Friday, November 9, 2012

A Little About An Actual Clifford-Degeneration

Once the Polyakov Action is completed in a given arbitrary superstring during an instanton, the superstring that is here being discussed is going to go into either the gauge-metric known of as the Regge Action, and/or the said superstring is here about to go into the respective gauge-metrics known of as a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric while then going into the Regge Action -- right before the mentioned superstring is to go into the part of Ultimon Flow that happens in-between two successive instantons that directly affiliate with the globally distinguishable iterations of the said string.
Let's say here that the given superstring is about to go into a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric right after an iteration of BRST.  So, once the Clifford Expansion that happens, in refference to the light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is relevant here, occurs with respect with the initially mentioned given arbitrary superstring, then, as the said superstring recontracts back into what would be considered as a full substringular contraction, then the mentioned superstring enters the directly associated Klein Bottle in which the string undergoes an eigenmetric of the Kaeler-Metric  Then, the initial Clifford Expansion, that had just happened during the course of BRST, collapses harmonically in proportion with the recontracting of the said superstring -- that is Dirac in proportion to the tensoric manner of the reverse-contraction that the superstring.  This happens as the said superstring undergoes the process of expanding to the inverse of the extent that the superstring appears to us to have had contracted from the length that the said superstring would have had if it had been relatively "motionless" relative to light speed.  Such "degeneration" is not observable in the globally distinguishable, since it happens right after BRST, and thus, the mentioned degeneration does not anharmonically effect the fractal nor the elastic modulae of the directly inter-related light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  Such a degeneration is the compactification of the volume of the outskurts of the periphery of where the directly related light-cone-gauge eigenstate had stretched out here, right before the mentioned superstring recontracts back to a maximum contraction -- just as it starts to enter the inter-relative Klein Bottle eigenstate.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense.

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