Monday, October 26, 2015

A Little As To Why The Higgs Field Acts As Such

When any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of electromagnetic energy, or, any given arbitrary set of orbifold eigensets of electromagnetic energy -- moves through any medium, besides through a vacuum, the so-mentioned respective eigenset or eigensets of electromagnetic energy -- will move slower, through the so-eluded-to medium -- than it would, through the generally stated medium of a vacuum.  Yet, as the individual photons that work to comprise the earlier mentioned respective eigenset or eigensets, work to strike other superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- in a Gliosis-based manner, in the process of the scattering of electromagnetic energy -- during the initially ensuing 384 directly corresponding group-related instantons after the so-eluded-to tense of a substringular collision -- the so-stated actual photons themselves will initially spring into going faster than the speed of light, while then these so-mentioned respective photons will slow down, in so as to catch-up to their directly corresponding ensuing orbifold eigenset -- of which these are to re-quantize with, as is according to Snell's Law.  Think of it this way:  Metaphorically, view a volume-based phenomenology -- going from being in what may be termed of as a vacuum -- to where it enters what would appear to be a relatively more viscus holonomic substrate, over time.  Just as the so-stated volume-based phenomenology -- that I have here spoken of, will, as a whole, be at least mildly inhibited by the added viscum region of which it would have here entered -- what may be here termed of as the frontal region of the so-stated phenomenology, that had entered the respective new region -- will then bear what would appear to be a "Tesla-based sparking" of the components -- that would here work to comprise the metaphorical quantum of the so-eluded-to relatively frontal region of the said volume-based phenomenology, that is of this so-stated analogy.  Even though the said allagorical overall volume-based entity of this case, would tend to slow down as it enters what would appear to be a more viscus or inhibited Hamiltonian operand -- the discrete units that would here work to comprise the leading edge of the quantum-based volume-based phenomenology -- would be "flickering" faster than the overall motion of the here relatively spoken cross-product-based projection, that is of the so-eluded-to entity that had then entered the said additively-speaking more viscus region.  This basically undetectable and brief accelleration of composite photons -- that then immediately slow down, in so as to catch-up to their respective ensuing orbifold eigensets -- is a process that is due to what would amount to here -- as a very transient perturbation in the respective genus of the light-cone-gauge of the so-stated photons of the electromagnetic energy, that will have here entered a medium other than a vacuum. Photons tend to bear a non-abelian or a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.  Whenever a photon strikes another superstring of discrete energy permittivity in a Gliosis-based manner, it will then very temporarily "spring-out" into an abelian or a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology -- while it will then, over the same metrical progression, work to tend to only bear completely Chern-Simmons singularities. -- These then so-eluded-to entropic-based photons, will, over this very brief general genus of group metric, tend to not bear any directly corresponding Yau-Exact singularities amongst each other.  This is why the here mentioned condition of entropic-based photons, which is here, relatively speaking, of a very brief part of the motion of any electromagnetic energy, as it goes through any medium other than a vacuum, is the tendency as to the only general exception as to when the Higgs Field will generally, over this said general genus of occurrence, bear a direct sway of a Yukawa Coupling upon the so-mentioned photons. Once photons directly re-quantize with any given arbitrary beam of electromagnetic energy, these tend to always re-attain working to bear a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.   I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Sam Roach.

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