Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Little Bit Of My Perception As To The Big-Bang

Once that the Logos struck the core of the Big-Bang, initially, once that the phenomena that the inter-relationship of the Logos and the initial fabric at the core of the Big-Bang was absorbed into he toroidal-like disc in which the physical portion of space-time-phenomena has existed ever since (any charge at the center of a shell becomes delineated at the surface area of the given arbitrary shell), this formed the basis of sub-mini-string that was being pulled away from the conicenter as to where the core of the Big-Bang happened.  As this was happening, the sub-mini-string moved in so as to work to define, through the motion of the said sub-mini-string, the basis of all 96 spatial dimensions plus time.  Once this happened, the said sub-mini-string formed third-ordered point particles, of which formed second-ordered point particles.  The second-ordered point particles then gained an attraction towards other second-ordered point particles that had spin parities that complemented each other, causing such point particles to come together in a bead-like fashion.  Once that mini-string was formed by the beading of second-ordered point particles, the regions where these beaded points had the most potential abrasion caused these "beads" to form relatively compactified regions known of as first-ordered point particles. During what I just described in my last sentence, norm-state-projections formed, and, in order to allow for the perpetual motion of any sort of semblance of order to the first-ordered point particles -- due to the topological swaying that here existed in-between the initial mini-string and the said initial first-ordered point particles -- the initial Wick Action eigenstate formed in such a manner that it could not help but to pull against the Landau-Gisner-Action, due to the eminent response of the motion of norm-state-projections towards the general regions in which the said initial first-ordered point particles were at.  This was eminent, just as pushing a domino may work to spontaneously cause a flow of falling dominoes.  So, as the initial Landau-Gisner-Action eigenstate worked upon the initial Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism eigenstate, the automatic interaction of this with the initially struck conglomeration of first-ordered point particles worked to form a primitive Higgs Boson known of as an isoelliptiabelianoid.  As the directly prior happened, the equal and opposite reaction to the formation of the Wick Action eigenstate, the Landau-Gisner-Actoin eigenstate, and the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism eigenstate formed a bottle-like structure known of as a Klein Bottle eigenstate -- in the forward-norm-to-holomorphic direction from where the isoelliptiabelianoid was formed.  As the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism moved the primitive Higgs Boson that I had mentioned into the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, the said Higgs Boson eigenstate pulled into the Klein Bottle in so as to be able to move it flushly, as I have stated before.  The loose permittivity and the loose impedance that existed in the region to the relatively forward-norm-to-holomorphic direction from the Klein Bottle was then scooped up by the initial Klein Bottle eigenstate.  This worked to form the initial superstrings and Fadeev-Popov-Traces.  As this format of activity became multiplicit and automatic, superstrings became formed continually and spontaneously in so as to form our space-time-continuum.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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