Saturday, October 3, 2015

Some More as to the Big-Bang

Once the Logos struck the core of the Big-Bang, in 96 pairs of two different spatial directions -- as an equal and opposite reaction, and from the opposite general genus of directionality -- the general contents, that had worked to comprise the said core of the Big-Bang, were pulled from the initial state of implosion -- into a tense of an outward moving expansion, that then worked to form the initial basis of the substringular, in the process of the formation of what we now term of as the multiverse.  (From a dot-product of the Logos coming upon the said core of the Big-Bang, to a cross-product of the said core of the Big-Bang being pulled outward, as an equal and opposite response.)  Each so-mentioned pair of directions, of which had initially worked to strike the said core of the Big-Bang, worked to form what we may consider to be what is now the 96 spatial parameters of dimensionality of overall space-time-fabric -- that had come together in so as to work to form the overall Li-based Gaussian symmetry of the said space-time-fabric. These so-stated dimensional parameters happened in pairs, on account of the condition, that every spatial dimension, as an ansantz, bears at least two general bases of direction (a holomorphic or left-moving direction, and, an antiholomorphic or right-moving direction), in order to make physical sense.  This also works to show the condition, that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, happening in the opposite general direction.  The force of the initial strike of the Logos upon the core of the Big-Bang, is what had worked upon the tiny point particles that had initially comprised the shells and the center of the so-stated core of the Big-Bang -- in such a manner in so as to form the isoelliptabelianoid (the initial Higgs Boson eigenstate), of which had then worked to form the initial superstrings of space-time-fabric.  Once superstrings were formed, these had then worked to form the multivarious array of the phenomenology of physical space and time, over the succession of the flow of many sequential group-related instantons -- in so as to work to eventually form the physical world in which we live in today.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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