Friday, December 7, 2012

Some More Stough About The Dangers Of Colliding Gluons

Gluons are hadrons whose metrical activity directly causes leptons and/or quarks to "glue" together in so that protons, electrons, and nuetrons may be formed.
Gluons put the directly prior mentioned subatomic particles to be brought together via an Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode.
The metrical activity of gluons as these interbind leptons and/or quarks in such a manner so that the said larger sub-atomic particles may exist -- so that matter may exist in any organized reasonable fashion -- indirectly works, via the extensions of the Rarita Structure, to allow for that delineation of a Hausendorf Projection that is known of as a Wick Action to move through time in a way that it may apply a certain general type of pressure upon a gauge-action that is known of as a Landau-Gisner-Action.  The pressure applied to the just stated Landau-Gisner-Action works upon a field of mini-string via a stratum that is known of as the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism in such a manner so that leverage may be applied to a small boson that is known of as the Higgs Boson.  The just stated boson acts to raise the Klein Bottle in order for the Kaeler-Metric to occur in the general neighborhood of superstrings that need to soon undergo a Gaussian Transformation. Gaussian Transformations are needed in order for superstrings to regain the permittivity that these need so that the related superstrings may remain as discrete units of energy permittivity -- so that energy may exist at all.
So, bombarding gluons is potentially dangerous to the proper formation and delineation of the Wick Action -- such activity can possibly steer the stated Hausendorf projection in a manner that may veer Gaussian Transformations from doing what these need to do.  Such a corresponding mis-allignment may potentially dominoe in a manner that could keep superstrings from re-obtaining their permittivity, and thus, such a veering may work to cause certain superstrings to not be able to remain as discrete units of energy.
You don't want that.  You want energy to remain as energy so that space-time-fabric may remain safe.
Please end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.
Thank You.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Sam Roach.

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