Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Summary Of Part One Of Session Two Of Course 6

Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here.  I am here today to summarize the first part of Session Two of Course 6.

The physical portion of space-time-fabric may be described as a toroidal disc.  So, in a sense, the physical portion of space-time-fabric may be viewed of as a very large or infinite (even though no phenomenon is actually infinite if it is discrete, therefore this is not actually infinite) world-toroid.
There is a general phenomena that forms a relatively large Arc that interconnects the three sets of parallel universes that I name the Royal Arc.  Certain substringular phenomena that needs to be recycled, in terms of substringular field or mini-string that needs to be redistributed in such a way so that the different forms of ground and norm states may interchange indices, goes through the said general process of recycling via the sub-metric activities, that happen in-between a large number of instantons, through the relatively very large holonomic operand known as the previously stated Royal Arc.

The purpose of the Royal Arc is to recycle globally ground indices gradually into globally norm indices.  Globally ground indices would be the substringular field eigenstates of superstrings (and not their counterparts in this instance) that gradually become recycled into relatively holomorphically based norm-states.  Such recycling happens in such a way in that there is no distinguishable change in the holonomic entity of the described superstrings per the Laplacian Translation of the said superstrings per instanton.  As to what happens to counterstrings and "negative" or relatively reverse holomorphic norm-states in the process of substringular recycling is something that I will describe in a future session.

So, even though superstrings would not even "appear" to recylcle per each succeeding Laplacian framework, their is activity in the form of kinematic metric-gauge that operates in-between successive instantons in such a way so as to allow for the relatively unoticeable interchanges that allow for the substringular recycling that I have been describing.  The reason for substringular recycling is so that substringular fields may have a relative commutation with its surroundings, so that the said substringular fields may have a less direct yet still important commutation with the rest of space and time, so that superstrings, forward holomorphic norm-states, substringular counterparts, and reverse holomorphic norm-states, may share in substringular activities and thus not "overwork" themselves as only one Hamiltonian Operator in terms of kinematic operation over time, and so that jointal and smooth-curveded phenomena may interchange in operation.

I hope that this post answers some of your questions.  Sincerely, Sam.       

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