Tuesday, July 23, 2013

About The Discrete Energy Of Gauge-Bosons

As superstrings and their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates go into their respective Klein Bottle eigenstates, the light-cone-gauge is involved with the temporary entry of the whole entity of discrete energy being fed back, in discrete increments, a little bit of permittivity and impedance at a "time" per iteration of group instanton -- respectively.  As this is happening, the gauge-bosons re-attain a tense of permittivity/impedance that these need during their corresponding Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics so that these eluded to heterotic strings may remain as a tense of discrete energy, as well as both the more tended to be thought of superstrings that are discrete units of energy pemittivity and the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- the latter of which are discrete units of energy impedance.  Again, superstrings that are not heterotic act as units of discrete energy permittivity, while their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates act as discrete units of energy impedance.

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