Wednesday, December 30, 2015
As To The Pull Of The Strong Force
Let us here consider one general eigenstate, as to a relatively localized wave-tug/wave-pull of the strong force -- to where this is comprised of one general Hamiltonian operational-based cite as to where a gluonic-based force is either tugging and/or pulling at, in one specific locus, over a relatively transient duration of time. A gluonic-based force is to exist at a locus that is working to inter-bind a set of two quarks to one lepton -- in so as to bind the said two quarks to the said lepton, in so as to work at making the composition of one respective given arbitrary proton. The said proton that is held together in part by the so-stated gluonic force, as usual, is relatively centered from within the general Ward-Neumman physical confines of the nucleus of an atom -- to where one is to have a relatively stable hydrogen atom, since the directly corresponding atom in which the respective said proton is to work to form at here -- is of the nature of having both only one proton and only one electron. The gluonic-based force that is here directly affiliated with the so-stated proton -- that works to form the said electrically stable atom, is of the nature of a centralized knotting of a Rarita Structure eigenstate, to where this respective said "centralized knotting" of a discrete increment of the Rarita Structure -- of which is of a manner by which the strong force, that is of the nature of binding together some of the essential phenomenology of atomic-based holonomic substrate, is then made to be correlative to the nature of the gravitational force -- by the nature of what is here a direct affiliation of the scalar effect of the Ricci Scalar with that general force that works to inter-bind sub-atomic particles that work at forming the phenomenology that is to construct the composition of atoms. Let us now say that the said gluonic force -- that is correlative to the composition of the proton that is to here exist at the nucleus of the so-stated given arbitrary atom, is to work at bearing both one specific transversal-based Hamiltonian operation, one specific radial-based Hamiltonian operation, and/or one specific spin-orbital-based Hamiltonian operation, in such a manner to where the directoral-based wave-tug/wave-pull of the so-stated gluonic-based force is to then be of the nature of being intrinsically pushed and pulled as according to the scalar magnitude of the angular-affiliated eigenbase of the resultant force of the so-eluded-to implementation of the fractal of the subatomic angular momentum that would then be directly corresponding to the activity of the so-eluded-to wave-tug/wave-pull of the so-stated gluonic force, that is undergoing the eluded-to push and pull that may be extrapolated at its general Majorana-Weyl-Invariant mode, as an eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure. Such a so-eluded-to sequential series of Laplacian-based steady-state iterations of subatomic activity -- that are of a relatively tightly knit tense of conformal invariance at a relatively set locus -- is to here be of a non-perturbative tense of Fourier-based translation, -- to where the general effect of such an eigenstate of the strong force, will then work to bear a reiterative set of cyclic permutations that will tend to be kept from within a relatively proximal region that is Poincaire to the general abelian operation of the Fourier-based translation of the respective given arbitrary Ward-Caucy-based region, in which the said proton is to be both codifferentiable and codeterminable at, over the so-eluded-to relatively transient duration of time in which such a tense of conformal invariance is of a non-perturbative nature. This so-stated general tense of directoral-based wave-tug/wave-pull will then work to form the general tendency as to the intrinsic activity of the atom that has been implied here -- by which the activity of the external forces that are to be applied to the Ward-Caucy bounds of the so-eluded-to eigenstates of both the respective gluonic-based force and its respective directly corresponding atom that it works at helping to form, will then have a basis as to how the resultant eigenbase of Fourier-related interaction will then be able to transpire -- from that point in group metrical activity to its ensuing sequential series of physical iterations of group-related instantons, over the so-eluded-to duration of time.
Posted by
12:39 PM
Rarita Structure,
Ricci Scalar

Saturday, December 26, 2015
Topological Sway Of Cohomologies
Let us first consider a given arbitrary Gliosis-Sherk-Olive ghost-based pattern -- a cohomological mappable tracing -- of what would here be a physical memory of an orbifold eigenset, that is undergoing a tense of conformal invariance at a general respective set locus -- over a relatively transient duration of time. Let us say that the so-eluded-to set of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that have here operated in so as to perform one specific function -- have just been perturbated-out of the initially so-stated tense of conformal invariance -- to where the so-eluded-to tense of the respective given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode had just been ended by an external force, that had readjusted the general relative locus of as to where the said orbifold eigenset is to be iterating at, in a Fourier-based manner. Let us now say that the re-adjustment was of a direct correspondence to a reversal of the general holomorphic flow of the adjutant field -- that was Gliosis to the outer bounds of the Ward-Neumman field that is Yukawa to the core-field-density of the so-stated orbifold eigenset. The said reversal in the general holomorphic flow of the Yukawa-based field of the said orbifold eigenset would then work to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition. Often, when there is a perturbation that happens to the Gliosis-based field of an orbifold eigenset -- that had just previously been in a state of conformal invariance, to where the said perturbation is of the general manner of an antiholomorphic Kahler condition -- the Gliosis-Sherk-Olive cohomology that had been both formed and iterated at the general locus of the Majrorana-Weyl-based delineation, will be pulled out of its initially relatively stagnant tense of a Laplacian-based format, into what may be here described of as a topological "drifting" of the ghost-based pattern's ghost-based indices, to where the cohomology that had been formed at the so-eluded-to general locus of cohomological-based setting, will be pulled in a kinematic manner into the immediate surroundings of the initially said Majorana-based field that is proximal to the general locus of as to where the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset had worked to form its initially so-eluded-to physical memory. This will tend to work at effecting the manner in which the correlative integration of ghost-based indices will be able to scatter in the resulting genus of its Rayleigh-based scattering -- given both the scalar magnitude of the Hodge-Index of its eigenmembers & the quantum characteristics of its antiderivative-based Hamiltonian fractals of discrete momentum, as the so-eluded-to cohomology is drifting amongst its relatively reverse-holomorphic adjutant norm-state-projections. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
7:34 AM
orbifold eigenset,

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
As To A Gliosis-Based Abelian Strike
When there is a Gliosis-Sherk-Olive cohomological-based pattern, that is formed by the physical memory of the conformally invariant motion of a set of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- the so-eluded-to ghost-based pattern will be of a mappable tracing, that, if this is not perturbated by an external source, will tend to be in a positioning that is relatively stationary in its Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based mode. Let us now say that the so-stated Gliosis-Sherk-Olive ghost-based pattern that I have mentioned here, works to bear an external-based core-field-density, that works to bear an abelian geometry, in retrospect to its exterior Yukawa-based field. Let us now say that there will be an incoming relatively reverse-holomorphic set of norm-state-projections, that will be heading towards the Gliosis-based field of the said respective given arbitrary Gliosis-Sherk-Olive cohomological-based pattern, that is of this given case scenario. Let us now say that one is looking, in a Laplacian-based manner, in the holomorphic direction - from the relatively general holomorphic end of the so-eluded-to ghost-based pattern of the so-eluded-to orbifold -- that had just operated in so as to perform one specific function in the substringular, up until the said respective given arbitrary orbifold had perturbated out of the general but specific locus in which it had existed in a tense of conformal invariance -- at the initially so-stated tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, that I had mentioned at the beginning of this given post. Let us now say that the whole ghost-based pattern of the said Gliosis-Sherk-Olive mappable tracing -- was to bear a "perfectly" trivially isomorphic chirality with the said incoming relatively reverse-holomorphic moving set of norm-state-projections -- to where each of the so-eluded-to ghost-based indices of the said physical memory of the orbifold is to match an antiholomorphic ghost-based index of the said relatively reverse-holomorphic moving set of norm-state-projection, as the impending collision is about to happen in a dot-product-based manner -- at the Poincaire level of the holomorphic end of the ghost-based pattern that was formed by the so-stated orbifold, that had worked to form the so-eluded-to physical memory of the Hamiltonian operator that had just been perturbated-out of the general locus of where the impending collision is about to happen. Let us, as well, say, that the topological edges of the said reverse-holomorphic set of norm-state-projections is to bear an abelian geometry, towards the core-field-density that is just external to the Gliosis-based field, that is at the Poincaire level to the interior of what is about to be the group-metrical activity of a substringular collision of integrative ghost-based eigenindices. Let us now say that the Hodge-Index of both of the individually taken so-eluded-to sets of integrative norm-state-projections is of the same discrete quantum. This will then cause there to be a tendency, to where, the two integrative sets of norm-state-projections will often here completely scatter in a Rayleigh-based scattering, on account of both the conditions that this will be an annharmonic scattering, and, also because such a scattering will work to cause the adjacent eigenmembers that are displaced in a perturbative manner, to be of an odd chirality -- at the Poincaire level to the point commutators that are hewn-in by the activity of that inter-connective fabric of mini-stringular segmentation, that is involved with the homotopic interplay of the directly corresponding norm-state-projections -- that work to form the correlative and needed interconnection of substringular field-density, that works to reverse-fractal into the activity of the condition of the multiplicit existence of Cassimer Invariance.
To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:26 PM
Cassimer Invariance,

Monday, December 21, 2015
As To Two Approaching Abelian Edges Of Cohomology
Let us here consider the Fourier-based transformation, that would here work to involve two different cohomological settings that are here being pulled into one another -- over a directly corresponding sequential series of iterations of group-related instanton. Let us here consider as well, that the two different said respective given arbitrary cohomological settings -- that are being displaced in the general manner that I have here described, are being drawn towards one another from the opposite direction -- the given arbitrary initial cohomological setting is moving towards the given arbitrary secondary cohomological setting, over a discrete period of time. As an ansantz, this would then mean that the two said given arbitrary individually taken sets of ghost anomalies, are then in the process of making a "head-one" collision -- once that the two so-stated covariant sets of ghost anomalies have achieved a Gliosis-based contact with one another, over the course of the initially stated Fourier-based transformation in which such an operation of the kinematic displacement of the two different said cohomological settings is to have happened, over the so-eluded-to group metric of substringular operators that would here be of a direct correspondence with the said situation has transpired. Let us now say that the two so-stated different cohomological settings that have here been kinematically displacesd -- in such a manner, to where these are brought from opposite directions (in a parity that would here work to involve two reverse-holomorphic directoral-based Lagrangian-affiliated topological genre of flow), up until these come into a direct contact in a Gliosis-based manner -- will work to bear a Laplacian-Transfomration-based tense of a trivially isomorphic chirality of Ward-Caucy-based eigenmembers. This will be due to the condition, that we are here dealing with two different covariant physical memories -- of what would here be the kinematic displacement of the integrative ghost anomalies of two different covariant orbifolds, that would here appertain to the antiholomorphic flow of the physical memory of two kinematic sets of two different sets of superstrings -- that operate in so as to perform two different functions in the substringular. Let us now say, that, even though the two said sets of ghost anomalies would then tend to scatter upon each other to an extent, that there would still be a remaining quantum of cohomological-based setting, that would then tend to persist after the so-stated collision of the two said sets of integrative sets of ghost anomalies have struck each other in a Gliosis-based manner. Let us now say that the Gliosis-based impact of the two so-stated trivially isomorphic sets of integrative ghost anomalies, will work to bear a flow, at the interior to the so-stated reverse-holomorhic-based Lagrangian topological pulsation of the said cohomological pull, that may be described of as having the quality of an abelian edge -- at the kinematic end of the said displaced individually taken ghost-based patterns, that are to here make a direct contact towards the interior locus of the said topological wave-tug/wave-pull. Let us now say that one of the said cohomological settings that is approaching the other, works to bear a larger Hodge-based index of scalar magnitude of Hamiltonian operation than the other. Let us then consider, that, otherwise, the consideration of a trivially isomorphic symmetry of the respective given arbitrary initial set of ghost anomalies -- that is of a larger quantum of substringular eigenmembers in Hamiltonian operation than the second so-stated set of displaced cohomological-based setting, is the only viable difference in the manner of the so-stated Fourier-based transformation -- that would here be involved with the drawing of the two sets of ghost anomalies toward one another. This would then mean that the resultant topological flow of the so-eluded-to displacement of ghost anomalies would tend to go in the direction of the larger set of ghost anomalies -- to where the resulting Hamiltonian operation of ghost-based indices would then tend to go in the direction of the larger scalar magnitude of Hodge-based cohomological index, once that the so-eluded-to Gliosis contact of such a cased has been achieved, at the Poincaire level. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:50 PM

Friday, December 18, 2015
As To The Rarita Structure And Calabi-Yau Manifolds
Most phenomenology that we generally conceive of, is comprised of mass-bearing superstrings that are of the nature of what are either electrons, protons, or neutrons. This is not when considering the condition of neutrinos. Individually taken protons, are comprised of two quarks that are bound to one lepton -- via the bonding activity of what are known of as gluons. Individually taken neutrons are comprised of one quark that is bound to two leptons -- via the bonding activity of what are known of as gluons. Individually taken electrons are comprised of three leptons that are bound to one another -- via the bonding activity of another genus of of phenomenology that is similar to what are known of as gluons. Certain phenomenology that is similar but different from mesons, particularly gluons, work to operate in so as to form that activity that is known of as the strong force. This so-stated general genre that works to inter-bind sub-atomic particles, such as how gluons work to inter-bind certain sub-atomic particles, are the general genus of the substringualr phenomenology -- that is of that holonomic substrate, that may be denoted as the respective given arbitrary eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure. When individually taken photons -- of which are the discrete bosonic superstrings of electromagnetic energy -- act, in so as to strike the core-field-density of any given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring, in such a way that is of a Gliosis-based manner, the resulting general genus of interaction may be then described of as a Calabi-Yau interaction. This then means -- that the general genus of the manifold of any given arbitrary respective mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, may be described of as a Calabi-Yau manifold. In general -- the holonomic substrate that would then directly correspond to the Laplacian-based existence, of a manifold of a mass-bearing superstring of such a said nature -- is one in which the activity of phenomenology such as gluons, via the strong force, is within the Ward-Neumman bounds of its said substringular-based composition. This then means that the individually taken Calabi-Yau manifolds, tend to be a manifold -- in which the existence of the activity of particle-based phenomenology such as gluons, is Gloisis to the "heart" of the so-eluded-to construction of such a so-stated general membranous texture of substringular phenomenology. This, as well, then means that inter-bound orbifold eigensets -- that work to bear eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the directly corresponding Rarita Structure delineations -- that are Yukawa to them, at the Poincare level, are ones of such -- to where, when an individually taken discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy is to strike the core-field density of such a general classification of substringular phenomenology in a Gliosis-based manner at the said discrete Poincare level, the resulting interaction will be of the nature of a Calabi-Yau interaction. I will continue with the suspense later!!!
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
2:09 PM
holonomic substrate,
strong force,

As To The Centralized Knotting Of Rarita Structure Eigenstates
Let us consider the condition -- that the particles known of as gluons, are the phenomenology that is preeminent where the Rarita Structure eigenstates work to bear what I term of as the multivarious loci of the condition of a centralized knotting. Remember, that the multivarious light-cone-gauge eigenstates act as the initiation-based source of the Rarita Structure, and, the multivarious gauge-boson eigenstates act as the ending-based source of the Rarita Structure. Let us now consider the condition -- that those genre of the tenses of conformal invariance, that would here directly appertain to the activity of the Rarita Structure eigenstates of phenomenology that exists on a star or a planet, will tend to bear more torsional-affiliated external inter-play -- than those genre of the tenses of conformal invariance that would, instead, directly appertain here to the activity of the Rarita Structure eigenstates of phenomenology that would tend to exist in an isolated region that is deep into outer space. Stars and planets are phenomenology that bear a large quanta of mass. Mass is put together, basically, due to the activity of gluons -- in the process of acting as the operators of the strong force. At least partially on account of the condition that any respective given arbitrary star or planet is a physical phenomenological-based entity, that works to bear a significant external inter-play of the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates -- that would be correlative to the existence of both their Laplacian-based and their Fourier-based activity -- there is then the predominant need for a much higher Hodge-Index of the quantity of eigenstates of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure for the so-stated respective stars and planets. This would then work to explain, in part, the basis for the existence of the high quantities of mass -- of which would here bear a high quantity of gluons -- for both stars and planets. To Be Continued!
Sam Roach.
Sam Roach.
Posted by
5:19 AM
Rarita Structure,

Thursday, December 17, 2015
More As To The Relative Displacement Of The Rarita Structure
Let us say that one is to have two different comparative groups of orbifolds -- each of such groups of which would work to be comprised of superstrings, these said two sets of superstrings of which would both be existent in two different individually taken cases, that are of a relative tense of conformal invariance. The first orbifold would be a set of superstrings, that would bear no relative condition of external-based motion -- since such a said orbifold would be situated out in a relative deep region of outer space, to where the so-eluded-to tense of conformal invariance would here be a tense of a condition of superconformal invariance. The second so-eluded-to set of superstrings of one other respective given arbitrary genus of an orbifold -- would be in a tense of conformal invariance, that would be situated on an actual planet out in space. This would then mean, that the second so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset would be existent upon a general locus -- here being of a planet -- of which would then be of a phenomenology that is moving, in a solar system that is as well moving, of a galaxy, that is just as well moving. This would then involve a much deeper tense of external-based motion -- even though the actual specific locus of the general Majorana-Weyl-Invariant mode -- that is proximal to the second said orbifold eigenset that I have here mentioned, is in just as much of a relative condition of conformal invariance (at the interial-based setting), as the first said orbifold eigenset in question. This would then mean -- that the second so-mentioned orbifold eigenset would work to bear a greater external condition of a constant covariant process of the kinematic interplay of the directly corresponding external-based Rarita Structure eigenstates -- that would then work to involve the interdependent interplay of each succeeding reverse-fractal of the relative divergence from a condition of conformal invariance, from the general locus that is just outside of the said orbifold eigenset of the so-stated second mentioned case, outward to the actual motion of the galaxies that are to here be covariant to the so-mentioned case of the second said orbifold eigenset of the said case scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
3:49 PM
orbifold eigenset,
Rarita Structure,

A Little As To Rarita Structure Adjustments
Let us here consider a general locus as to where a superstring is to continually iterate at -- in a relatively conformally invariant manner,over time. Let us say that the respective given arbitrary directly corresponding discrete quanta of energy was within the Ward-Caucy bounds of an atom -- to where, even though the so-stated atom was within a molecule that was moving, and, the said molecule that was to here contain the atom that contained the Ward-Neumman bounds of the so-stated discrete quanta of energy, was to be from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of a planet, that was, as well, moving in both a transversal and in a radial-based manner, over time. This would mean -- that, even though the overall medium in which the here respective given arbitrary discrete quanta of energy -- that is here being discussed in this case, is to be kinematically being displaced in a relatively significant manner -- the specific proximal region in which the said discrete quanta of energy is here to be continuously be reiterating from within, is here of a conformally invariant manner. This would then mean -- that, the so-stated discrete quanta of energy that is being discussed here in this case, is then existent in a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based manner, over time. This would mean, that the specific locus -- that is here proximal to the relatively conformally invariant core-field-density of the overall said discrete quanta of energy, is to here bear a locally steady-state of a conformally invariant Rarita Structure eigenbase -- to where, even though the then exterialized field-density of the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates are to be, in this case, constantly re-adjusting, outside of the Ward-Caucy bounds of the respective given arbitrary case of the correlative conformally invariant discrete quanta of energy -- the specific Laplacian-based locus of the Fourier-based translation of the said quanta of energy will be proximally defined, as a relatively low kinetically-based extrapolation of energy, since the said specific locus of the energy -- that is here of a locally conformally invariant manner, is then locally of a steady-state Gaussian-based translation of spacial phenomenology, relative to its immediate surroundings, over the so-eluded-to proscribed period of time of this case.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:17 AM
conformally invariant,
Rarita Structure,

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
As To The Completion Of An Otherwise Multiplicit Mobius Condition
Each set of parallel universes of the Ultimon, works to bear what may initially be a consideration of 26 spatial parameters of dimensionality plus time -- a sort of a Minkowski or flat-spaced-based spatial dimensionality. Yet, such a so-eluded-to spatial conditoinality of dimensional parameterization, works to bear a multiplicit addendum of a Njenhuis spatial dimensionality, that would here consist of six added multiplicit spatial dimensions -- of which would then work to result in each set of parallel universes to then bear a Hilbert-based spatial dimensionality of up to 32 dimensions plus time. The Rarita Structure is started in a Fourier-based manner, at the respective given arbitrary general locus of the light-cone-gauge egienstates, and, the so-stated Rarita Structure is ended in a Fourier-based manner at the respective given arbitrary general locus of the gauge-bosons, (the general locus of the so-eluded-to E(6)XE(6) strings of the substringular.) As the gauge-bosons act in so as to "pluck" the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- the so-stated gauge-bosons act as a set of physical entities that each consist of six-dimensional closed loops, that act upon the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- in such a manner, in so as to put a wave-tug/wave-pull upon the so-stated light-cone-gauge eigenstates that is of both a Gliosisi and of a Yukawa-based nature, in six spatial parameters of dimensionality -- within the constraints of a gauge-metric, that is operateable over a sequential series of iterations of group-related instantons, that work to allow for the general eigenbase of the inter-relationship of discrete energy with the gravitational force -- so that phenomenology may be held together, so that there may be the existence of discrete substringular inter-relations, over time. This said six dimensional activity of a holonomic-based substrate -- that is made by a phenomenology that is as well of a spatial parameterization of six spatial dimensions, plus time -- is what primarily acts, in so as to work to complete the "second-edge/second-side" of what would otherwise be the "holographic"-based flat space or Minkowski-based space of physical space and time. (The completion of an otherwise Mobius condition.) Such a continuous and a spontaneous Hilbert-based completion of a volumed-based space, is what acts in so as to work to make the viable inter-relations of spatial dimensionality of such a nature, in so as to work to bear the here needed completion of physical substringular depth. As well, this works to complete the Newtonian principle -- that, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction -- acting in the opposite general direction of the said initial action.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:11 AM
Hilbert Space,
holographic space,

Monday, December 14, 2015
As To The Completion Of The Rarita Structure
The mutivarious and multiplicit light-cone-gauge eigenstates are plucked -- like a harp is plucked -- by the correlative multivarious and multiplicit gauge-bosons, in so as to help to form both the existence and the activity of the correlative Schwinger-Indices. The so-stated Schwinger-Indices, act upon the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates -- in so as to help to work to form the interdependent interaction-related basis, that is to exist both between and amongst the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity towards the correlative gravitational-based particles (these said gravitational particles being the respective gravitons and the respective gravitinos). Where the centralized knotting of the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates is made to exist as a holonomic substrate -- is that Gliosisi-based phenomenology at the Poincaire level, that exists as the physical entities that act as being the particle-based phenomenology, that are known of as the respective gluons. Gluons work to tie together both the quarks and/or the leptons -- that come together in so as to help to form those subatomic particles, that work to form the correlative and respective atoms that exist in space and time. This occurance -- in so as to how subatomic particles are "glued" together -- is known of as the strong force. The strong force is much stronger than the correlative and respective gravitational-based force. So -- where the initial endpoint, of as to what may be termed of as the "start" of the Rarita Structure, is the light-cone-gauge. So -- where the resultant endpoint, of as to what may be termed of as the "finish" of the Rarita Structure, is the general locus of where the gauge-bosons are located, in the substringular.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
10:19 AM
Poincaire level,
Rarita Structure

Friday, December 11, 2015
As To The Expansion of the "Universe"
The universe in which we live in seems to be accelerating in its volume -- in our current set of conditions. Yet, I have a theory that our universe is not necessarily accelerating in the manner in which most scientists think of it as doing so. Here is the key to what I mean by this addressing of such a topic: Each of the three individually taken sets of universes is comprised of 91*10^(81) universes, each of such parallel universes of which are inter-twined amongst themselves. Each of such sets of universes exist in what may be termed of as a basically doubled-up hoop -- one of such "hoops" (when one is to take into consideration the physical condition that each of such doubled-up hoops is of two Main World-Tubes, that are each basically of the same hoop -- due to a relatively large "annulus" that barely works to separate these from each other), individually taken, is of a relatively forward-moving-time-wise nature, and, the other of such doubled-up hoops is of a relatively backward-moving-time-wise nature. So, when one is to observe the condition of macroscopic phenomenology as recently accelerating noted as moving faster away from each other -- one is then here dealing with the condition of the so-eluded-to externalized said phenomenology (that have traveled beyond what we were so sure of as being the outer-edge of our physical universe) is moving into a universal setting, that is of one demarcation of a different genus of a universal setting than our own universe in which we presently live in. This does not mean that the so-observed galaxies that we are observing as accelerating at a faster rate from far away are re-starting from scratch. The galaxies that have moved beyond the so-called outer part of the visible universe are as taken from the position of existence that these had had -- prior to the conditions that such said overall groups of galaxies had been in, before these so-stated macroscopic physical phenomenology had traveled in both general directions to over half of the way around the so-stated "hoop," -- are still of the same general basic tense of Ward-Caucy-based conditions. Yet, each time that these so-eluded-to macroscopic physical phenomenology have traveled over the course of such a general distance -- along the individually taken hoops of each said set of parallel universes -- the galaxies (if not "eaten-up" by black-holes) will enter one demarcation of a different genus of a universal setting from the one that it had subsequently been in -- up until all 91*10^(81) universal settings have been of a predominant nature, until our said universe is then again of the so-eluded-to predominant nature. This, however, does not mean that the exact same activities will then be identically resumed -- what it means, is that the same general genus of the then existent Bases of Light will be revamped in the same general tense as these have had of our own present eminent universal setting of flow. This is the general flow of as to the way that I perceive of as to how this is done. The other universes of each set of parallel universes will then be doing the same general sort of manner -- except, that what is to them as termed of as one demarcation of a different genus of a universal setting, will bear a different condition of relativity amongst themselves.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continue! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continue! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
5:25 PM
Bases of Light,
Parallel universes,
Ward-Caucy conditions,

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
As To The Tying Of Gauge-Bosons
Let us here consider a discrete quanta of energy -- at one general locus, where the Polyakov Action is to be able to happen, -- during one specific iteration of BRST. During the Polyakov Action, at one respective given arbitrary locus -- the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its substringular counterpart, are decompactified to the inverse of as to the scalar magnitude of its directly pertinent Lorentz-Four-Contraction. As such a so-eluded-to Polyakov Action is happening -- both the Bette Action and the duration of the said iteration of BRST, are then happening simultaneously, through the vantage-point of a central conipoint. Any given arbitrary duration of BRST, is that activity that happens when a superstring of discrete energy permittivity is basically at a standstill -- aside from the activity that these said phenomenology go through in the process of both the said iterations of the Polyakov Action, the activity of the Bette Action, and the activity that is involved with the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue. (This so-stated duration is the general metric that is to happen over a majority of any directly correlative iteration of instanton.) As a refresher to my readers -- the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue is involved with that activity in which the directly corresponding counterstring of discrete energy permittivity is to initially sway in the relative forward-holomorphic direction, at a subtension that is initiated in a spot that is relatively proximal to the relatively reverse-norm-to-holomorphic position of the directly affiliated counterstring, while this said genus of metric works to bear an equal and opposite reaction of then working to bear a toplogical sway of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is pulled into the here relatively reverse-holomorphic direction, at a subtension that is initiated in a spot that is relatively proximal to the relatively reverse-norm-to-holomorphic position of the directly affiliated so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Such a so-eluded-to topological sway is like a "woddle" of the overall discrete quanta of energy permittivity. (The said superstring is more pertinent to the particle-based nature of such, and, the said counterstring is more pertinent to the wave-function-based nature of such.) As the earlier mentioned respective given arbitrary superstring that is undergoing a metric of a pertinent iteration of BRST -- at a relatively set substringular locus -- the gauge-bosons act in so as to "pluck" their directly correlative cites, at the respective given second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates. This is able to happen, because the here applicable topological Yukawa inter-relationship -- that would here exist in-between the cites as to where upon the second-order light-cone-gauge is to be plucked, & the Ward-Caucy bounds of the correlative said gauge-bosons, that are to do the said plucking of the said second-order eigenstates of the wave-functionability of discrete energy impedance, is not of a manner that would OTHERWISE be of a Glioisis-based homotopic bearing tangency -- during the so-stated general activity of the said "plucking" that is to here happen over the individually taken successive series of the correlative iterations of BRST. This means, that -- even though the homotopic condition of the substringular interconnections that exist among all unfrayed superstrings tend to work to bear a condition of a general state of Cassimer Invariance -- the gauge-bosons of the substringular are most Gliosis in interconnection with that topology that is of the multiplicit Rarita Structure eigenstates, that are off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, -- to where, the so-implied homotopic indices that are directly tied upon the here so-stated gauge-bosons will then tend to be of a Njenhuis-based nature to the Sterling-based field of the relative field-density of the directly correlative discrete quanta of energy, that is of such a case. So, this leads to allow for the condition, that this just mentioned state of affairs -- that is of the inter-relationship between gauge-bosons and the directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, will then here work to tend to bear a higher and spontaneous scalar magnitude, that is of the freeing-up of room, that is proximal to the Poincaire level as to the here relative positioning of these said interacting phenomenology, to where the correlative plucking that I have here described, may be able to tend to happen without any perturbative unwanted torsioning of the core-field-density of the here directly corresponding and local discrete quanta of energy, that are most Yukawa to the here said case scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Cassimer Invariance,

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Some Knowledge As To Yang-Mills Light-Cone-Gauge Topology
When one is to consider a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity at BRST -- the directly corresponding first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is correlative to the said superstring, works to bear five second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here incorporated into the so-stated first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate. Each of such so-eluded-to second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates here will work to bear the Laplacian-based existence of having 120 correlative cites, during the correlative course of any respective given arbitrary iteration of BRST, where the directly corresponding gauge-bosons that are directly affiliated with the directly corresponding superstring will act upon the said second-ordered light in such a Gliosis-based manner at the Poincaire level, in so as to "pluck" the so-stated cites -- in so as to work to form the here necessary 600 third-ordered Schwinger-Indices, that are formed by the wave-functional activity of the correlative cite of discrete energy impedance, that are Yukawa to the eigenbase of the operational-based performance of the said correlative one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is of any given arbitrary case in which such an implied source of discrete energy is unfrayed during the so-eluded course of the said iteration of BRST. Yet, if instead, one is here to consider a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permititivty at BRST -- the superstring will bear a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is comprised of ten second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, to where each of such individually taken second-ordered eigenstates will bear only 60 cites where the so-eluded-to third-ordered Schwinger-Indices will be formed -- in so that the overall first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of such a case will then, as well, work to bear a total of 600 third-ordered Schwinger-Indices, that are directly corresponding to the here correlative discrete quanta of energy.
If both of the here said general examples of first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topological-based construction -- there will initially have a consideration here of any of such so-eluded second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that work to comprise the here so-mentioned first-ordered eigenstates, as bearing 60 Laplacian-based physically oriented sinusoidal-based oscillations that are existent at the general cite of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that would here directly correspond to the Yukawa-based contact that is involved with the covariant differentiation of two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, in so as to be of the 60 cites per each of the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates for the correlative gauge-bosons to be able to pluck the light-cone-gauge. When the correlative gauge-bosons work to "pluck" the here so-eluded-to sixty cites per second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of such a respective discrete quanta of energy -- the said plucking is initiated at the topological surface of the relative trough of each of the said sixty so-eluded-to Laplacian-based oscillations per second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that are of the said Yang-Mills topology. Since two-dimensional superstrings work to bear 10 second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates each, this would then involve a total of 600 of such cites, overall. This reverse-intuitive manner of plucking will then act as a springing mechanism, in so as to help to pull the so-stated correlative two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity into the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow. (Along with what I call the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue.) Actually, it is such a springing effect -- that acts upon the so-eluded-to Clifford Expansion of the correlative light-cone-gauge -- that works to cause the here implied "woddle" of superstrings, that is pertinent to the so-stated Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue. The same general genus of activity happens with one-dimensional superstrings, that are of a Yang-Mills topology -- except that this will instead act upon the 120 cites of Laplacian-based oscillation per what would instead be the 120 cites where the correlative gauge-bosons would act upon the correlative loci of the so-stated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates (as before, though, this would involve a total of 600 cites overall (120*5 = 600)) -- in so as to cause the same general effect of a springing-based activity that is Gliosis to the topological surface of the light-cone-gauge at the Poincaire level -- in so as to help in the process of causing the Hamiltonian-based drive of putting superstrings into the generally unnoticed duration of the process of Ultimon Flow.
I will continue with the supsense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
If both of the here said general examples of first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topological-based construction -- there will initially have a consideration here of any of such so-eluded second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that work to comprise the here so-mentioned first-ordered eigenstates, as bearing 60 Laplacian-based physically oriented sinusoidal-based oscillations that are existent at the general cite of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that would here directly correspond to the Yukawa-based contact that is involved with the covariant differentiation of two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, in so as to be of the 60 cites per each of the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates for the correlative gauge-bosons to be able to pluck the light-cone-gauge. When the correlative gauge-bosons work to "pluck" the here so-eluded-to sixty cites per second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of such a respective discrete quanta of energy -- the said plucking is initiated at the topological surface of the relative trough of each of the said sixty so-eluded-to Laplacian-based oscillations per second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that are of the said Yang-Mills topology. Since two-dimensional superstrings work to bear 10 second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates each, this would then involve a total of 600 of such cites, overall. This reverse-intuitive manner of plucking will then act as a springing mechanism, in so as to help to pull the so-stated correlative two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity into the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow. (Along with what I call the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue.) Actually, it is such a springing effect -- that acts upon the so-eluded-to Clifford Expansion of the correlative light-cone-gauge -- that works to cause the here implied "woddle" of superstrings, that is pertinent to the so-stated Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue. The same general genus of activity happens with one-dimensional superstrings, that are of a Yang-Mills topology -- except that this will instead act upon the 120 cites of Laplacian-based oscillation per what would instead be the 120 cites where the correlative gauge-bosons would act upon the correlative loci of the so-stated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates (as before, though, this would involve a total of 600 cites overall (120*5 = 600)) -- in so as to cause the same general effect of a springing-based activity that is Gliosis to the topological surface of the light-cone-gauge at the Poincaire level -- in so as to help in the process of causing the Hamiltonian-based drive of putting superstrings into the generally unnoticed duration of the process of Ultimon Flow.
I will continue with the supsense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:21 PM
superstrings. Hamiltonian,

Saturday, December 5, 2015
As To The Striking Of Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates
When any given arbitrary gauge-boson acts to initially start to "pluck" a second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate during BRST -- the initial contact works to tend to form metrical Chern-Simmons singularities, proximal to the specific locus that is Poincare to the Gloisis area of contact. Right after the so-stated gauge-boson is done pulling upon the specific locus where the said plucking is metrical in operation -- the metrical singularities that are formed at the specific locus where the then formed Schwinger-Index is initiated, are then no longer of a Chern-Simmons nature --, these singularities are, at this duration-based point, tending to be of a hermitian nature -- over the course of this said gauge-metrical activity. This is the tendency of the case, whether the resultant Schwinger-Index is of a harmonic or of an anharmonic nature -- as such said Schwinger-Indices are then propagated from the general locus of the light-cone-gauge, outward and along the Rarita Structure. Here: Gauge-Bosons are of the nature as to being considered as E(6)XE(6) strings. These said strings are a genus of a heterotic string. As such a heterotic string initially contacts a specific locus of a second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- this will tend to form spurious gauge-metrical pulsation, that are of either a dampened nature or of an elongated nature. Once the pull of the so-stated gauge-bosons is released -- the vibrational oscillation of the topological fabric of the said second-order eigenstate of the wave-functionabilty of discrete energy impedance, is pulled into a manner that tends to work at utilizing the initial said spurious pulsations that are Poincare to the locus of the said plucking,-- in such a manner in so as to work to form either a harmonic or an anharmonic wave-pulse transfer of the so-eluded-to disturbance in space -- to where the then initially formed vibrational oscillation will then tend to bear a tense of hermitian singularities -- to where the then initiated wave-based propagation may be pulled into the Rarita Structure, in so as to work at forming the needed interdependent operations that these have in the substringular.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
8:07 AM

Friday, December 4, 2015
Some Knowledge As To Light-Cone-Gauge Topologies
Let us here consider a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is of a Kaluza-Klein topology. We are considering what is here happening during BRST. As the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate is here undergoing a Clifford Expansion during the Polyakov Action -- basically, the intrinsic function as to the scalar magnitude of the amount of mini-stringular segmentation that is being fed into the so-stated light-cone-gauge eigenstate of such a case -- is of the nature of only working to bear just enough core-field-density to cover the so-eluded-to euler expansion of the stretching-out of the so-stated light-cone-gauge eigenstate, during the so-stated respective given arbitrary iteration of BRST. Yet, as the correlative gauge-bosons that work to "pluck" the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates are in a Gliosis-based contact with the correlative topology of the said second-order eigenstates -- the activity of such a direct tangency will here work to cause the Yukawa implementation of there then being just enough "slack" in the compactification of that twined mini-stringular segmentation, that would here act as the holonomic substrate of the so-stated second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- in so that the so-eluded-to fabric of the said Kaluza-Klein topology will then be able to bear the necessary peaks and troughs in its locus of spatial disturbance, in so that the said eigenstates of the wave functionality of discrete energy impedance will be able to act in a manner that may be described of as a "pluck" -- even though a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology tends to bear a supplemental Lagrangian wave-tug/wave-pull in its Lagrangian eigenbase during BRST (this is when not including the imbued conditions that are implied by the conditionality of a Yukawa-Based Clifford Expansion). The situation is similar, but a little bit different -- with the case of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Clifford Expansion,
Polyakov Action,

An Inter-Relation Of The Forces
The strong force is the force that works to glue together quarks and leptons into larger sub-atomic particles. Gluons -- of which do the so-stated gluing -- are comprized of a centralized knotting of Schwinger-based indices. The said Schwinger-Indices are formed by those vibrational oscillations, that are made by the plucking (analogous to the plucking of a harp) of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- by the correlative gauge-boson eigenstates. The light-cone-gauge exists -- in a Laplacian-based manner -- in-between the multiplicit Fadeev-Popov-Trace and its correlative multiplicit superstring. First-Order light-cone-gauge eigenstates exist as the wave-functional eigenbase of discrete energy impedance. Each first-order light-cone-gauge is made-up of many second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- these said second-order eigenstates, of which are made-up of strands of mini-stringular phenomenology. It is the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that exist in-between the phenomenology of the pointal-based nature of discrete energy impedance (the respective given Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates) and the phenomenology of the pointal-based nature of discrete energy permittivity (the respective given superstrings). Discrete energy impedance is more directly associated with the electric field than the magnetic field of any given arbitrary case. Current is more directly associated with the discrete energy impedance than the voltage is, since current is more associated with the electric field than the magnetic field is. This here helps to show the relationship between the light-cone-gauge and the electrostatic force. The Schwinger-Indices that are formed by the so-stated plucking of the respective given arbitrary second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the correlative gauge-boson eigenstates -- move along the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates, in so as to work at helping to form the gravitational force, by working to form an interdependent means of vibrational oscillation, that is pulled from the relative Real Reimmanian Plane where discrete energy is -- toward both those gravitons and those gravitons that are off of the said relative Real Reimmanian Plane -- in so as to help to work at establishing that general relationship that is necessary in order for gravity to be able to sustain a spontaneous effect, over time. And, it is the relative weakening of eigenstates of the strong force -- as evidenced by the spontaneous radioactive decay of radiative physical phenomenology -- that act as what is known of as the weak force. So, it is the light-cone-gauge -- that acts as the main liaison amongst those forces that work to form the conditions of the grand unified field theory -- that makes the mediation between these forces to be possible. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
4:10 PM
electrostatic force,
gravitational force,
strong force,
weak force

Thursday, December 3, 2015
Centralized Knotting
The gluons -- of which work to tie together those subatomic particles that come together in so as to work at forming nucleons, act as a centralized knotting of Schwinger-Indices (of the third order) -- along the Rarita Structre -- in so as to work at pulling together those quarks and leptons that are needed to be physically put together -- in so as to form those nucleons, that tend to act as the primary source of gravity. The specific Schwinger-Indices that are formed by the respective "plucking" of the individual gauge-bosons that exist along -- in an adjacent manner -- the respective directly corresponding topological surface of the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge-eigenstates, act as the specific vibrational oscillations that are formed from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to act as the respective given arbitrary discrete Schwinger-Indices. The overall resultant vibrational oscillation of any given arbitrary first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- acts as what may be termed of as a first-order Schwinger-Index. The overall resultant vibrational oscillation of any given arbitrary second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate - acts as what may be termed of as a second-order Schwinger-Index. So, the actual individually taken vibrational oscillation of any specific "pluck" of a sector of a second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- is a discrete eigenstate of such a general genus of a vibrational oscillation -- of which may be termed of as a third-order Schwinger-Index. The so-mentioned discrete Schwinger-Indices are pulled -- in a propagation-based manner -- in so as to work to inter-connect the activity of discrete energy with both the activity of gravitons and the activity of gravitinos. This happens in so as to act as that general means, of as to how the Ricci Scalar is put into action -- in so as to cause the general force of gravity to exist upon all substringular phenomenology, over time. Where the said discrete Schwinger-Indices are pulled into the so-stated centralized knotting -- is that location in which one is able to define the multiplicit locus of the strong force. Ironically, although the strong force is much stronger than the gravitational force -- the multiplilcit locus as to where the gravitational force is centralized in a very overt knotted manner, is where the gluonic force is of its most dimensional-based compactified manner. This so-stated centralized knotting, then acts in a particle-based manner -- in so as to then be able to act in a kinematic nature, in so as to move in a Fourier-based manner, as a particle that I have mentioned as the gluon. The motion of such a centralized inter-twining -- that acts in a kinematic manner, that moves both radially, spin-orbitally, and transversally -- works to form the inter-binding of the nature of as to how the gravitational force (that is much weaker than the strong force) is brought into another genus of a nature, in so as to work at forming that Fourier-based activity -- that would here operate as the functional characteristic of the strong force (that is much stronger than the gravitational force). This inter-bound nature of the so-mentioned knotted Shwinger-Indices -- acts as the driving force that works to show the relationship between the gravitational force and the strong force.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Rarita Structure,
Ricci Scalar,

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
A Certain Involvement Of The Strong Force
It is the activity of gluons that works to bear the involvement of what is known of as the strong force. Gluons move in so as to pull subatomic particles together at the nucleus, in so as to work at causing the Ward-Neumman condition of the physical existence of nucleons. Gluons bear a genus of motion that operates -- in so as to work at the formation of the predominant condition of what may be termed of as the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravational mode. This so-stated gravitational mode is the general genus of Ricci Scalar-based activity -- that operates in so as to work at what we call the existence of matter, as opposed to what would Otherwise be the predominant condition of the existence of antimatter. Anti gravity still tends to utilize the existence of the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode -- except that the bearings of anti gravity are involved, when the Ricci Scalar is reversed in its directoral wave-tug/wave-pull tendency. For instance, let us say that the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates of a given arbitrary gravitational flow are to all of the sudden reverse in the flow of the correlative Schwinger-Indices of a respective given arbitrary substringular neighborhood. This would here work to involve the activity of anti gravity. Reverse gravity -- on the otherhand -- is when certain respective given arbitrary gravitons and/or gravitinos all of the sudden are reversed in their general holomorphic-based flow of activity. So, whenever a set of gluons of one given arbitrary nucleon, that work to inter-bind the quarks and leptons of the said nucleon, are reversed in both their radial and/or in their spin-orbital and/or in their transversal directoral flow that is of their correlative Fourier Transform -- this happens when the respective given arbitrary nucleon is to spontaneously alter into moving into a relative reversal of its holomorphic-based kinematic flow of motion, over the correlative transient period of time in which such a said nucleon is magnetically and/or otherwise pulled into moving into the opposite general direction from where it had initially been traveling in -- before the so-eluded-to resultant perturbation in its directoral wave-tug/wave-pull based flow of its said genus of Fourier-based transform is to happen. When the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset of this case -- here, a given arbitrary nucleon -- is pulled into moving spontaneously in the opposite general direction than it had initially been flowing in, then, as I had mentioned before, this works to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition. As I have said before, an antiholomorphic Kahler condition works to end-up forming the predominant Fourier-based activity of a Kahler-Metric in a Gliosis-based manner, upon the holonomic substrate of the orbifold eigensets that acts in so as to have an antiholomorphic Kahler condition upon these said respective given arbitrary stringular-based phenomenology. over an ensuing successive series of iterations of group-related instantons. So, whenever the directoral-based activity of either both the radial Hamiltonian operation, the spin-orbital Hamiltonian operation, and/or the transversel Hamiltonian operation of the Fourier Transformation of a set of gluons -- that operate in so as to perform one specific function of the strong force -- is to reverse in its holomorphic cross-product-based delineation -- then, this will tend to work at causing the correlative respective given arbitrary nucleon of this case, that is put together by the activity of the gluing together of quarks and leptons by the strong force -- to spontaneously reverse in its general genus of directoral-based angular momentum, which will reverse the holomorphic-based Ward-Caucy conditions of the said nucleon -- which will thereby cause the so-mentioned nucleon to bear an antiholomorphic Kahler condition. This will then work to form the said Fourier-based activity of a Kahler-Metric to be delineated upon the so-stated respective given nucleon -- in a Gliosis-based manner, over a relatively brief ensuing period of time. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:44 AM
anti gravity,
Fourier Transformation,
the strong force

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Adjacent Flowing Orbifolds
Let us say that one is to here consider two different orbifold eigensets, that are initially moving in two different individually taken directions -- the first respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is here to be moving in the opposite general direction as the second respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of this so-stated given arbitrary case scenario. Let us now say that the first so-stated orbifold eigenset works to bear either a magnetic attraction or a fractal of a magnetic attraction to the second so-stated orbifold eigenset of this respective case. Let us now say that the said magnetic attraction that is here to bear upon the second so-stated given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of this respective case -- from the first so-stated given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of this respective case, is of great enough of a scalar magnitude -- to where the initial Lagrangian-based condition as to that the two said respective individually taken orbifold eigensets are to here begin as moving in two different and opposite general directions, is to perturbate to where the said physical magnetic attraction is to then cause the two different respective orbifold eigensets to result into a Ward-Caucy condition as to then being brought into a state of moving in the same general directional-based flow, over enough of a transient period of time in which the so-eluded-to magnetic attraction that is formed between the two said eigensets is able to cause such a general genus of directoral-based alteration -- by a means of what would here be the result of some arbitrary Noether-based consideration, through the activity of a Fourier Transformation that would here involve a discrete number of iterations of group-related instantons. Once the two so-stated orbifold eigensets of such a given arbitrary case are to then be moving in the same general directoral-based flow, then, one may say that both of the said orbifold eigensets would be going in what would soon ensue as to be one resultant generally-based holomorphic-based flow of the kinematic-based activity -- of two different sets of superstrings that would here be both operating in so as to perform two different individually taken functions, over time. Basically right after the two different individually taken orbifold eigensets are to then be moving in the same tense of a holomorphic-based flow, then, the second said eigenset would have then switched in its general eigenbase of directoral-based holomorphism. Remember that when a superstring or a set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform a specific substringular function -- is to switch from one discrete tense of a holomorphic-based flow to the oppositely projected discrete tense of a holomorphic-based flow in its general projection -- that this condition works to form what may be here described of as an antiholomorphic Kahler condition. An antiholomorphic Kahler condition works to initiate what may be termed of as the Fourier-based activity of what may be termed of as a Wick Action eigenstate. The multiplicit Wick Action eigenstate acts upon the multiplicit Landau-Gisner Action egienstate -- in so as to act upon the multiplicit Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism, in so as to move the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate, via the multiplicit Higgs Boson eigenstate, in so as to cause the Ward-Caucy conditionality of the activity of what may be termed of as the multiplicit Kahler-Metric, over what would here be a spontaneously brought-about succession -- that would here be over a relatively transient period of time. This activity of the Kahler-Metric will tend to bring about the activity of a Gaussian Transformation -- in so as to work to cause the spontaneous perpetuity of optimum substringular spatial freedom, & in so as to help to bring about the re-attainment of those fractals of discrete energy, that are needed to be re-attained in so as to help discrete energy to still exist as discrete energy over time. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!
Sam Roach.
Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:49 PM
Higgs Boson,
Klein Bottle,

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