Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Part Two To The Fifteenth Session of Course 13

In regards to the general format of two-dimensional superstrings that bear a swivel-like configuration along the topological substrate that works to define the trace of such types of bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, this form of pattern may be ellongated, or, it may be compact -- given the situation.  The normalized sinusoidal loops that I have described in the directly prior post (the first part of this session) are differentially oriented at a relativistic angling of 90 degrees to the directly associated Real Reimmanian plane that is here directly associated with the given field of the eluded to genus of two-dimensional bosonic superstrings.  The more compact such superstrings are, the higher that their probablity is of becoming unoriented at both the multiplicit corresponding Bette Action eigenmetric and at the multiplicit corresponding Regge eigenmetric.  When a superstring is not orientable at both the corresponding Bette Action eigenmetric and the corresponding Regge Action eigenmetric, then, the said superstring will become tachyonic over the course of the ensuing sequential series of instantons in which the said superstring will then here be unorientable.  The prior format of superstringular phenomenology that here directly corresponds to the genus of certain one and two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are -- in the corroborating scenario -- pulled by their light-cone-gauge eigenstates into a condition of leaving Noether Flow into a given arbitrary tense of tachyonic flow.  The angling of the direclty corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates is controled by the here affiliated genus of normalcy that these eluded to superstrings exhibit over the duration of the sequential series of instantons in which the said superstrings are of either a Noether-based flow or of a tachyonic-based flow -- respectively.  The type of norm-based conditions that these said superstrings of their respective Ward-Caucy conditions work to exhibit is based upon where the given superstrings, along with their Planck-like phenomena, are differentiating in during the affiliated iterations of group instanton in which the mentioned superstrings are undergoing either a Noether-based flow or a tachyonic-based flow -- given their tendancy to be either orientable or unorientable during either the directly associated Bette Action or the directly associated Regge Action.  The corresponding counterstrings that are here associated with the just mentioned superstrings that are here either one-dimensional or two-dimensional are, in this case, bearing a sinusoidal fomat of permutation -- when in terms of the extrapolation of the tracing of the curvature of the topological surface of the eluded to  superstrings that are here either open or closed, depending upon the phenomenology of the mapping of the direclty associated locus that is here to be considered -- that bears a certain given arbitary symmetry of chirality with the Real Reimmanian-based phenomenology of its immediate surroundings, except that these mentioned sinusoidal-based eluded to standing waves are here bearing a certain tense of orphoganation that is, to some degree, out of phase with those waves that are of a different tense of Gaussian-based symmetry.  Such wave-like phenomenology is thus of a different tense of universality if this is simply the case.  If the direclty corresponding spaces are Gaussian to each other -- in a Real Reimmanian-like manner -- yet, bear a tense of orphoganation that is scewed from normalcy in terms of the subtension that exists in-between the directly associated Poincaire-based fields of superstrings that are in their "contracted" format during the Polyakov Action, then, the format of such covariant, codeterminable, codifferentiable waves is then here to involve superstrings that are of a different layer of reality from within the same universe.  The eluded to basis of extrapolated angling that would here exist in-between the like nodes of the said superstrings, along with the like nodes of what are here more directly associated with the covariant counterstrings, is the foundation of the intricacies of the Grassman Constant genus that may be used to determine the basis of the potential orientation and/or lack of orientation that would here work to determine whether or not a given arbitrary superstring is to either remain Noether-based or tachyoni-based.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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