Monday, July 29, 2013

Part Two of the Test Solutions To the Last Test Of Course 13

4)  Two-Dimensional stringular encoders consist of a relative hoop-like allignment of 10^43 substrings that are completely Njenhuis to our general detection, that work to orientate with a relative hoop-like allignment of 10^43 counter-substrings.  Unless there is major tachyonic propulsion that works to envolve basically the whole said encoder, the homeomorphic vibration of the said substrings of a given arbitrary two-dimensional substringular encoder exist as having a homeomorphic vibrating two-dimensional partial field that topologically sways into a third spatial dimension  -- in the process of the inter-relation of the said two-dimensional substringular encoder  with its counterpart, over the course of the given arbitrary duration of an iteration of BRST.

5)  The Grassman Constant of a one-dimensional swivel-like-shaped superstring may be orientable if the anharmonic vibration of the directly corresponding superstring over the corelative iteration of BRST bears a manner of a virtually harmonic covariance with is corresponding counterstring, in so that the one-dimensional field that here topologically sways into a second spatial dimension, may work to bear a homeomorphic field-based consistency over the eluded to course of BRST.  If the spurious alteration in the said harmonics of the eluded to genus of covariance that exists here between a given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring and its counterstring is isometrically cyclical, in terms of the chirality of the rhythm of the perturbation of the morphology of the eluded to field that exists in-between the said superstring and its counterstring, will become orientable in the Regge Action eigenmetric that happens after the iteration of BRST that involves the said swivel-like-shaped one-dimensional superstring.

6)  A two-dimensional superstring that bears a swivel-like-shaped contour along its topology during BRST has a directly corresponding Grassman Constant that may be orientalbe if the anharmonic vibration of the directly corresponding superstring -- over the course of the said iteration of BRST bears a manner of virtually hamonic covariance -- that exists between the said two-dimensional superstring and its counterstrings -- that is only spurious in such a manner in so that the anharmonics of the direcly associated field that exists between the said two-dimensional superstring and its counterstring is isometrically cyclical, in terms of the chirality of the rhythm of the perturbation of the morphology of the said field.  This is in so that the said two-dimensional superstring may be orientable during the ensuing Regge Action eigenmetric.
I will continue with the last three solutions to the test later.  To Be Continued!  Sam.

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