Wednesday, October 14, 2015

More About Njenhuis Cohomologies

When one has a charge of, say for instance, one positive electron volt (1.6*10^(-19) of a Coulumb) -- that is working to leave the Ward-Neumman bounds of a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- there would then be a simultaneous charge ( from the vantage-point of a central conipoint) of one Imaginary positive electron volt (I*1.6*10^(-19) of a Coulumb), stemming from the so-stated Real Reimmanian-based charge, as I have eluded-to in the last post.  So, when one is to map-out the cohomological basis as to the flow of topological-based setting -- from the initial region of propagation of the said Real-based charge, to the correlative initial region of propagation of the so-eluded-to Njenhuis-based charge of this respective given arbitrary case scenario, one will here have what may be described of as a Doubolt cohomology.  This is whether or not the bend -- that is directly associated with the flow of mappable tracing, is of a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simmons manner of singularity or not.  This is because the Laplacian-based wave-tug/wave-pull of the mappable tracing, that is of the correlative ghost-based indices -- that goes from the mapping of the propagation of a positive Real-based charge, to the mapping of the propagation of a positive Njenhuis-based charge, is a movement, that works to go in the direction of a homotopic-based flow,  that goes from the locus of a Real-based plane -- towards the locus of a Njenhuis-based plane.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely,Sam Roach.

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