Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Solutions To Test #1 Of Course #6, Part Two

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here.  Here are the rest of the latest test's solutions!

6)  Superstrings have a three-dimensional tense in spite of being one or two-dimensional because everything that exists has thickness, width, and length.

7)  By observing a superconformal set of superstrings, one may be able to calculate and extrapolaate, from such a reverse-fractored tense, the general substringular activity that may be caused by a given arbitrary perturbation that is initially exterior to the said superconformal set of superstrings until such an initiailly outside force interacts with the said superstrings.  A perturbation here may be any general alteration in Fourier Ward Caucy conditions of the said superconformal set of superstrings.

8)  Each set of four Main-World-Tubes that form a basis of interactive space-time fabric that is predominant per instatnon acts as relatively thin hoops that behave like a ring.  Since there are three sets of parallel universes, there are three of such rings.  The organization of each "ring" with the region of the Main-Heterotic-Stringular-Fabric appears, in a sense, from the outside, kind of like a parallelogram.

9)  A globally distinguishable detection of a superstring is larger in relative extrapolation than a superstring generally exists as, because of the Polyakov-gauge-metric activity that is caused by relative Lorentz-Four-Contraction based activity.  This happens temporarily during instanton through the stretching of the Ward Neumman bounds of a superstring in accordance to the relative Fourier differential Ward conveyance of a given superstring relative to the motion of light.

10)  The "cosmetic" condition of equally hyperbollically concave and parabollically concave topological surface of a predominant Bases of Light as taken right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode via the mapping out of such a Laplacian-based Lagrangian holonomic surface at the sub-metric of the peak of the arbitrary Basis of Light formaition given here, before it scatters into "mini-bases", is homotopical "cosmetic" proof of the condition of a set layer of reality for all of its corresponding universes to exist under a condition of equally moving forward and backward moving time.                        

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