Friday, December 12, 2014

Part One of Session Six of Course 18

Superstrings that are unfrayed always exist in a topological-based setting.  Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity work to emit field-density that exists as a fractal of discrete units of magnetic-based force.  Such superstrings act in groups of such discrete units of energy -- that come together to form a specific given arbitrary operational-based kinematic activity, to where such superstrings of discrete energy permittivity always tend to act as individual Hamiltonian operators that integrate, in so as to form the holonomic substrate that I term of as an orbifold.  One or more orbifolds that function in so as to perform an overall specific operation come together in order to form what I term of as an orbifold eigenset.  All orbifolds work to form one or more fractal-based tenses of magnetic-based force -- the superstrings that work to form any given arbitrary orbifold emit spin-orbital-based indices, that come together in so as to form one overall fractal of discrete magnetic force, in so as to form a here respective given arbitrary wave-pull/wave-tug that is necessary in order for substringular phenomena to be both pulled toward any other physical phenomena, and/or to allow for substringular phenomena to be pullled away from any other physical phenomena, over time.  So, any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset works in so as to form a potentially larger eigenstate of a fractal of magnentism -- since an orbifold eigenset consists of one or more orbifolds.  Such a condition of the here being fractals of magnetic-based force are both effected by the activity of electromagnetic energy, as well as being effected by the activity of gravitational-based force.  Gravity is caused by much of the kinematic activity of the Rarita Structure eigenstates, that are both prominent and viable to any given arbitrary scenario.   This is to where the Ricci Scalar acts in so as to cause any relatively local Rarita Structure eigenstates to behave as these do, over time.  Any reversal in the genus of a magnetic condition will tend to reverse the tendency of the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter-based mode of the directly associated gravitational-based pull -- at any multiplicit-based system of Poincaire-based phenomena -- that are local to the scene of the so-eluded-to reversal in magnetic-based genus.  For instance, if one were to immediately change a tense of magnetism to a tense of reverse-magnetism, this will bear more of a potential of forming antigravity. Such a format of activity will always tend to cause the existence of the directly corresponding Wick Action eigenstates -- in so as to initiate a Gaussian Transformation -- since such a reversal in the fractals of a relatively local magnetic-based drive will work to form an antiholomorphic Kaeler condition.  Enough for now!!!Sam.

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