their conicenters, in such a manner in so that the Laplacin placement -- given the same Lagrangian-basis of mapping polarization -- works to help organize both the future operations of the said superstrings, the condition of the vibrations of the corresponding superstrings, as well as working to help determing the conditions that lead to the potentail orientation, or, lack of orientation, of the corresponding superstrings.  As the superstrings recycle via the recycling of the indistinguishable differences in the holonomic substrate of those condensed oscillations that work to form those point particles that most directly form the related superstrings, there is always some ebbing to and fro that works to pull in and pull out mini-string segments so that mini-string, or, so that substringular fields, may be able to interact so that superstrings may interact.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.