Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Some Stuff As To Attenuated Pulsations

Let us here consider a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is initially differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, in so as to be moving in a kinetic-based manner -- through a respective Hamiltonian operand, that may be mapped-out over a discrete unitary Lagrangian, over time.  Let us next consider that the said discrete quantum of energy permittivity that is here being discussed, is initially pulsating at a constant rate -- while such a so-stated superstring is only here to be initially working to form completely hermitian singularities, over the directly corresponding sequential series of instantons, through which the discrete quantum of energy of such a case is moving through its respective medium of space, as the so-stated superstring is moving through the said discrete path that is mappable over the directly corresponding Rham-based cohomology by which it is then working to form its correlative projection of its trajectory.  Let us then say that there is to then be a perturbation in the genus of the metrical-based tense of those singularities, that are then to formed by the resultant motion of the said discrete quantum of energy -- as it is moving along its initially proscribed path.  Let us consider that there is a given arbitrary group-attractor -- that may be situated from a significant locus that is "below" the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic positioning of the said superstring -- that is here being discussed in this respective case.  Let us say that the respective given arbitrary group-attractor that is being mentioned in this said case scenario, is to form a wave-tug/wave-pull -- that works to cause the pulsation of the initially said superstring, to be attenuated from its initial rate of its given arbitrary spin-orbital-based mode.  Such an attenuated pulsation in the rate of the correlative spin-orbital-based mode of the respective given arbitrary superstring, will then tend to work to form a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity in the mode of the overall Hamiltonian-based fractal of its angular momentum-based indices, just as the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity is being basically pulled in the direction of what was initially the proscribed discrete unitary Lagrangian, as the said superstring is to still be differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, over the continuously spontaneous sequential series of instantons by which the said superstring is to be moving in both a transversel and in a spin-orbital-based manner, over the correlative gauged metric of the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy.  Let us next consider, that often -- the establishment of the existence of such a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity, will work to form a "fidgeting" of the directly corresponding motion of the directly corresponding superstring that is to be considered here.  Often, the formation of such an attenuated genus of a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity -- will work to mildly pull the said superstring in a "fidgeting"-based manner, in either a Njenhuis and/or in a Real Reimmanian-based manner, in a relatively small degree, into the direction in which that group-attractor is moving to act in, in so as to work to form a set of one or more Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, just as the activity of that so-stated group-attractor that is here to be acting as the perturbative source that works to form the said respective given arbitrary attenuation of the correlative superstring's pulsation, is moving further into the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction from the planar-based Hamiltonian operand of the set path of the kinematic-based motion of the said discrete quantum of energy that is being delineated through what would otherwise be a discrete unitary Lagrangian-based path.  If the said perturbative source that had worked to form the so-mentioned Chern-Simons singularites, is both intially situated from a path that is "below" the said superstring from the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction from the plane in which the directly corresponding superstring is to here be moving, as well as the said perturbative source that is to here be working to form the Chern-Simons singularities that are being discussed in this case, is to be moving further into the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction from the plane of as to where the said superstring is to be moving in, then, if one were to be theoretically situated at the relative norm-to-forward-holomorphic positioning of the correlative superstring of this given arbitrary respective case, then, the wave-tug/wave-pull that is to here be being applied to the said string -- in so as to work to form a lull in the pulsation of the said superstring, will then tend to work to cause a topological sway or a topological pull upon the so-stated string, to where the so-stated superstring will be mildly pulled into the cross-product direction, or, in the direction that is situated relatively "away from where you are at."  Such a "pull" is actually a "push" that is directed as going in the Opposite direction from the said norm-to-forward-holomorphic positioning that I have here discussed in this respective given arbitrary scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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