Wednesday, October 21, 2015

As To Adjoining Charges

Let us here consider a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is here of one relative Real Reimmanian-based setting -- this said eigenset of which will here delineate-out a charge, in a cross-product-based releasing of such a so-eluded-to charge.  Let us now consider the condition that the charge that is here being delineated or released from the respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, to be of a relatively Real Reimmanian-based nature -- in so as to work to form what may here be considered of, as an initial tense of a resulting Rham-based cohomology, when this is taken in terms of the mappable tracing of those ghost-based indices that act as the physical memory of the here mentioned Real-based charge.  Such a charge will have here been released from the said given orbifold eigenset, over a relatively transient period of time.  Let us now consider the condition -- that there will here be the situation that is to be extrapolated in this given arbitrary case scenario, of an additional covariant orbifold eigenset -- that is of a Li-based Njenhuis tense of inter-relation -- towards the initially mentioned orbifold eigenset of this given case.  Although the relative charge of the second mentioned orbifold eigenset, tends to be  -- to its respective given arbitrary universal setting -- of a relatively Real Reimmanian-based nature, when this is taken in correlation to the relatively Real-based charges of the other orbifold eigensets of its same general tense of universal setting, -- the here given arbitrary charges that would be delineated from the second so-stated given orbifold eigenset, will be of a Njenhuis charge inter-relation, when this is taken towards the charge that had been considered to have been released from the initially stated orbifold eigenset of this discussion.  This would then mean -- that, charges that are of one universal setting, that are of a relative Real-based nature when this is taken in relation to one another, will tend to be of a Njenhuis-based nature, when such so-mentioned charges are extrapolated in comparison to what would otherwise be the relatively Real-based charges of orbifolds that are of a different universal setting.
Yet, if one were to have a Njenhuis perturbation of singularity -- that would here work to form a kinematic tangency to the relative Real Reimmanian Plane of one respective given arbitrary case scenario -- that would refer to the altered field propagation of the charge that would here be delineated from an initial given arbitrary orbifold eigenset  -- one will then tend to have the bearings of a relatively Njenhuis charge, that would then be delineated from the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant field of the initial orbifold eigenset that was eluded-to in this sentence.  Such a stemming of one relatively Njenhuis-based charge -- from an initial Real-based charge -- may often work to form a Yakawa Coupling, that may often here indirectly inter-relate the potentially faded resultant charge that had been released from one universal setting, to the Real-based resultant charge that had been released from another universal setting.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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