Thursday, February 18, 2016

Rotational Cyclical-Moving Superstrings

Let us here consider a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here working to bear an even tense of its directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contraction, over time.  Let us next consider that the said discrete quantum of energy permittivity is to here be moving as a Hamiltonian operator -- that is going through a rotational-based Lagrangian, in a cyclical-based manner, over a successive series of instantons.  If the so-stated tense of the directly associated Lorentz-Four-Contraction, that is to here be applicable to the said superstring, is to be maintained as to here be that of the same scalar amplitude -- over the whole metric by which the so-stated superstring is to then be in the process of moving through the whole rotational-based cyclical Lagrangian, over the so-eluded-to duration of time by which the said respective given arbitrary string is to be considered in such a respective given arbitrary case scenario, then, there will then be a higher expectation value as to the condition of the said respective given superstring to here be working to form hermitian Lagrangian-based singularities instead of Chern-Simons Lagrangian-based singularities -- than if the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity were to not be undergoing such an even state of the so-stated cyclical rotational-based Hamiltonian operation, via the so-eluded-to path of the Lagrangian by which the so-eluded-to Hamiltonian operand is to be moved upon -- via the so-stated given arbitrary sequential series of instantons, by which the said superstring is to be moving in a Fourier-based manner through both a coniaxial-based tense of a spin-orbital-based manner and in a coniaxion-based tense of a  transversel-based manner, over time.  Since the scalar amplitude of the applicable Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is to be viable upon the so-state discrete quantum of energy, it to here be of a constant manner -- over the so-implied metric by which the superstring of such a given arbitrary case is to here be of a consistent manner -- the velocity of the said given superstring is to be maintained, when this is taken in a tense of the consideration of a Minkowski-based compactification of the dimensionality of the transversel parameterization of the Lagrangian-based motion of the said string, that is of this case scenario.  This would then mean, that, even though the rotational-based tense of the motion of the said superstring is to bear a conixial-based change in its velocity -- due to the constant change in the directoral wave-based torsioning that is to here be applied to the Hamiltonian-based drive of the so-eluded-to Hamiltonian operation, that is of the Fourier-based motion of the string as it is moving through a cyclical rotational-based path -- since the actual speed of the so-stated superstring of this case is to be maintained over the correlative directly corresponding metric -- by which it is being propagated through a sequential series of instantons, then, the transversel tense of the motion of the said superstring is to only tend to bear Real Reimmanian-based metrical singularities that are of a hermitian-based nature. The only Chern-Simons metrical-based singularities that the said superstring would tend to bear, would be of a Njenhuis-based nature, and, the Lagrangian-based singularities that would be of a resultant-based nature would tend to be of a hermitian-based nature, along the Real Reimmanian-based supplemental Hamiltonian projection of the cohomological mappable tracing that may be extrapolated through the center of the annulus of that ghost-based pattern, that may be mapped along the so-eluded-to propagation of the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permititivty  -- in so long as the rotational-based cyclical nature of the cylindrical-based resultant cohomology of the said mappable tracing -- that is of the physical memory of the Fourier-based differentiation of the said superstring, is of a Rham-based nature, over the overall considered Real Reimmanian-based Lagrangian that is to be considered here in this respective given arbitrary case scenario.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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