Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Part One of Session 11 of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

Theoretically, the solution to e^(2piI) is of the nature of:  Isin(2pi) + cos(2pi) -- which equals one (1).  So, theoretically, e(4piI) is of the nature of:  Isin(4pi) + cos(4pi) --  which equals one (1).  Yet, a charge of e^(4piI) is Not necessarily ln(e^4piI) or ln(1) or 0.  The directly prior assumption -- that e^(I*(a discrete integer-based variable)*pi), is to then always be 0 -- works to be true, if the directly corresponding scalar amplitude of such a case, is of a given scalar amplitude, that is pertinent to such a given charge that will then work to form a radial delineation, instead of a linear delineation.  Yet, if the said correlative charge of such a case is, instead, of a linear respective delineation -- such a tense of the so-eluded-to Imaginary or Njenhuis charge, may then bear a discrete and actual genus, that is physically affectual upon its immediate environment.
That's all for now.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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