Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Course 6, Session 5, Part One, The Toroidal Nature Of Superstrings

Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here!  I hope that you are following along with my string theory with enthouseasm!
Tori-Sector-Ranges bear relatively orphoganol norm conditions from each other on either side by a difference of the radius of the eigenstates of many point particles, since point particles always have, relativle to most other gauge-actions, small size in comaparison to superstrings, as taken in the "three-dimensional" globalizations within the substringular.
What is a "three-dimensional" globalization taken in the substringular?  Picture the set of a sequence of one and two-dimensional superstrings as taken in one eigenmetric within one tori-sector-range, and the two tori-sector-ranges on two of its immediate physical sides, just as the relatively central tori-sector-range is starting to form its quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-range.  The field of the one and two-dimensional superstrings of the said central range forms a "chord" that, to its perspective, is basically straight.  The main difference between the "chord" of the central said range and the "chord" of the two tori-sector-ranges that are on either relative side of the said initial range, is that the central layer of substringular holonomic reality is about to go through the process of recycling with more of a kinematic tense of permittivity -- since the tori-sector-range that I have here called central is at the given moment the layer of reality that equally involves both forward and backward moving time indices, and is thus the predominant reality over the course of the sets of the Fourier Transformations that are discribed by a sequential series of instantons over the course of a certain number of substringular iterations.  Such a condition of recyclling involves Cassimer Invariance more explicitly than with the substringular activity of the other two tori-sector-ranges here described -- which will thence not be undergoing the same stage of Cassimer Invariance at that moment.  All phenomena that interacts with the Bases of Light, whether we are here talking about the "mini-bases" or their corresponding Popov-Ghosts, or whether we are talking about other substringular phenomena and their corresponding ghosts,  is a sense of a multiplicitly-sided tori-sector-range in the substringular -- with a variation of parameters that is used to help define a discrete gauge thickness to this.  Yet, the superstrings that interact with the Popov-Trace that interconnects the Bases of Light, or, in other words, with the general Basis of Light of a predominant tori-sector-range during the sub-metric that directly precedes an instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, is considered a central toroidal Basis of Light of that said range.  What is this "moment?"  I will leave this first of a three part session with this question for you to ponder.  In the mean while, please absorb this knowledge, and I will get back with you on this session soon so as to eleviate the sense of wonder that I am creating by the suspense here!  Sincerely, Sam.             

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