Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Part Two of the Fourth Session of Course 18

The coiling activity of the light-cone-gauge is due, in part, to the activity of the plucking (like a harp) of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates by gauge-bosons, while the directly associated Clifford Expansion happens to the topological stratum of the mini-string fabric, that works to form the so-eluded-to light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- while the directly affiliated superstrings undergo the Polyakov Action.  This so-stated coiling action, here, results in a modulae-based response, that is a recoiling action of the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates. During BRST, the directly associated superstrings and their counterstrings, as always, are connected by segments of what I term of as mini-stringular topological phenomena.  These mini-stringular fabric-based eigenstates attach correlative Poincaires -- that are Poincaire at the stringular level -- with the relative Poincaires of the directly associated counterstrings, each taken individually.  As this is happening during the simultaneous (at the vantage point of a central conipoint) activity of the Polyakov Action and the Bette Action, the correlation of the Poincaires of any given arbitrary superstring, and, the Poincaires of its directly associated counterstring, may be viewed of as a Grassman Manifold.  This is due to the condition that, the condition of the core-field-density that exists in-between a superstring and its counterstring, during BRST is to be homeomorphic, in order for the correlative discrete unit of energy to be orientable.  Such a homeomorphic core-field-density works to bear a scalar magnitude -- that may be viewed of as the Grassman Constant.  An orientable superstring is not tachyonic in its ensuing interation of instanton.  A tachyonic superstring is not orientable during both the Bette Action and its ensuing Regge Action. A tachyonic superstring is less controlled by gravity than a non-tachyonic superstring.  This works to mean that a tachyonioc superstring is less pulled by the correlative Ricci Scalar eigenstates -- via the activity of the directly associated Rarita Structure eigenstates.  This also means that such a superstring is less likely to be undergoing, over the process of such a given arbitrary group-related metric, a sequential series of Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics.  This works to associate the oreintability of the discrete energy impedance, that is involved with the so-eluded-to discrete energy permittivity, the latter of which is embodied by the holonomic substrate of the so-stated superstrings.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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