Friday, July 12, 2013

Part Two of the Fourteenth Session of Course 13

The light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to interconnect Planck-like phenomena to superstrings that here directly appertain to the discrete energy permittivity, that exists due to the phenomenology of both one-dimensional superstrings and two-dimensional superstrings -- always are tied in such a general format of manner in so that all substringular phenomena flows through the Ultimon in a relatively flush manner over the course of both the generally noticed and the generally unnoticed portions of Ultimon Flow.  The general type of normalization that the Planck-like phenomena work to allow toward each other works to directly influence the prior eluded to positioning and angling of tying that the stated light-cone-gauge eigenstates exhibit in-between the said Planck related phenomena and their directly corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Planck related phenomena work to form discrete energy impedance.  The angling that exists in-between the wave nodes of one-dimensional superstrings and their counterstrings that are of the same respective genus of nodation -- when based upon the format of fermionic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are of a swivel-based shape -- is of one general genus of Grassman constant format.  The angling that exists in-between the wave nodes of two-dimensional superstrings and their counterstrings that are of the same respective genus of nodation -- when based upon the format of bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are of a swivel-based shape -- is of another general genus of Grassman constant format.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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