Sunday, January 31, 2016

Different Genre Of Nijenhuis Cohomological Paths

Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset - that is initially moving in the relative holomorphic direction, through a given arbitrary unitary Lagrangian path, over time.  Let us say that if the said respective orbifold eigenset were to subsequently work to form a Doubolt cohomological pattern, by acting as a Hamiltonian operator that were to suddenly alter in a Fourier-based manner, in so as to act in such a way in so as to alter in one more derivative than the number of spatial dimensions than it is moving in over time, although it would form a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity -- it would not, in this respective given arbitrary case, act in so as to form a Ward-supplemental motion that would otherwise work to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition. Yet, if instead, the respective orbifold eigenset were to subsequently, from after its initial motion as a Hamiltonian operator that had started moving through a given arbitrary unitary Lagrangian path -- over an initial sequential series of group-related instantons, act in so as to alter in two more derivatives than it is moving in over time -- then, the so-stated orbifold eigenset would tend to need to not only work to form a Chern-Simons Lagrangian singularity of the second-order, yet, there would tend to be, as well, the imminent need for the said orbifold eigenset that is here to be differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, to form a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity too -- which is in this case of only the first-order, since, in this case, the formation of only a first-ordered Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity would not in this case scenario, work to automatically form a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity.  This latter case would then tend to cause the so-stated orbifold eigenset to bear an alteration of its path, in a Ward-supplemental manner, over the then spontaneously ensuing duration of time in which the so-eluded-to Doubolt cohomology -- that is here to be directly corresponding to the mappable tracing of the cohomology of the said orbifold eigenset, -- happens in so as to where this would then tend to almost assuredly work to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition, that is of a genus of only one, since the correlative alteration of holomorphicity would here be of a Real Reimmanian nature.  Such a Ward-Supplemental alteration in the Lagrangian-based path of the so-stated orbifold eigenset would then not, in this case, necessarily tend to work to bear any complex roots as to the first-order of the genus of the mappable tracing of the then formed Ward-supplemental Doubolt cohomological Hamiltonian operand -- that the said orbifold is to then be going through at this point.  Yet, let us say that the orbifold is, instead, of a similar-based nature, although it is in this respective case -- an orbifold eigenset that acts as a Hamiltonian operator that is initially moving in 12 spatial dimensions plus time.  Let us then say that the so-stated orbifold eigenset, all of the sudden, is to change in 32 derivates at a set locus in time and space.  Not only will there then tend to be a definitive pull of a Ward-supplemental topological sway upon the so-stated orbifold eigenset, yet, such an antiholomorphic Kahler condition, that would then be formed, would tend to bear couplex roots of the 18th order -- as to the genus of the mappable tracing of the then formed Ward-supplemental Doubolt cohomological Hamiltonian operand that the said orbifold is to then be going through at this point.  This means that the Njenhuis nature of the so-eluded-to alteration of holomorphicity -- would be of 18 standards of deviation from a Real Reimmainan-based nature.  To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Altering The Angling of Substringular Wobble

Let us here consider a set of orbifold eigensets, that are proximal localized -- even though each of the just mentioned given arbitrary orbifold eigensets are of different universal settings.  Let us say, that, since each of such orbifold eigensets are of different individually taken universes -- the holonomic substrate of each of such given arbitrary respective said eigensets, at the Poincare level to the topological surface that is Gliosis to the core-field-density of each of the so-stated orbifold eigensets -- will not directly interact with the other of such respective given arbitrary eigensets, at the Poincare level to the topological surface that is Gliosis to the core-field-density of each of the other so-stated orbifold eigensets.  This just mentioned Ward-Caucy-based condition, is due here, to the bearings -- that the substringualr wobbling that is of both the discrete energy permittivity and the discrete energy impedance that is of the respective superstrings and their respective correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are both of each of the individually taken orbifold eigensets, when in correlation to the respective substringular wobbling that is of both the discrete energy permittivity and the discrete energy impedance of the respective superstrings and their respective correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- that are of each of the other individually taken orbifold eigensets that are of the initially said set of proximal localized orbifold eigensets -- does not oscillate as a "wobble-like" vibration, such as it should, in so as to allow for the said orbifold eigensets to otherwise be of the same universal setting -- at the duration that may be gauged to the group-metric in which such a case would here be in such a state in so as to be extrapolated.  Yet, if one were to perturbate the oscillations of the discrete energy from each of the here so-stated orbifold eigensets -- when in terms of both the wobble of their discrete energy permittivity, as well as when in terms of the wobble of their discrete energy impedance, in such a manner in so as to cause a substringular fractal of a synchronization of the so-stated vibrational oscillations of the so-eluded-to discrete quanta of energy -- then, one may here be able to possibly cause the individually taken orbifold eigensets to become of the same universal setting as the other of such so-stated orbifold eigensets.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Converging Phenomena From Parallel Universes

Let us initially consider a set of many orbifold eigensets, that are each individually taken -- as distinct given arbitrary respective orbifold eigensets, that are each from different universal based settings.  Let us say, that -- for each of the said orbifold eigensets that are each from different universes -- there is a Hamiltonian operator that acts as a group-attractor, that all work to pull each of these said individually taken sets of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function, per each of the said individually taken orbifold eigensets -- in a manner that works in so as to pull the holonomic substrate of the said orbifold eigensets together, into a proximal localized set region -- that is of a relatively tight Laplacian-based setting, over a relatively transient duration of time.  Let us then consider such an interaction, as the Fourier-based activity of the kinematic motion of a certain set of orbifolds, that are initially relatively spatially separated -- to be brought into the same general substringular region -- by the Fourier-based activity of a separate physical entity, that works to cause the Ward-Neumman constraints of each of the different given arbitrary individually taken orbifold eigensets, to be converged towards a region that is much more proximal and of a localized conformally invariant-based setting.  Let us next consider the condition that would exist, if each of the then brought relatively close together orbifold eigensets -- were to still each work to bear a different tense of a Gaussian-based Li-Algebra spatial-related setting.  This would mean, that -- although each of these said orbifold eigensets were to then be spatially convergent, in a relative tense, -- the Fourier-based activity of each of the said orbifold eigensets, would still not be viable upon each other, over a relatively transient duration of time.  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Metric-Gauge or Gauge-Metric

To make things clearer, when one is to discuss what may be termed of here as a Hamiltonian operator, which in a given case, is in terms of a tense of a metric-gauge -- then, one is here referring to a holonomic substrate-based phenomenology,  of which may be considered as a quantum-based phenomenology of scalar magnitude -- of which may be measured here, when in terms of the Hodge-based index of the discrete number of discrete quantum units of such physical entities of iteration, that are to here be participating in such a respective event, of any of such given arbitrary associations of the like.  Yet, when one is to, instead, be discussing, what may be termed of here as a Hamiltonian operator, which in this given case, is in terms of a tense of a gauge-metric -- then, one is here referring, instead, to a scalar amplitude-based phenomenology, of which may be considered as a quantum-based scalar as to the amount of interaction that is to be taking place here -- in any of such given arbitrary associations of the like.  So, whether or not one is referring to a Hamiltonian operator as a substringular eigenmember of a particular holonomic substrate, Or, if one is, instead, referring to a Hamiltonian operator as a scalar degree or a scalar amplitude of a particular quantum-based event -- this is based upon whether or not one is to then be referring to the said respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian operator as of either being of the general genus of being either of a metric-gauge conditionality (as a holonomic substrate that is acting upon its substringular environment), or, as  being of the general genus of being of a gauge-metric conditionality (as a discrete amplitude of a substringular-based activity).
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

A Simple Analogy

Here is a simple Analogy made in laymens' terms -- in so as to make it easier for someone who may not be a physicist, to be able to better grasp what is meant by some of my terminology -- that I occasionally may use in so as to describe certain activities that happen, such as, in the substringular.:
Let us consider an analogy, in which one may metaphorically call a "person" as the metaphorical Hamiltonian operator.  Let us next consider the environment by which the said person is to be moving through, as the metaphorical Hamiltonian operand.  Let us then say that the person's motion through the environment in which the said given arbitrary person is to be going through, over time, is to be the metaphorical Hamiltonian operation.  The mappable tracing of the path in which the metaphorical person is to be moving through, may then be thought of as the metaphorical Lagrangian-based path.
Again, this is just an analogy as to what I mean by certain things -- when I describe such things in the substringular.  So, if one is to fractal this down to the phenomenology of the substringular -- this so-stated analogy may be able to help one to better understand what I am trying to express.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Diverging Universal Settings Of Orbifolds

Let us say one were to have a relatively large quantity of universal settings, that would here be proximal localized at a region of core-field-density to the Yukawa-based cohomological setting that is of a specific genus of orbifold eigenset -- that was, in the initial tense of this given arbitrary case, in a state of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance -- in each of the individually taken universal settings of those orbifold eigensets that would have here worked to form the said genus of orbifold eigenset that would have here initially been in a state of conformal invariance, over a relatively transient sequential series of group-related instantons, that would have been at the start of such a respective given arbitrary case.  Let us next say that all of those different universal settings, that would here be of the same so-stated genus of orbifold eigenset, were perturbated in a similar but different manner -- into a Cevita interaction, that would here work to pull off the orbifold eigensets that would here work to encode for the same general tense of genus of orbifold eigensets, but for each of the individually taken tensors of universal-based setting, to where these are then to be pulled into being annharmonically perturbated out of the initial tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance that I have here cited.  At this point -- the individually taken orbifold eigensets -- would then tend to diverge in their explication of delineatory indices -- in so as to work to bear a Clifford Expansion of those Yukawa eigenindices that these had initially worked in so as to be inter-bound by them, to where the initial tense of the similarities by which these so-stated orbifold eigensets had initially shared amongst each other, would then diverge by the means of the hyperbollic Fourier-based activity of that set of ghost-based inhibitors -- that would have here acted upon the said orbifold eigensets, in so as to bring the Ward-Caucy condition of a Rayleigh scattering of the initially inter-binding cohomological index, that is of the mappable tracing that was initally preminant -- to where the adjacent eigenindices of the individually taken universal settings of the said genus of orbifold eigenset, that had initially been of an even chiraliaty -- would then be of an odd and diverging chirality, over time.

Gliosis-Sherk-Olive Fields Of Different Universal Settings

Let us here initially consider one given arbitrary GSO ghost of an orbifold eigenset -- that is of a Calabi-Yau manifold of a set of bosonic mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Let us next consider the Laplacian-based condition of such a cohomological mappable tracing -- as it is existing as a ghost-based pattern of the physical memory of a respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based mass, that is undergoing a tense of conformal invariance, over a sequential series of iterations of group-related instantons.  Let us say that the universal setting of the initially so-stated mass-bearing Calabi-Yau cohomological stratum, is of our respective universe -- as a set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function, in a state of what may be considered here as a tense of static equilibrium.  As an aside, the holonomic substrate of the topological setting of a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is as a vibrating or oscillating hoop of space-bearing disturbance.  The so-stated bosonic-superstring-based orbifold eigenset of this case would have here been brought into a relative tense of conformal invariance by a group-attractor, that would have then acted in a tense of a Wess-Zumion interaction, in so as to form that correlative harmonic perturbation that would have worked to cause the relative optimum relaxation of the Gliosis-based topological stratum of the holonomic substrate of the so-eluded-to set of two dimensional superstrings, in so as to bring it into a relatively static tense of delineatory index -- at a proximal localized setting at the Poincare level of its Yukawa-based Hamiltonian operation.  Let us then say that the field-density of the GSO ghost-based indices that would work here to form the physical memory of the here discussed set of closed-loop bosonic phenomenology, would be, in and of itself, of a set of disc-like abelian differential geometry.  Let us then say that there would then be the Laplacian condition of the existence of a relatively countless set of bosonic superstrings, that would be in the same general state of condition as the so-stated orbifold eigenset of such a case -- yet of countless respective different universal settings -- that are inter-woven into the general proximal locus of what may be thought of here as the "annulus" of the field-density of the initially stated bosonic-related orbifold eigenset. This would then work to make the "appearance" of the field-density of the GSO cohomological setting of each of such orbifold eigensets, to seem as of more of a torroidal-based nature than otherwise. To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Different Tense Of Relative Covariance

Let us say that one were to have an orbifold eigenset, that was comprised of a set of smaller orbifolds, of which functioned as Hamiltonian operators from within the Ward-Neumman confines of the initially said orbifold eigenset.  Let us next say that the initially stated orbifold eigenset, was just acted upon by a group-attractor eigenbase -- in so as to go from moving in a divergent tense, via its respective given arbitrary Fourier-based translation, into moving as a Hamiltonian operator that is then put into a state of static equilibrium -- to where the overall orbifold eigenset of such a case, is put into a tense of conformal invariance over the course of a Wess-Zumino interaction -- that would exist here between the group-attractor and the said overall eigenset, over a relatively transient duration of time.  Let us then say that the orbifolds that are here to exist from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the holonomic substrate of the orbifold eigenset, had here just been perturbated in a harmonic manner -- to where these are differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, over time, in such a manner that is cyclical, in a divergent manner, that is of less of a conformally invariant tense of kinematic motion.  This is to where, ironically enough, the interior-based orbifolds that are of a Ward-Caucy relationship with the overall orbifold eigenset that is of an external Ward-Neumman bounds, are in less of what may here be considered as a tense of static equilibrium, than the initially so-stated orbifold eigenset -- that had just been brought into a higher state or optimum relaxation -- over a sequential series of instantons.  Even though the orbifolds that are of a Ward-Caucy relationship with the externally constructed orbifold eigenset -- that work to contain the Ward-Neumman boundaries of the internally proximal localized orbifolds -- are of a relatively less stable covariant tense of both codetermination and codifferentiation, over time -- the internally proximal localized eigenindices, that are of the internal genre of a multiplicit framework, are of more of an entropic state of Fourier Transformation than the relative state of rest,that is associated instead with the Fourier Transformation of the external framework of codetermination and codifferentiation -- as the initially so-stated orbifold eigenset is oscillating in a tense of what may be here considered as a state of relative static equilibrium.  So -- this means that what would here be an externalized physical framework of Ward-Caucy Hamiltonian operation, is acting as a state of holonomic substrate that is in a  Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- even though the action of the so-stated group-attractor that had brought the initially said orbifold eigenset into a Wess-Zumino interaction, in so as to bring the said eigenset into a harmonic perturbation that had then brought it into a tense of conformal invariance, did not simultaneously, through the vantage-point of a central conipoint, work to bear a Wess-Zumino interaction upon the Yukawa-based topology of the holonomic substrate of the internally-based orbifold-related fields that are Gliosis to the Hamiltonian operation of the overall said orbifold eigenset.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Different Tenses Of Covariance

Let us first initially consider an orbifold eigenset -- that is here to be differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us next say that one were to consider the index of the covariance of such a so-stated orbifold eigenset, as of a divergent genus of kinematic display -- since such a set  of superstrings that would operate here in so as to perform a specific function, would be effected here by a Cevita interaction among the relatively proximal neighboring substringular members -- that are of the general proximal superstringular region.  Let us then consider that the so-stated divergence -- that would here act as an annharmonic perturbation of the discrete quanta of energy of the said general substringular region -- is caused here by a set of ghost-inhibitors, that would then be acting upon the cohomology-based topological entity, that is directly appertaining to the physical memory of the initially stated orbifold eigenset of holonomic substrate, to where the projection of the trajectory of the superstringular indices that would work here in so as to form the cohomological mappable tracing of the said orbifold eigenset, is then pulled, in such a manner in so as to cause the initially stated orbifold eigenset to be moved out of its given arbitrary beginning tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- into a relative propagation of its Hamiltonian operation, in so as to move out of the general Yukawa field of the so-stated ghost-inhibitor in such a manner in so as to gradually but possibly either spuriously or not spuriously, move into a region of more optimum rest.  Let us next say that the said orbifold eigenset that is in question here, is comprised of tinier orbifolds -- that would then be within both the Ward-Neumman and the Ward-Derichlet physical boundaries of the substringular confines of the initially stated orbifold eigenset.  Let us then consider the individually taken orbifolds -- that are of a smaller scalar magnitude of Hodge-Index of discrete energy quanta -- are acting in a Fourier-based manner, as a framework of Hamiltonian-based operation that is of a smaller and of a more proximal-based localized set superstringular region of kinematic-based operation, over time.  Let us then say that this so-stated smaller framework of Fourier-based differentiation, is in a tense of conformal invariance -- to where these orbifolds, that would here acts as a smaller Ward-Caucy-based boundary cite -- would then be existing in a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, that, when taken at a fractal of its externalized field -- that is then of the larger and also initially said orbifold eigenset that I have mentioned here -- is of both a covariant, codeterminable, and of a codifferentiable field index, that is within a divergent field, that is not conformally invariant, at the Poincare level to the Gliosis-based topological surface of the core-field-density that is of the initially stated orbifold eigenset.  This is of a case -- to where -- one is to have a Fourier-based translation of delineatory inidces, that are of an orbifold eigenset -- that would here work to bear in composition the existence of internal eigenindices, that are in a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, over a sequential series of the correlative iterations of group-related instantons.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

What A Hamiltonian Operation Is

Let's say that one were to have an orbifold eigenset, that consisted of multiple orbifolds.  Let us now say that the said orbifold eigenset were to be differentiating in a Fourier-based manner through a discrete Lagrangian.  Let us next consider each individual orbifold that were here to work to comprise the so-stated eigenset of orbifolds -- to be of a different respective genus of superstringular vibration at the Poincare level of the individual superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that works to comprise the discrete energy quanta that are put together in so as to work to form the said orbifold eigenset.  Le us then call each individually taken genus of superstring that bears a different Gliosis-based oscillation from the others -- or, in other words, let us then call each of the individually taken orbifolds that work to comprise the so-stated orbifold eigenset, a different symbol.  Although the overall orbifold eigenset of such a case may here be considered as a Hamiltonian operator -- each individually taken orbifold that works to comprise the said operator, may be here termed of as an eigenmember of the so-stated Hamiltonian operator.  Next -- take the scalar amplitude/scalar magnitude-based Hodge-Index of each individually taken eigenmember that I have here eluded-to, and put this into a mathematical format by which it will be worked upon as an eigenbasis.  If the orbifold eigenset as a whole works to bear an even chirality amongst its constituent members, then, fill-in the "Jacobian eigenbasis" with 1s ("ones") -- in so as to treat this now as a determinant that may then be solved for.  Yet, if the orbifold eigenset as a whole works to bear an odd chirality amongst its constituent members, then, fill-in the "Jacobian eigebasis" with 0s (zeros) -- in so as to treat this now as a determinant that may then be solved for.  The resultant multiplets will then be the directoral-based scalar amplitude or scalar magnitude of the delineatory index of the correlative Hamiltonian operation.  I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Conical Positioning Of A Certain General Genus Of Orbifold Eigenset

Let us here say that one were to have an orbifold eigenset, that was comprised in a Laplacian-based manner -- of a relatively flat overall topological surface, that is here constructed of an exterior "sheath" of fermionic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that would here work to physically surround relatively few bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permitivity that are localized in a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant manner at the interior of the said orbifold eigenset.  So, one is to here have a substringular tense of set of fermionic discrete quanta of energy, that works to surround -- in a Laplacian-based manner under the correlative Ward-Neumman physical boundary conditions -- a relatively small set of bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.   As the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset of such a case, is to move in a given number of spatial dimensions plus time (let's say that the said orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary case were to be moving in 12 spatial dimensions plus time), -- in such a manner in so as to be moving flush in the respective relative forward-holomorphic direction over time -- there will be a correlative Laplacian-based coniaxial that may be considered here, to allow for an 11 dimensional parametric coniaxion that may be plotted here as a physical extrapolation, that would then allow for the involvement of the so-stated orbifold eigenset to bear a respective topological sway, that would consequently ebb back-and-forth in a piecewise continuous manner in all 11 of the so-stated dimensional-based parametric coniaxials, over a sequential series of instantons.  In the process -- the world-sheet-based cohomology of such a given case, if it is here of an efficient manner, will work to bear a conical external-based core-field-density at the Poincare level of the external surface of the Gliosis-based field, that is tangent to the topology of the said cohomology -- that will here work to bear its relatively hermitian tip of singularity at its apex, to angling in the direction of the mean Lagrangian-based path that is supplemental to the average directoral topological sway that is directed against it as a resultant that is Yukawa in all 11 of such said coniaxials over time.  Two of such coniaxials will here be of a Real Reimmanian nature, and 9 of such coniaxials will here be of a Njenhuis nature.  The metric that is here involved with the Slater-based state --- that works to describe this process of the said orbifold eigenset, as moving in a best hermitian fit in the multidimensional mean Lagrangian path that is along the correlative Hamiltonian operand of such a Hamiltonian operator -- will be of such a gauge-metric pulsation in a piecewise continuous manner -- that will end up acting in so as to bear its genus of metrical singularities that are formed, by what the incoming external forces that are to act upon the said orbifold eigenset are to be delineated as.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Topological Sways That Bear Freedom Of Motion

Let us here first consider a theoretical substringular particle, that moved in the relative holomorphic direction in only one spatial dimension, over time.  The particle that is moving such, will then be of either zero spatial parameters of dimensionality or of one spatial parameter of dimensionality. Its motion would the, in this theoretical case, of a Fourier-based kinematic displacement, that would form a flat Lagrangian path as a Wilson Line -- that is being delineated as a propagating Hamiltonian index, over a sequential series of instantons.  Let us next theoretically consider an either zero-dimensional , or a one-dimensional or a two-dimensional particle that is moving homomorphically as a line that curves as is the piecewise continuous intrinsic curvature of space at each so-eluded-to individually taken point -- in a plane that is of only two spatial parameters of dimensionality, plus time.  Its motion will then tend to work to bear a topological sway, that will here have its bearings in the alterior spatial dimension that is normal to the intrinsic dimensional parameter that it is moving through.  Next, let us theoretically consider an particle that has a dimensional set of parameters that work to include up to three spatial dimensions plus time.  It is moving relatively flush in the relative holomorphic direction.  Its topological sway will then tend to bear a binary Laplacian-based coniaxial of motion -- as the said particle is moving as is the intrinsic curvature of space at each individually taken piecewise continuous iteration of instanton, in which the particle moves into the Lagrangian path of its given arbitrary Hamiltonian operand, over time.  Take this pattern.  If one had a particle that traveled in a 32 dimensional volumed space over time -- but flush in the relative holomorphic direction -- then, its topological sway may work to include a 31 dimensional coniaxial that is normal to the so-stated Lagrangian-based path of the said holomorphic-based motion of the particle here that is moving in 32 spatial dimensions plus time.  Two of the said coniaxials of this topological-based sway of this latter case will be of a Real Reimmanian-based nature, and, the other 29 coniaxials of this topological-based sway of this latter case will be of a Njenhuis-based nature.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

As To A Certain genus of Lagrangian Perturbation

Let us here take into consideration an orbifold eigenset that has its Fourier-based bearings, moving in what would here amount to the relative antiholomorphic direction -- when this is taken into comparison with an orbifold eigenset that is positioned just to the norm-to-forward-holomorphic side of the initially said orbifold eigenset, this latter mentioned orbifold eigenset of which is moving in the relative forward-holomorphic direction.  Let us next say that the initially stated orbifold eigenset is to start off with working to bear only euclidean-based hermitian singularities, at the Poincare level to the Gliosis-based topological stratum of the here so-stated initially mentioned orbifold eigenset.  Let us now say that there is a force of a given arbitrary substringular attractor, a group-attractor, that works to form a spontaneous pull upon the initially said orbifold eigenset.  The effect of the attraction of the said group-attractor upon the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset that I have just mentioned, will then form a binary tense of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities upon the Yukawa-based field of the Hamiltonian operand -- of which the so-stated initially antiholomorphic moving orbifold eigenset had been moving through,  as a correlative Hamiltonian operator.  Let's say that the said binary tense of the so-stated Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, do what these will tend to do to the metrical operation of any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset that would do as I have just stated in such a situation -- this would then tend to work to form at least one viable set of metrical Chern-Simons singularities at the Poincare level that is of the parametric Hamiltonian field of the general locus of the directly corresponding Ward-Caucy boundary cite, that is of the the integration of those directly corresponding Laplacian-based mappable indices -- of which would then tend to form a sequential series of cohomological indices that would sway,  during the ensuing perturbative effects of its surroundings.  Let us say that the so-stated binary Chern-Simons singularities that are thence formed, act as a Laplacian-based metric-gauge operator, that is -- when one is looking in the cross-product-based direction of the motion of the said orbifold eigenset, to where one is looking at the orbifold eigenset as going directly forward in front of you, is as in a tense of being of a norm-to-holomorphic-to-norm-to-holomorphic tense of such a Laplacian-based metric-gauge operator.  Consider the right-hand-rule.  Let us say that the expansion of the Yukawa-based field -- that is formed by the initially antiholomorphic orbifold eigenset, is of a euclidean expansion at the Poincare level of the core-field density of the general cite of its motion.  This would then tend to cause such an orbifold eigenset to be pulled, almost imminently, into a Ward-supplemental perturbation of the holomorphic directoral-based flow of the said orbifold eigenset.  This will tend to cause an antiholomorphic Kahler condition -- of which will tend to cause the functional operation of a Kahler-Metric.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Reason For Transmission of Scattered Cohomologies

As I have said before, the residue of the multiplicit scattered GSO cohomologies has the tendency of being pulled off of the multiplicit relative Real Reimmanian Plane into the multiplicit relative Njenhuis Plane -- as the residue of the multiplicit scattered Neilson-Kollosh cohomologies have the tendency of being pulled off of the multiplicit relative Njenhuis Plane into the multiplicit relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  This tendency is on account of the following Laplacian-based set of  conditions:  The genus of the overall general norm-state-projections that are of the multiplicit relative Real Reimmanian Plane work to bear a harmonic even parity with the genus of the overall general norm-state-projections that are off of the multiplicit relative Njenhuis Plane -- in such a manner in so as to bear a multiplicit condition of their being a tendency of the Laplacian-based existence of a mean Lagrangian-based path that is of an even chirality, -- towards each enharmonically scattered GSO ghost that has been broken down by a Rayleigh scattering, and, there is a tendency of the Laplacian-based existence of a mean Lagrangian-based path that is of an even chirality, -- toward each enharmonically scattered Neilson-Kollosh ghost that has been broken down by a Rayleigh scattering. The condition, that, for every action -- there is an equal and opposite reaction -- happening in the opposite direction from the first said action, -- works to elude to the condition in which the antichiral parity of the adjacent eigenmembers of one set of cohomological indices that have just undergone a Rayleigh-based scattering of ghost anomalies, -- will work to cause the then existent condition of a proximal local chiral parity that bears a Hamiltonian operand that works to bear a clear path that is of a mean Lagrangian, to cause the pre-existent condition that the substringular tends to work in so to move in the direction of optimum rest, to cause a wave-tug/wave-pull of what may be thought of as the so-eluded-to just scattered ghost-based indices to recycle in the manner that I have just described of earlier in this post.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Gauge-Bosons And The Completion of the Second-Side/Second-Edge

The substringular multiplicit Ward-Caucy condition of Mobiaty, works to pull-in the multiplicit second-side/second-edge of the multiplicit topological stratum of the overall physical realm, mainly by both the Laplacian and the Fourier-based activity of gauge-bosons -- during the activity that is of the said gauge-bosons, that happens during each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton, particularly during each succeeding iteration of the multiplicit activity of BRST.  It is the light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that act as the relative multiplicit starting point of the activity that happens along the Rarita Structure, and, it is the gauge-boson eigenstates, that act as the relative multiplicit ending point of the activity that happens along the Rarita  Structure.  Even though homotopy tends to be maintained, during each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton -- the interconnection that exists in-between the multiplicit gauge-boson eigenstates and their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates, is functional by the activity of the "plucking" of the multiplicit light-cone-gauge by the said gauge-bosons.  Gauge-Bosons are E(6)XE(6) strings -- of which are of a heterotic substringular nature.  A maximum Minkowski or flat space, may have up to 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  Each set of universes (of the overall three sets of universes),  works to exhibit up to 32 spatial dimensions plus time.  The potential Mobiaty of space-time-fabric would be a holographic space -- that would work to contain up to 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  Yet, the so-stated plucking of the so-stated second-ordered light-cone-gauge bosons by their directly corresponding gauge-bosons, works to help at keeping the substringular fabric of each universe to remain in accordance of having the Ward-Caucy conditions of bearing a total of, instead, 32 spatial dimensions plus time.  So, it is the activity of the gauge-bosons -- in so as to have the said gauge-bosons act upon the multiplicit light-cone-gauge, in so as to work to form Schwinger-Indices -- that acts upon the multiplicit Rarita Structure, in such a manner in so as to complete the "second-side/second-edge" of the physical potential existence of Mobiaty of space-time-fabric, -- in so as to make the overall foundation of space-tim-fabric to be of a Hilbert or volume-based manner of construction, instead of being of a holographic Minkowski or flat-based manner.  It is this so-eluded-to covariant light-cone-gauge quantization, that acts in so as to make space-time-fabric work to bear both Minkowski-based characteristics and Hilbert-based characteristics, over time.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Interaction Of Certain Indices

The interaction of  first, second, and third-ordered Schwinger-Indices, works to help in the process of the delineation of the ensuing delineations of discrete energy quanta.  So, that fabric -- that may be here described of as "gravitational-waves," -- works to help in the process of the relative placement, in terms of the pull and push of constituent substringular eigenmembers, of the individually taken discrete quanta of energy, in an interdependent retrospect of each of such eigenmembers towards and amongst each other, over a sequential series of the iterations of group-related instantons.  This is in terms of both the Laplacian-based interactions and the Fourier-based interactions of the so-stated first, second, and the third-ordered Schwinger-Indices amongst each other, over time.  This is in part due to the condition -- that the resultant physical interaction of those vibrational oscillations that are utilized in so as to cause there to be an interaction between discrete energy quanta and the existence and the activity of both gravitons and gravitinos, works to help in the sequential series of the relative covariant distribution of those so-stated discrete energy quanta.  This is in part due to the relative pull of the centralized knotting of the so-eluded-to Rarita Structure eigenstates.  Here's why.  Discrete energy quanta work to form GSO cohomologies.  Such GSO cohomologies are spontaneously broken down into residue that is forced off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  This said residue comes together in so as to work to form what may be termed of as both gravitons and gravitinos.  These just mentioned gravitons and gravitinos form Neilson-Kollosh cohomologies.  Such Neilson-Kollosh cohomologies are spontaneously broken down into residue that is fed back into the initially so-stated Real Reimmanian Plane.  This just mentioned re-aquired residue by the Real Reimmanian Plane, is then in the form of norm-state-projections.  These norm-state-projections that are re-aquired, then act as the holonomic substrate-based template of the multiplicit general entity that discrete quanta of energy act upon -- in so as to form the ensuing GSO cohomologies.  Cohomologies are due to the existence of proximal local point commutators.  Point commutators are needed, in order for both discrete energy quanta and gravitational particles to have a viable venue for constant motion that is quick enough for the activity of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.
To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Schwinger-Indices And The Grand Unified Field Theory

Second-Ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are "plucked" by their directly corresponding gauge-bosons, in so as to form the multivarious array of what may be termed of as third-ordered Schwinger-Indices.  In this post -- we will refer to "third-ordered Schwinger-Indices" as just Schwinger-Indices.  Schwinger-Indices are those vibrational oscillations -- that act along the Rarita Structure, in so as to form the "gravity-waves" that work in so as to inter-bind the activity of discrete energy quanta with the activity of both gravitons and gravitinos.  It is the centralized knotting of the multivarious Rarita Structure eigenstates, that act as the holonomic substrate of sub-atomic particles -- that act in so as to work at "gluing" together certain relatively small subatomic particles together, in so as to work at forming the key "ingredients" of the generally conceived of particles that are of the subatomic level.  So, it is the activity of Schwinger-Indices, that does a lot in the direction of what the delineation of discrete energy quanta is to be -- in an ensuing multiplicit tense, throughout  the substringular.  Schwinger-Indices vary as to the diversity of the overall combination -- of both their spin-orbital Hamiltonian operation, their radial Hamiltonian operation, their transversal Hamiltonian operation, their delineatory index (the projection as to the cohomological trajectory of their abelian-based angling, in a Ward-Caucy-based manner), and the rate of their Hamiltonian-based pulsation (in a gauge-metrical manner, that is here piecewise continuous).  So, the combination of the vibrations that are formed by the "plucking" of light-cone-gauge eigenstates (of the second-order),  by gauge-bosons -- the combination of both the spin-orbital Hamiltonian operation of such oscillations, the radial Hamiltonian operation of such oscillations, the transversal Hamiltonian operations of such oscillations, the projection as to the cohomological trajectory of the abelian-based angling in a Ward-Caucy-based manner -- of the Hamiltonian operation of such oscillations, and, the gauge-metrical piecewise manner, -- as to the rate of the Hamiltonian operation of such oscillations -- works to help, in a multiplicit manner, to form a significant amount of that activity that could be extrapolated, in so as to work at helping in determining the ensuing delineations of discrete quanta of energy.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

About Certain Interior-Based Metrical Singularities

Let us initially presume the existence of an orbifold eigenset, that is comprised of three orbifolds -- that are initially moving through an inter-bound unitary covariant Lagrangian path, over the spatial premises of the directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand  in which the said overall orbifold eigenset is differentiating through -- in a Fourier-based manner, over a relatively transient period of time.  Each of the three said orbifold eigensets acts as a reverse fractal of an orientifold -- to where the theoretical projection of the trajectory of the so-stated overall orbifold eigenset is to meet at the Gliosis-based Ward-Neumman bounds of the core-field-density of another distinct but different orbifold eigenset, that is located at a cross-product-based locus that is in a state of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  The Gliosis-based contact, that would then tend to occur -- would then work to form a Rayleigh-based scattering of the two so-eluded-to entities of holonomic substrate -- if adn when the Yukawa-based Ward-Neumman bounds of the two so-eluded-to orbifold eigensets are to make a direct theoretical contact.  Such an attempted contact would not be of a Wilson-based linearity.  The initially stated orbifold eigenset is here initially forming hermitian singularities -- at the interial-based Yukawa Ward-Neumman bounds of the Hamiltonian-based operation of the so-stated orbifold eigenset of three orbifolds, that was here initially stated.  Yet, if the central orbifold of the initially kinematic-based orbifold eigenset, were to be somehow pulled into a tense of working to form a tense of metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities that are to iterate in a back-and-forth manner -- from an attenuated pulsation from its initial rate of vibration to an accelerated pulsation from its initial rate of vibration -- then, this will tend to work at causing the overall initially so-stated orbifold eigenset to form Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, to where such a Cevita-based perturbation (a perturbation that moves in the direction of an annharmonic physical condition) will then tend to cause the said orbifold eigenset of three orbifolds that is of a kinematic-based nature to veer out of its initially projected trajectory -- to where the initial expectation value as to the initially extrapolated Hamiltonian format of interaction that is of the contact that was to happen between the kinematic-based orbifold eigenset with the relatively conformally invariant orbifold eigenset -- will then be much closer to null.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

About Antiholomorphic Divergences

Let us here consider two different orbifold eigensets, that are initially moving in a kinematic manner -- with what may be here viewed of as a supplemental line, that is not of a Wilson-based linearity, that works to inter-bind the topological index of the physical entity of their mutual condition of holonomic substrate.  Let us now say that the two so-stated orbifold eigensets have been differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, for a relatively preminent duration of time -- to where these may both be considered here to be moving in the same general directoral-based genus of holomorphicity -- over the so-eluded-to eminent sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us now say that there is a group-inhibitor index of one general given arbitrary nature -- that acts upon the two individually taken substringular entities of holonomic substrate of Hamiltonian operation -- that acts in so as to work to prohibit the continued covariant Fourier-based activity, that is of the motion of the two so-stated orbifold eigensets that are here initially flushly moving in a common general direction, with a Ward-supplemental subtension that is to be here drawn-out between the two said eigensets of superstrings, in a Laplacian-based manner.  Let us now say that the Fourier-based operation of the Hamiltonian-based delineation of the functional index of the so-stated group-inhibitor, would here work to cause a relatively sudden Njenhuis-based Ward-supplemental motion -- that would here be enacted upon both of the said orbifold eigensets of this respective given arbitrary case -- to where the two so-eluded-to sets of superstrings will then be moving with the opposite general index of delineatory operation, over the directly ensuing sequential series of group-related instantons.  This immenent and swift perturbation in the immediate field density -- that would then exist between the two said orbifold eigensets would then work to form a hyperbolic tangential-based covariant field of divergence -- that would be exhibited here by a Cevita interaction that would be operational between the two Clifford-based Hamiltonian field operators (the two orbifolds of which would here be the two said operators).  The so-eluded-to perturbation of divergence would then be an annharmonic perturbation -- that would form both Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities and metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities -- of which would then work to form an antiholomorphc Kahler condition, of which would then work to set-on an ensuing Kahler-Metric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

As to the dual conditions of there being both Lagrangian and metrical singularities

Imagine this:  One may have an orbifold eigenset that is moving through a Minkowski-based plane, to where such a said orbifold eigenset may work to produce a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity -- by changing in one more derivative than the number of spatial dimensions that it is then moving through, over time.  Such a Fourier-based activity of the said eigenset, may or may not then work to produce a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity in the process.  For instance, let us say that an orbifold of one respective given arbitrary case, may move through a Hamiltonian-based operand -- to where such an operand may here work to simulate a path that may be here, in this given case, thought of as a conical-based path trajectory, over time.  In the process -- the motion of the so-stated orbifold eigenset may or may not alter in its rate of pulsation as it goes through the so-eluded-to Lagrangian-based path of such a respective case -- in so long as the so-stated orbifold eigenset does not fester in the process of the alteration or perturbation of the tense of its changed euclidean Lagrangian-based path.  Yet, if any orbifold eigenset is to change in two or more derivatives more than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be moving through -- over a specific given arbitrary gauge-related metric -- the then existent tendency is for there to not only be the existence of a binary Chern-Simons Lagrangian-based singularity, yet, there will then, as well, be the tendency of there being at least some sort of metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity -- that will then accompany the Fourier-based translation of the perturbation of the euclidean Lagrangian-based path that the said orbifold eigenset will be moving through -- as the said eigenset will be changing in the tense of its Hamiltonian-based operand, over time.  This is because the existence of a binary perturbation of the enfoldment of a Lagrangian-based path -- that is here to be taken along the spatial framework of its correlative Hamiltonian operand, through time -- tends to form a gauge-metrical-based entanglement in the pulsation of those inherent eigenindices, that would here work to comprise the so-stated orbifold eigenset -- to where such an entanglement of substringular pulsation will then tend to form the existence of such a condition of there more than likely being At Least a unitary tense of the existence of a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity to be existent here, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

As To Perturbation Out Of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode

Let us say that one were to have an initial Ward-Caucy set of conditions, that is of a tense of what is here a local cite of a substringular orbifold eigenset -- that is differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, in an exhibition of a state of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance,  over a directly corresponding relatively transient sequential series of iterations of a covariant activity of group-related instantons.  Let us now say that the orbifold eigenset that we are considering here, is that of an electron that is charge-wise stable, from within the Ward-Neumman confines of a relatively charge-wise stable atom.  Let us next say that a photon is to strike the Gliosis-based field of the Yukawa-based topological setting, that is of the so-stated initially relatively stable atom -- that had worked here in so as to include the so-mentioned electron, that had acted as the Hamiltonian operator that had been eluded to earlier.  Let us say that the relatively Gliosis-based contact of the photon here in question -- with this so-stated Yukawa-based field of the said electron -- will then work to form a Calabi-Yau interaction, over the ensuing transient period of time.  Such a perturbation that is caused by the interaction of light with a quantum of mass, will initially act in so as to cause a perturbation of the said electron -- in a manner that works to move the said electron away from its initial tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  This so-eluded-to example of a Cevita interaction, will tend to settle in both the metrical and in the Lagrangian tense of optimum rest -- during the interim in which the said electron that has just been scattered is then pulled into "seeking" an upcoming ulterior tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, once the so-stated electron is acted upon by those eigenindices that are of both the subatomic and the substringular level, that will subsequently work to form a Wess-Zumino interaction.  Such a general tense of a Wess-Zumino interaction, will then tend to work at bringing to the electron of this given arbitrary case, into an adjusted tense of conformal invariance with both a different delineatory index and a different metrical index -- via whatever the Fourier-based group-attractors, that work in so as to form the so-stated general tense of substringular adjustments, to then be able to bring about the needed harmonic-related perturbation that is needed, in order to work to re-establish an ensuing tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- upon the Yukawa-based Ward-Caucy bounds of the electron that is here being discussed in such a case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Chern-Simons Singularities And The Kahler-Metric

When there is a Cevita Interaction that happens to a set of substringular eigenmembers of discrete energy quanta, over time -- there is then a tendency of there being a relatively annharmonic perturbation that is to then happen to the Fourier-based activity of the so-stated substringular eigenmembers, that are of such a respective given arbitrary case.  When there is the occurrence of an annharmonic perturbation -- that is to here be happening to a respective set of substringular eigenmembers, over time -- this tendency of occurrence will then tend to form both the Laplacian-based and the Fourier-based existence of certain respective metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities, that are here to be delineated in an exterialzed manner from the Gliosis-based Ward-Neumman bounds of the Poincaire-based region of the field-density of the so-stated substringular eigenmembers, towards a cross-product-based directoral wave-tug/wave-pull, that is pulled out of the immediate localized surroundings of the so-stated Ward-Neumman bounds of the holonomic substrate of the Gliosis-based field, that is of the proximal region of the said substringular eigenmembers.  Such a so-stated annharmonic perturbation will then tend to not only form a tense of localized entropy, yet, such a Cevita-based interaction will, as well, tend to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition at the said proximal localized region.  Such an antiholomorphic Kahler condition will then tend to form a Kahler-Metric -- over the here relatively ensuing sequential series of iterations of group-related instantons -- in terms of the Fourier-based activity of the proximal local substringular eigenmembers -- that are of the neighboring region of the Poicaire-based Hamiltonian operators, that are correlative in the directly corresponding tense of time and space.

Cevita Interactions And Metrical Singularities

A Cevita-based disturbance of the Gliosis-based topological indices -- that are at the Poincaire level to the core-field-density of any given arbitrary annharmonic-flowing pulsating superstring, that is being translated in a Fourier-based manner over a sequential series of instantons, -- will tend to form a tense of one or more metrical-based Chern-Simons-related singularities, as the so-stated superstring is undergoing its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operation -- in so as to perform the predominant operation of its kinetic-based function over the course of the respective correlative gauge-metrical-based activity that is of the said superstring.  As such a regional-based localized kinematic-based activity of the here mentioned superstring is to occur over a relatively transient duration of time, the correlative annharmonic perturbation of the here so-eluded-to Gliosis-based indices, that are at the Poincaire level to the core-field-density of the said superstring that is then differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, will then tend to bear proximal iterations that are of an annharmonic-based metrical pulsation.  This is since the overall fractal of momentum-based indices (on the order of J = S+L), or, in other words, the overall spin-orbital Hamiltonian index plus the overall radial Hamiltonian index plus the overall transversel Hamiltonian index, as a whole -- that such a superstring will then tend to bear -- will then tend to go into what may here be described of as an alteration of its delineatory index.  This said index is here of the exterialized vibrational rippling, from the immediate Ward-Neumman bounds of the core-field-density of the said string.  This would then work to form an annharmonic flow of the velocity of the said superstring, in so as to effect the substringular acceleration, so to speak, of the motion of the so-stated superstring.

Some Information As To Wess-Zumino Interactions And Metrical Singularities

A Wess-Zumino-based disturbance in the J-based Hamiltonian topological sway (S+L) of a superstring, will tend to work at working to form a hermitian metrical singularity -- in a direct correspondence to the Fourier-based displacement of the directly corresponding superstring, over a directly pertinent sequential series of instantons in which such a said superstring is delineated through a unitary Lagrangian that is along the path of its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand that is in time and space.  A Wess-Zumino disturbance, in this case, is a harmonic-based perturbation in the eigenindices that are localized along the Gliosis-based topological stratum of the core-field-density of the Poincaire-associated Hamiltonian operation, that is of the kinematic distribution of the so-stated superstring -- as it is working to perform the operation of what its then predominant function is in time and space.  Just as a Reimman scattering tends to work at bringing substringular phenomenology into a hightened tense of order -- a Wess-Zumino-based disturbance tends to work to act as a perturbation that pulls phenomenology into a deepened tense of order.  So, Wess-Zumino interactions tend to bring phenomenology into the direction of what would here be the multiplicit tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based mode, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Some Additional Information As To Centralized Knotting

Orbifold eigensets that are of a relatively stable atom, as well as the physical phenomenology of those orbifolds that act as Higgs Boson eigenstates -- have a mass that is proportional to the scalar amplitude of the Hodge-based magnitude of their directly corresponding degree of their centralized knotting, in space and time. So, let us consider the mass of an electron versus the mass of a proton -- that is of an atom that is of a relatively stable Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, over a discrete group-related metric, at the subatomic level.  A proton has About 1836 times the mass of an electron, in such a so-stated setting.  This would then mean that such a proton would here work to bear about 1836 times as much of a scalar magnitude of a tense of a centralized knotting, than an electron.  Of course, an electron does not bear a condition of having gluons to put together the three leptons -- that work to bring together the existence of each individually taken electron.  Yet, the physical integration of subatomic mers -- in so as to work to form any key ingredient of an atom -- does indeed work to involve the Ward-Caucy-based condition, of what would here amount to be the existence of what I term of here as an eigenstate of a centralized knotting.  Its just that those individually taken subatomic particles that would work here in so as to help at the formation of putting together the so-stated respective "mers," in so as to make the so-eluded-to "ingredients" of an electron, are a particle that is not technically a gluon.  So, any given arbitrary Higgs Boson eigenstate -- of which works to bear a mass that is 126 times the mass of a proton -- will then work to bear a tense of a scalar magnitude of a centralized knotting, that is of a Hodge-Index that involves an amplitude of 126 times as much of such a said manner of a condition of the so-stated centralized knotting, over any directly corresponding eigenmetric of an equally covariant sequential series of group-related instantons.  So, not only is any phenomenology that is of a certain covariant, codeterminable, and a codifferentiable manner -- to be of a certain behavior, in so as to work to bear a specific magnitude of a quantum of a given arbitrary multiple of having more of an amplitude of tending to have more mass, to be of a Ward-Caucy tense of conditions, in so as to work to tend to bear a proportional multiple of a gravitational-based push and pull over time -- yet, such a physical phenomenology will also tend to bear the same proportionality of a tense of a centralized knotting, over the same covariant group-related eigenmetric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Feeding-In Into The Centralized Knotting

At the multivarious loci where certain of the countless sub-atomic particles are pulled into a Fourier Transformation, in so as to be "glued" together in so as to make the basic "ingredients" of the building blocks of matter -- there is what I term of as an eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  Over the course of the Ward-Caucy condition as to the multiplicit inter-binding of such a so-stated centralized knotting, over time -- such a multiplicit tense of a condition of what I have here termed of as the existence of a centralized knotting, is to be relatively well reattained, in so as to work at the process of causing such so-eluded-to subatomic particles to be able to both attain and to maintain the physical process of working to keep the basic "ingredients" of the building blocks of matter in its proper physical basis of order.   Such a so-stated process will then work to have a conditionality of a multiplicit tense of an indistinguishable difference -- in the state of such a "knot" in the substringular -- to where there will then here be a constant flow of the ebbing to-and-fro of the holonomic substrate of mini-stringular segmentation -- in so that, even though the said centralized knotting is to be maintained in so long as the said "ingredients" of any individually taken set of the building blocks of matter are not in the process of a state of radioactive decay, both the present and the persistent condition of the maintenance of homotopy is still able to be maintained by the ebbing to-and-fro of the wave-tug/wave-pull of the said mini-stringular segmentation that is being pulled and pushed back-and-forth by what would here be the basically continual state of the perturbation of the core-field-density of the overall conditionality of the general state of homotopy, that is in the substringular.  So, over the course of each succeeding iteration of group-related instanton -- there is the tendency of the continual pulling in and the continual pushing out of mini-stringular segmentation, both into and out of what I have here termed of the multivarious eigenstates of the centratlizeds knotting of the multivarious Rarita Structure eigenstates.  This then works to form the indistinguishable tense of the multiplicit gluing together of those so-stated and so-eluded-to subatomic particles -- in so as to work to form the construction and the constitution of the said basic building blocks of matter.  Each individual structure that is then formed as a basic building block of matter, as I have here termed it as -- will then work here to tend to act as the generally known orbifold eigensets of a Calabi-Yau manifold that we are most familiar with.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Energy Of A Complete Vacuum -- Revisted

Do you remember when I explained recently, that even the most complete vacuum that may be able to be extrapolated will still work to bear an energy of 10^(-129) of a Planck unit of energy?  This is if one is to here be considering the smallest transversal energy that one may be able to extrapolate from such a said complete vacuum.  Yet, when one is to consider the very smallest energy that may be extrapolated from a complete vacuum -- one is here to actually consider the smallest radial energy that may be extrapolated in such a respective given arbitrary case.  Discrete radial energy -- at the smallest level -- is 2pi times as small as the smallest quanta of discrete transversal energy.  This would then mean, that, the smallest scalar magnitude of energy that may be extrapolated from a  complete vacuum -- of which would then be of the smallest discrete scalar magnitude of radial energy -- would then be of the equivalence of 10^(-129) of one Planck Bar of discrete energy.  So, the actual smallest scalar magnitude of energy that may be extrapolated to exist in the smallest and the most complete vacuum that may be viabely determined, would then be of the magnitude of 10^(-129) of one Planck Bar of discrete energy.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Texture Of Space-Time-Fabric

The Rarita Structure is that holonomic substrate that works to form the mini-stringular interconnections, that work to bind the Laplacian-based states of discrete energy quanta, -- with the Laplacian-based states of both gravitons and gravitinos.  As the Rarita Structure is pulled and/or pushed into the multivarious Fourier Transformations, by which the so-eluded-to gravitational fabric is to then be re-delineated and redistributed into a perturbation of the intrinsic space-time-based texture, over a successive series of group-related instantons -- this will then work to re-distribute both the flow and the equipoise of the gravitational force, over the respective successive series of group-related instantons.  So, as the centralized knotting of the multivarious integration of the countless kinetic-based Rarita Structure eigenstates -- is both redistributed and re-delineated over time -- this thereby works to re-adjust the multivarious loci that most work to determine  the pull of gravity -- which will thereby work to alter the texture of space-time-fabric, by altering the delineation of the centralized knotting of those core eigenindices, that work to form the viable push and pull of the gravitational force, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Rarita Structure and the Grand Unified Field Theory

The activity of the Rarita Structure, works at helping to explain the Grand Unified Field Theory -- by the following account.:  The two multiplicit general ends of the Rarita Structure, as I have mentioned before, are the Laplacian-based general locus of the gauge-bosons, and, the Laplacian-based general locus of the light-cone-gauge.  It is the plucking of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the gauge-bosons, that works to help vibrate the directly correlative quanta of discrete energy -- in order that the so-stated quanta of discrete energy may be able to behave -- in what we term of as an electrostatic-based manner, over the iteration and the reiteration of a sequential series of  group-related instantons.  The vibrations that are then formed by the plucking of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the gauge-bosons -- of which are that general holonomic substrate, that may be termed of as Schwinger-Indices -- are what are translated in a  Fourier-based manner, in so as to work to interact with both gravitons and gravitinons, in so as to form that physical phenomenology that may be described of here as the force of gravity.  The centralized knotting of the said Rarita Structure -- exists in the multivarious loci of its correlative eigenstates, in so as to help in the formation of the strong force.  And, the perturbative weakening of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure eigenstates -- is what works to form the Fourier-based transmutations, that are associated with the process of radioactive decay -- and it is radioactive decay that is known of as the weak force.  Therefore, it is the Fourier-based activity of the integration of the eigenstates of the Rarita Structure -- that work to form the common ground, by which the Grand Unified Field Theory may be able to be understood by extrapolation.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Static Equilibrium Of Gravitational Pull

Let us initially consider an array or a set of superstrings -- each of such individually taken sets of superstrings of which keep going from an initial tense of conformal invariance, while then each of such so-stated sets of superstrings of which are then perturbated out of their correlative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based modes, while then each of such respective sets of superstrings then re-attaining a different tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- at an ensuing locus as to where and how their subsequent proximal tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance is to take place, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us now consider here, a Ward-Caucy-based field that is both external to the initially so-stated set of superstrings and of a greater Hodge-Index of superstringular eigenmembers.  Let us now say that the so-eluded-to reverse fractal of the initially so-eluded-to superstringular field is in more of a steady-state of conformal invariance than the initially stated set of superstrings -- at the Poincaire level of the outer Ward-Neumman bounds of the second field that is being considered here, to where the said respective reverse fractal-based field is then behaving in such a manner to where it displays a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, over time.  Let us now consider the condition -- that the "gluing" together of sub-atomic particles, in so as to form larger discrete parts of the multivarious atoms that work to form the Calabi-Yau manifolds that work to form matter -- is indicative of the centralized knotting of those Rarita Structure eigenstates, in so that the structure that works to form the holonomic substrate of gravity (the Rarita Structure) bears its centralized ties, at the specific loci, where that so-stated gluing together of subatomic particles is to happen -- in order for the key ingredients that work to form matter may be able to come together in order to form the said multivarious Calabi-Yau manifolds that make-up matter.  The just mentioned gluing together of subatomic particles -- in so as to form things such as protons, neutrons, and electrons (such as the condition that gluons work to bind quarks to leptons in protons), is what the strong force is all about.  The Rarita Structure is that substringular fabric, that works as the physically-based liaison between superstrings of discrete energy quanta and gravitational-based particles, so that gravity may be taken into effect.  The centralized knotting of the  Rarita Structure is that multiplicit holonomic substrate -- that acts as the phenomenology of the overtly taken eigenstates of the strong force.  The strong force is much stronger than the gravitational force.  Yet, it is the centralized knotting of the translational fabric of the gravitational force -- that works to form the phenomenology of the specific eigenstates of what the strong force is.  So, the perturbative adjustments of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, would theoretically alter the positional clause of a locally taken consideration of the gravitational force.  Yet, when one is to reverse fractal the Poincaire level as to the consideration of what the gravitational force is, at a more macroscopic level -- if the said more macroscopic level is in a state of static equilibrium -- then, the condition of gravity at the so-stated reverse fractal-based state will be of less of a perturbative state, thereby working to form more of an Invariant-based tense to the local state of gravity, that is at the more macroscopic level that is being mentioned here in this case.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Relatlve Tense Of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode

Let us say that one were to have a specific tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, at one proximal locus -- and let us now say that the so-stated local relative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode were to be then perturbated from its specific cite, at what would here be at the Poicaire level that would involve the alteration of a locally conformally invariant setting -- that had here worked to involve relatively few superstrings of discrete energy quanta, that had worked to perform the initially so-eluded-to condition of a tense of substringular static equilibrium, over time.  Let us now reverse fractal this to a larger setting of physical eigenmembers (a higher Hodge-Index of substringular eigenmembers) -- that would, instead, work to involve a set of molecules -- that would here be undergoing a tense of static equilibrium, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Let us say that there were -- from within the so-stated set of molecules -- a spontaneous condition of the alteration and the re-alteration of eigenmetrics of internally-based conformal invariance, even though the overall physical state of the condition of the said set of molecules may be said to be of a relative tense of conformal invariance, since what may here be deemed of as the overall tense of the superstrings that would here be working to form a tense of static equilibrium amongst the overall set of molecules, may then be said to be non-perturbative as a whole, to where the overall physical condition of the said set of molecules may be thought of as working to then bear a reverse-fractal of a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, over the so-eluded-to duration in which the so-stated molecules of such a case were to here be undergoing the said tense of a given arbitrary respective state of static equilibrium.  So, what one may then work to consider as a physical state that is as being of a relative case of a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance -- is, in part, able to be determined by what one would then work to define of as the Ward-Caucy conditions of that general locus, by which one is to then be working to define, when this is taken in terms of as to what the overall physical boundaries are -- of the so-eluded-to perturbation that one is to here be extrapolating, as an instant under consideration of any of such a respective given case scenario.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, January 8, 2016

As to the energy of a purely empty space

There are countless superstrings in our universe.  There are countless universes in all three of the individually taken sets of parallel universes (91*10^81 universes in each of all three of the individually taken sets of parallel universes).  Every universe has very many layers of reality in each of such individually taken universes (at least 150,000 layers of reality in each of such so-stated universes).  The tendency is -- that it is the superstrings that are directly corresponding to any one respective given universe that are most viable to all of the other superstrings of each of such said given individually taken universes.  This is when there is no perturbative Li-based action occurring to the said superstrings, in an overtly Fourier-based manner.  This works to form a condition of a state of less "empty space" than one would logically tend to think of in the Ultimon -- even though all of the vacancies and all of the kernels that are measurable -- that exist in both a Laplacian-based manner and in a Fourier-based manner --- still do contain the existence of at least one segmentation of mini-stringular fabric.  Mini-Stringular fabric is that homotopic residue, that works to inter-bind all discrete energy quanta to each other -- in either a directly and/or in an indirect manner, over time.  The cross-sectional thickness of a strand of what I call "mini-stringular segmentation" tends to bear a thickness of 10^(-129) of one meter thick of holononmic substrate.  This is indirectly why any measurable locus of empty space -- that may be extrapolatable in a physics-based manner -- will still bear an energy of at least 10^(-129) of one discrete unit of Planck-related energy.  Discrete energy is the holonomic substrate of the activity of a disturbance of space-time-fabric.  Mini-Stringular segmentation is the "webbing" that works to inter-bind both the constitution of all superstrings to other phenomenology that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation, the constitution of all first-ordered point particles to other phenomenology that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation, the constitution of all norm-state and norm-state-projections to other phenomenology that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation, and, the constitution of all other respective mini-stringular segmentation to all other mini-stringular segmentation that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation -- in either a direct and/or in an indirect manner, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

As To The General Basis For Magnetism

In terms of the substringular -- magnetism is that condition that tends to happen when one set of superstringular phenomenology, that bears a relatively knotted constitution of construction, works at bearing such a wave-tug/wave-pull -- in so as to either push-out and/or bring-in other tenses and/or genre of a superstringular phenomenology that here bear either the same or a relatively less knotted constitution of construction.  So, when such a general tense of a magnetic pull is happening among masses that work to bear an electrostatic wave-tug/wave-pull upon each other -- magnetism tends to happen when one orbifold eigenset, that works to bear one respective given arbitrary genre of centralized knotting, works at bearing such a wave-tug/wave-pull in so as to either push-out and/or bring-in other tenses and/or genre of a superstringular phenomenology that bears another respective given arbitrary genre of centralized knotting.  So, when one is to have an orbifold eigenset -- that had initially been in the process of being magnetically pulled or pushed in a state of static equilibrium by another orbifold eigenset,  over  the course of what would here be an occurrence that is happening in a tense of conformal invariance -- to where then, all of the sudden, the general direction of the so-eluded-to magnetic thrust is then reversed, in such a manner to where the directorial-based integration of the so-eluded-to Lagrangian-based path, that the here initially so-stated orbifold eigenset is to then reverse in its holomorphicity -- to where, this genus of activity will then tend to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This will then lead-up to the formation of the activity of a Kahler-Metric.  As such a so-stated perturbation of the general magnetic field is to happen here to the two so-eluded-to covariant orbifold eigensets, the Ward-Caucy boundaries and the two respective Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based modes will just as well alter -- one of such Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based modes for the first of such mentioned given arbitrary orbifold eigensets, and, another of such Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based modes for the second of such mentioned given arbitrary orbifold eigensets.  This will then work to re-delineate the loci of the proximal-based cites of the two inherent respective genre of that centralized knotting -- that will here be of that general condition of holonomic substrate, that will have here worked to glue or stick those subatomic particles together in so as to make the constitution or make-up of the two individually stated orbifold eigensets that I have been discussing here in this given arbitrary case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

As To The Perturbation Of An Initially Conformally Invariant Setting

An orbifold eigenset -- that would here consist of both two orbifolds that act as two different individually taken entities of the holonomic substrate of a quark, as well as also consisting of one other individually taken entity that acts as the holonomic substrate of a lepton -- bears a proximal local gluonic force, that would here work to bind the two said quarks to the said lepton, in so as to help to form the construction of a proton.  The gluonic force -- that works in the process of working to piece together the so-stated proton -- is here an eigenstate of the activity of the strong force.  The genus of the multiplicit gluon-related force --  works to bear its directly corresponding Fourier-based transformation, as a Hamiltonian operation that is localized at the multivarious centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  When the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode of a proton is altered by a reversal in the holomorphicity of the topological sway of the said orbifold eigenset -- that acts as the compositional-based construction of a proton -- the so-eluded-to multiplicit Hamiltonian operator is thereby reversed in the covariant-based path that it had initially had, when it was in a state of conformal invariance in its initial said Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.  This said reversal in the directoral-based topological sway of what is here the tensoric Ward-Caucy-based Lagrangian path of the so-stated proton, will then here be in the process of tending to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This said antiholomorphic Kahler condition, will then act as a group-metrical Hamiltonian operation -- that will here tend to trigger a Wick Action eigenstate.  This Wick Action eigenstate then tends to trigger the Landau-Gisner-Action, in so as to operate the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism -- in so as to work to operate with  the directly correlative Higgs Boson eigenstate, in so as to move the correlative multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate -- in so as to help to work at allowing for a needed eigenmetric of the Kahler-Metric.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Main Genus Of Centralized Knotting

The multiplicit Higgs Boson eigenstate bears a mass that is about 126 times that of a proton.  The mass-bearing core-field-density of a Higgs Boson eigenstate is much higher than the mass-bearing core-field-density of a proton.  This works to cause the condition -- that, a Higgs Boson eigenstate has much more of a tense of a centralized knotting than the physical state of a proton, when both the multiplicit Higgs Boson eigenstate and the multiplicit proton are to be compared at their multivarious-based respective given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based settings.  This is due to the condition, that, the Higgs Boson is that tense or genus of holonomic substrate -- that is utilized in so as to work to move the Klein Bottle -- in so as to bring the correlative respective Kahler-Metric into the general region of superstrings, in so as to work to allow for discrete energy to re-attain their fractals of the said discrete energy quanta, in order that discrete energy may be able to both persist and continue to exist, over time.  It is then eminent, that the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstates are to remain tied, in a homotopic manner, to their respective correlative Higgs Boson-based eigenstates -- in so long as the directly corresponding substringular phenomenology is to remain unfrayed.  This is because, even though a proton may often undergo the weak force -- which is the radioactive decay of an atom, it is still pervasive, that, in order for any respective given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based region to be able to both persist and continue to exist over any given respective successive series of iterations of group-related instantons -- that that particular genus of activity, that must be needed in order for discrete energy to keep re-attaining those fractals of discrete energy quanta, that are needed in order for energy to not fade-out of being actual energy -- must be able to continue to be able to happen, even if any of such respective Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based regions are to undergo the so-stated radioactive decay in a spontaneous-based manner.  Such a needed venue for a necessary additional Hodge-Index of homotopic residue, will then tend to work to require an additional Hodge-Index of what may be termed of as eigenstates of a centralized knotting.  The more of a Laplacian-based condition that is to exist, as a state or a genus of an additional centralized knotting, is likewise going to tend to work to be indicated by a Laplacian-based condition of such a proximal locus -- that works to bear a higher scalar magnitude of mass-bearing states.  The higher the mass that is to exist in a relatively confined region -- the more of a centralized knotting that is to then exist in the so-eluded-to Ward-Neumman-based region, in which such a higher mass is to kinematically exist at, over time.  Or, another way of looking at it -- the more of a Hodge-Index of centralized knotting that there is needed to exist per density of as to where such a so-stated additional scalar magnitude of inter-webbed mini-stringular segmentation is to exist in, in order for the proximal local space-time-fabric to not be frayed -- the higher that the mass will be, that is most directly involved with the correlative eigenstates of the said proximal local region in which such an additional tightness of inter-twined mini-stringular fabric is to be Poincaire at, to where then, the higher that the density of the membranes of homotopic residue that will then exist at the so-stated respective given arbitrary set locus of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based mode will then tend to be.  I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

The Relative Directional Flow Of Gravity

The flow of any particular locus of a gravitational-based flow -- as this may be typified by any given arbitrary eigenstate of the functional attribute of a Ricci-Scalar-based eigenstate -- tends to be in the direction of the wave-tug/wave-pull of the integration of the Hamiltonian-based operations of the activity of what I term of as the centralized knotting of the directly correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates, over any respective successive series of the correlative group-related instantons.  The genearal composition of what I term of as the eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates, is the multiplicit holonomic substrate of what may be generally termed of as discrete quanta of the strong force.  The strong force tends to be formed by the substringular operators, that are of the same basic nature as those subatomic eigenmembers that are of the same general genus as gluons and the like.  The Rarita Structure, in and of itself, is the framework by which the gravitational force is to be able to kinematically active, over any directly pertinent duration in time -- in which the pull of gravity is to then be able to take into effect.  The strong force itself is of a much stronger nature than the gravitational force.  Yet, the strong force is related to the gravitational force, by means of the apparatus of the compositional construction of the activity of the so-stated Rarita Structure.  Ironically enough -- where the apparatus that works to form the structural framework of the kinematic-based existence of gravity, works to form membranous nodes of the so-stated general "centralized knotting" of the said gravitational-based framework -- the activity of such nodes works to form an integration of what may be termed of as fractals of angular momentum eigenstates, whose antiderivative-based Hodge-Indices will then tend to work here to form that inter-binding of mass-related constituencies -- that come together in so as to work at forming what is known of as the "strong force."  At the reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of the activity of the individually taken Hamiltonian-based operations of subatomic particles, that are of the same general nature of what may be termed of as gluons -- the individually taken fractals of angular momentum that have been here formed, tend to pull in the said reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction of the kinematic but conformally invariant eigenstates of the so-eluded-to centralized knotting.  What is here the substringular-based "choice" as to what the relatively reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of such individually taken eigenstate of the so-stated centralized knotting happens to be,  in part, is determined by the directoral-based Laplacian eigenbase of that respective given arbitrary Lagrangian, that tends to bear the highest Hodge-Index of the phenomenology of open-loop amplitude -- from within the here proximal-based general locus of the Ward-Caucy-based region of the Rarita Structure, when this is taken relative to the so-eluded-to individually taken particles that are alike to the genus of gluons.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.

Monday, January 4, 2016

As To The Contour-Based Formation Of Space-Time-Fabric

The gluonic force --  a.k.a. the strong force -- is multiplicitly formed as the centralized knotting of the multivarious Rarita Structure eigenstates, throughout the multivarious Laplacian-based settings of space-time-fabric-based phenomenology.  The countless eigenstates of the gluonic force, work to bear their so-eluded-to eigenbases of their directly associated fractals of angular momentum -- which may be typified as the countless correlative wave-tug/wave-pull eigenbases of the directly corresponding push and pull states of what are then the multiplicit-based localized Hamiltonian operations of the said gluonic-based force.  Homotopy is formed by what I term of as the holonomic substrate-based Ward-Caucy-based existence of mini-stringular segmentation.  So, the so-stated and the so-eluded-to Hamiltonian-based operations, that are here most directly in association with the activity of gluons, tend to be constantly pulled and pushed along the here directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates -- that are here proximal to each of the individually taken local cites of each respective given arbitrary eigenstate of the so-stated gluons, to where these gluons -- of which are the main Hamiltonian operators that work to form the framework and the activity of the strong force -- are able to perform their sub-atomic-based functions.  The more gluons that are then local to one given arbitrary volume-based density of the holonomic substrate of any respective given arbitrary space-time-fabric-based phenomenology, are to exist at such a general locus in so long as to be present then -- the more of a wave-tug/wave-pull by which the correlative strong force is then to be able to work at tending to bear a fractal of angular momentum upon what is here the proximal local region that it is Poincaire to such an eluded-to Ward-Neumman-based physical parameterization of substringular locality, to where that space-time region that is as well proximal and local to the adjacent region in which such an integration of Hamiltonian-based operations of the strong force is to be acting in, in  so as to bring its fractal of angular momentum upon the so-stated region -- to where such a set of conditions is then more likely to have the bearings of more of a wave-tug/wave-pull upon those proximal and local mini-stringular segmentations, that are to here be most directly associated with the correlative respective locus of any correlatively proximal Rarita Structure eigenstates, to where such an integrative state of a so-eluded-to warping of the space-time-based fabric is to then be more likely to tend to occur here.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Some More As To The Conformal Dimensions Of Certain Bosonic Strings

Let us here consider certain of some given arbitrary bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  The first of such superstrings, is a bosonic string that is stationary in a terrestrial-based manner -- in so that the Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is directly involved with it, may be deemed of as one.  (No effectual tendency of a Lorentz-Four-Contraction happening to this respective superstring here at this given arbitrary moment.)  Such a superstring of discrete energy permittivity would then work to bear 3*10^8 of what I term of as "partitions."  As an ansantz, any number -- when taken to the zero power -- is one.  So, the conformal dimension of such a so-stated superstring that is of the general nature of being of basically a two-dimensional spatial-based manner -- will then have a conformal spatial dimensionality of:
1+2^((3*10^8)/10^(43)), or, basically of a spatial dimensionality of "two."  Now, let us then consider another bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that bears a Lorentz-Four-Contraction of 3*10^8.  Such a superstring would then work to bear only one of what I term of as a "partition," to where its conformal dimension would then be:  1+2^((1)/10^43)), or basically of a spatial dimensionality of "two."  So, let us now complete an explanation of the pattern -- by now extrapolating a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is Lorentz-Four-Contracted by a factor of 4. It would then only work to bear 75*10^6 of what I term of as "partitions," at that Laplacian-based point in time.  Its conformal spatial dimensionality would then be 1+2^((75*10^6)/10^43), or basically, "two."
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.