Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Little More Good Stuff About The Higgs Boson

Hello, this is Samuel David Roach. M-Theory is the study as to the how, why, where, and during what metrics, superstrings tend to exist in membranes that may be described as orbifolds. Orbifolds form a general structural format in which superstrings may differentiate in both timeless and time-oriented delineations so as to form a particle-like and organizational-like basis in which to exist as bases of discrete spaces that may codifferentiate in such a manner in so that norm-conditions may both interact and alter.
The norm-conditions of superstrings must perpetually alter over multiplicit sequential series of interactive instantons so that phenomena may continue to kinematically move around each other so that motion, and thus energy, may persist at existing. The membranous condition of orbifolds works to allow phenomena to coexist as both energy-related, particle-related, and wave-related phenomena at the same focal-based-locus of metrical duration. This works to help explain part of why so much of phenomena may act as both a spot of discrete phenomena (particle-like), a general basis of kinematic motion (energy-like), as well as a displacement of a directoralized trace along a Ward-based Lagrangian (wave-like). This works to explain why electrons -- which, when these drop an energy level and then return back in order to remain in a condition that allows for the most stability, form photons -- are the atomic-based basis of the netting of the basis of pointal mass (particle), the foundation of mass that allows for E.M. to exist (energy), and are also the atomic-based foundation of wave-fronts (waves). Also, the condition that electrons exist in a basis of D-Fields that involve Fourier Transforms that bear a minimum of 6 spacial dimensions plus time over is alagorical to the condition that, when one takes the maximum number of spacial dimensions in Minkowski Space (26 spacial dimensions plus time), and add 6 interactive Njenhuis integrative spacial dimensions, one arives at the 32 spacial dimensions of one set of parallel universes. Neuclons exist in 4 plus time over a Fourier, and 6+4 =10.
Photons exist in a minimum of 10 spacial dimensions plus time in a Fourier.
Also, with steps that I will show at some other time, this is why the first Gaussian Transformation started after the equivalence of the first 50 million instantons. This relates to the condition that E.M. in a vacuum travels at 3*10^8 meters per second, and, 3*10^8/6 = 50 million. I do not know if this has been coined yet, yet, I would venture that one may be able to call the initial Higgs Boson eigenstate an
Isoelliptiabelianoid. I may be a tad wrong on the naming of this initial particle, yet, the rest of what I was saying makes perfect sense to me! I will continue with the suspese later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
P.S.: I coined the term Isoelliptiabelianoid based on my effort to describe what I described in the end of my blogpost The leverage of the Higgs Action in 2009.

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