Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Summary Of Part One Of Session One Of Course Six

First-Ordered point particles and superstrings generally belong to a particular layer of reality.  First-Ordered point particles are point particles that are of one order smaller than superstrings.  Bosonic superstrings that are not gauge-bosons have a circumference of the Planck Length in the substringular, and have a circumference when fully contracted of 10^(-43)meters.
First-Ordered point particles have a diameter of 10^(-86) meters when fully contracted when considering the connective field that is directly connected to these.  Sometimes, first-ordered point particles and even superstrings in a given setting partake of other layers of reality, yet, the layer of reality that is comprised of all of the universes of a given set of universes that are related to the said layer of reality is usually shared by a pajority if not a majority of the described first-ordered point particles and superstrings that are most naturally occuring in that associated layer of reality.
What I call a "tori-sector-range" is the multiplicitly directoralized layer of reality that is demonstrated by all of the universes of a given set of parallel universes.  The different universes that partake of the given layer of reality are usually different, since each set of parallel universes has 10^(76) "types" of universes, since each individual universe is mirrored within kinematic space-time-fabric 9,100,000 times.  Yet, all of the universes of a layer of reality bring about the same overall basis of Ying and Yang integration that make up the general overall condition of soul energy in that layer of reality.  This means that if you were to take all of the partial integrands in terms of the Ying and Yang in their directoralizations through the Overall Fourier Transformation of the age of one iteration of Tau (13.7 billion years, since the duration of instanton has slightly slowed since the "Big-Bang."), and then integrated these integrands with respect to their corresponding space-time directorals via the many different types of countlessly multiplicit Lagrangian eigenbases that each of these universes demonstrate, the precise percentage of Ying and the precise percentage of Yang is the same for each "layer of reality" in spite of the differences in all of the said types of universes.

The Big-Bang wasn't big, and it didn't make a bang.  The Space-Hole doesn't mean a hole in space.  Black-Bodies are not usually black.  And "layers of reality" needed an explaination.  Yet, all of the above so-called misnomers have a strong basis in reality, and are named as such for a rigorous reason.  One good reason to explain what you mean may be understood here. 

Integration has to do with putting together things or other phenomena.  An integrand is an eigenphenomena that is used to operate in such a way as to perform an integration.  A partial integration is an integration in terms of one variable when the given situation involves many interacting variables.  Variables are phenomena that are to be solved for.

So, "home-tori-sectors" are "layers of reality" that certain arbitrary first-ordered point particles and certain arbitrary superstrings generally exist in per instanton.  An instanton is one discrete unit of time.  One discrete unit of time is every 10^(-43)  Real seconds.  Real seconds are seconds that we are only normally able to determine, since that is when their is an organization of the superstrings of space-time-fabric then.   The Planck Length is 3*10^(-35) meters.  Normal Electromagnetic Radiation in a vacuum travels at 3*10^(8) meters per second.  The maximum Lorentz-Four-Contraction taken partially is 3*10^(8).  What I mean by partially is as to what occurs to one supersting and/or one point particle.
I sure hope that I have made part on of session one of Course 6 clearer by explaining what I meant a little bit more.
I will continue the suspense later!  Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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