Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Part Three of the Fourth Session of Course 18

The actual holonomic substrate that is composed of kinematically re-twining mini-stringular segments, that work to interconnect one given arbitrary superstring with its directly corresponding superstringular counterpart -- is known of as a Bette Manifold.  As the Polyakov Action that directly corresponds to one given arbitrary superstring, is happening during one iteration of BRST, there is mini-stringular fabric that is fed into the core-field-density, that works to comprise one general eigenstate of a Bette Manifold -- as the correlative so-eluded-to example of a Clifford Expansion happens to the directly associated stringular-based field.  As this happens, the field that works to inter-bind the correlative superstring with its directly associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate will here alter, by means of a different genus of a Clifford Expansion -- as the directly corresponding gauge-metric of a Polyakov Action eigenmetric is undergoing its proscribed activity.  As the so-eluded-to duration of BRST happens -- as the Polyakov Action and the Bette Action happen to the so-stated given arbitrary superstring of discrete permittivity at the same tense of gauge-metric -- the general topological stratum of core-field-density that works to form each second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that works to form the correlative first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, increases in its correlative Hodge-Index, in such a manner in so that the activity of the correlative gauge-bosons upon the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates forms a recoiling activity -- as the directly associated second-ordered Schwinger Indices are then formed.  These just mentioned Schwinger Indices are vibrational-based oscillations that ripple upon the correlative eigenstates of the holonomic substrate of the Rarita Structure -- that is directly affiliated to the given arbitrary superstring of this given arbitrary case.  The result of such a ripple is the affect that the Ricci Scalar has upon the Calabi Manifold that is associated with the said superstring -- that is discussed in this case.  Depending upon the genus of such a vibrational-based oscillation, the directly affiliated gravity will work upon the holonomic substrate of the said given arbitrary superstring in a certain manner.  If the activity of the so-eluded-to Schwinger Indices does not work to interact upon an eigenbase of an antiholomorphic Kaeler condition, then, there will be no tendency of a Wick Action to be thus formed.  Yet, if such an activity of the so-eluded-to Schwinger Indices, instead, works to interact upon an eigenbase of an antiholomorphic Kaeler condition, then, there will actually be a tendency of a Wick Action to be thus formed.  There is an antiholomorphic Kaeler condition formed when the general directoral pull of a substringular locus is reversed in its supplemental wave-tug, over a relatively transient duration of group metric.  Such a reversal in holomorphic delineation works to form the potential need of either an alteration of Lagrangian-based spatial freedom, and/or the need for a re-attainment of those fractals of discrete energy that are needed in order for energy to remain as energy.  The Wick Action works to initiate a Gaussian Transformation eigenmetric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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