Wednesday, October 28, 2015

As To Some Of The Mechanism Of One General Characteristic Of The Higgs Field

As you will remember from the last three posts -- although the Higgs Field does not usually form a direct Yukawa-based coupling upon photons, the one main general tendency of exception is for those photons, that have just struck another superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- in a Gliosis-based manner.  (This is during the first 384 instantons after any respective given arbitrary photon -- which are always of a closed loop nature -- has just struck any other respective given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permititivity.)  This so-eluded-to tendency of direct contact, is of the topological holonomic substrate of any one given arbitrary photon -- upon the topological holonomic substrate of any other given arbitrary superstring of quantum-based energy.  When such an exception is happening -- the directly corresponding respective orbifold eigenset of any directly applicable quantum of electromagnetic energy, will have here entered a medium other than a vacuum -- to where the so-stated orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy will be going slower, as is according to Snell's Law.  Although the said orbifold eigenset of any such case, will tend to move slower than it ever would in a vacuum, the individually stated photons that will have here been in the process of striking the topological holonomic substrate of other quantum-based superstrings, will likewise be in the process of "bouncing" from the adjoining region of the so-stated Gliosis contact -- in such a manner to where the rebounding photonic superstrings will then be retrieved and quantized into its correlative ensuing orbifold eigensets.  This means, that -- although any orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy that goes through a medium other than a vacuum, will tend to always go slower than the speed of light --  the individual-based scattering photons that are being scattered by the so-eluded-to medium of any of such a general genus of case, will tend to temporarily be accelerated faster than the speed of light -- in a manner that may be described of as a "Tesla sparking" that would here be proximal in occurrence at the interacting topological  surface of the said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy, that is being translated as a Hamiltonian operator, through the Lagrangian that is correlative to the mappable tracing of the said eigenset -- as it goes through the path of its Hamiltonian operand, over time.  The general idea as to the extent of the acceleration of the entropic photons, versus the extent of the slowing down of the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy that has been slowed down by entering a medium other than a vacuum,is the following.:  If the Snell's Law correlation works to indicate that the E.M. has to have slowed down through the medium by a factor of 2, then, the correlative entropic photons of the here inferred scattering itself, will average, over the so-stated multiplicitly so-eluded-to 384 initial instantons after the so-stated direct topological contact, will then tend to go 8 times the speed of light.  If the slowing of the detectable E.M. is by a factor of 3, then, the correlative entropic photons will average, over the so-eluded-to immediate activity after the direct scattering, going 27 times the speed of light.  The Higgs Field bears a tendency of existing in a minimum of 12 spatial dimensions plus time -- over any minimal Fourier Tranformation.  A photon tends to exist in a minimum of 10 spatial dimensions plus time -- over any minimal Fourier Transformation.  Entropic photons tend to exist in a minimum of 11 spatial dimensions plus time -- over any minimal Fourier Transformation.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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