Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Some Info As To Adjacent Electrons

Electrons exist in d-fields -- of which exist in a Fourier-based manner, in at least 6 spatial dimensions plus time.  Photons exist in p-fields -- of which exist in a Fourier-based manner, in at least 10 spatial dimensions plus time.  Any hermitian-based flow of the spinning motion of a particle that would here exist in a Fourier-based manner in 6 spatial dimensions plus time, will tend to often bear a change in the sixth derivative as to the Ward-Derichlet conditions of the perturbative tense of the overall directoral-based discrete momentum, that is of that said given arbitrary respective particle.  This means that any given arbitrary electron, that is differentiating as a Hamiltonian operator in a Fourier-based manner, in such a way in so as to be of a Yau-Exact manner -- which would then be as a hermitian particle -- this will then tend to bear an overall directoral-based discrete momentum, that will then often tend to change in the sixth derivative as to the Ward-Derichlet conditions of the perturbative tense that is of that so-stated electron, over time.  When an electron undergoes the Fujikawa Coupling, which happens via the Green Function -- which is as is according to Chan-Patton rules -- it will then form a photon, and, a photon exists in a p-field -- this of which exists in a Fourier-based manner of which exists here in at least 10 spatial dimensions plus time.  Let's say that an electron is differentiating in a Fourier-based manner -- by such a means that would here work to involve, in this case, a condition of only two genre of dimensional-based tensors -- in such a manner to where a discrete increment of the kinetic energy of that so-stated given arbitrary electron, would then exist in eight spatial dimensions plus time -- immediately before it is to go through the respective said eigenmetric of the said Fujikawa Coupling, -- then, as the so-stated discrete increment of kinetic energy that is being released from the said electron, is going through the so-stated process of the respective eigenmetric of the Fujikawa Coupling, which is at that inferred general locus in the substringular in which the so-eluded-to discrete increment of quantum energy is here being converted into a photon -- there will then tend to be a binary Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, that would then be formed in the process of the said eigenmetric of the here proximal localized activity in which the Fujikawa is to here be happening at.  This process works to cause any given arbitrary respective photon -- that is formed by the process of any given arbitrary respective electron that has here just dropped an energy level -- to tend to be pulled-out of the Ward-Neumman bounds of the respective atom in which such a discrete increment of the kinetic energy of an electron is converted into a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy.  This is indirectly why there is the Chan-Patton-based condition, that electrons that are adjacent must always bear an assymetric spin -- in order for such electrons to not totally impede upon each others space.  This latter point is the Pauli-Exclusion Principle.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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