Sunday, February 7, 2016

Harmonic Versus Annharmonic Perturbations

Let us first consider a harmonic perturbation.  Such a said perturbation is here a scattering, of what would here be an initial set of relatively unorganized orbifold eigensets -- that are brought from a condition of relative disorder into a condition of relative order.  The orbifold eigensets of such a given arbitrary case, are to here be brought into a Reimman scattering, of which causes these eigensets to be brought into a condition as to having adjacent eigenindices to then bear an even chirality.  This is an example of a harmonic perturbation.  Yet, if such a Reimman scattering is perturbated out of such a harmonic condition, into an anharmonic condition -- by an ensuing Rayleigh scattering, then, the adjacent eigenindices of such an anharmonic resultant perturbation would then bear an odd chirality.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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