Saturday, February 20, 2016

An Accelerating Mass-Bearing Superstring

Le us here consider a given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is accelerating -- as the said superstring is moving through its correlative Hamiltonian operand, through what may be mapped-out as a phenomenon that is going through a relatively discrete unitary Lagrangian, over time.  Let us next consider the condition as to that the so-stated mass-bearing superstring that is being discussed in this case, is accelerating at a smooth rate, that, in a correlative metric-based manner, does not work to include the Fourier-based activity of any jerks in the process of the here existent-based manner of the said acceleration of the so-stated discrete quantum of energy permittivity, that is functioning in so as to perform one specific operation over a sequential series of instantons.  So, in this particular case, the respective given arbitrary superstring that we are here discussing, is to then act as an orbifold eigenset -- in and of itself, in so as to act as one discrete metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator.  This would then work to result in the condition, that the Lorentz-Four-Contractions that may then be applicable to what will then happen to the Ward-Caucy-based bounds as to the mass, the length, and the time of the physical phenomenology of the so-stated superstring of this case that is being accelerated smoothly through an otherwise discrete unitary Lagrangian -- will increase upon the topological holonomic stratum of the phenomenology of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivitiy in a homogeneous manner, over the directly so-eluded-to metrical duration that may be gauged here.  This would then mean that the Laplacian-based activity of the gradual delineation of the slope that may be mapped-out here by the Laplacian-based condition of an ever increasing Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is being applied to the said respective superstring -- will be in this case of a euclidean-based nature, -- since the reverse-expansion of the Laplacian-based decrementing slope that is directly correlative here, is not of an exponential-base manner.  So, since the so-stated reverse-expansion that may be mapped-out in a Laplacian-based manner -- at the two ends of the correlative superstring, as it is being contracted smoothly over time, is not of an exponential manner, the said reverse-epansion is not of an inverse Clifford Expansion, -- it is of an inverse euclidean expansion.  (I hope that this post explains things a little bit better.)
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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