Saturday, November 13, 2010

Course 6, Session 8, The Toroidal Nature of Superstrings

How does dark phenomena effect light phenomena?  Most phenomena from within the general Main-World-Sheet-like structures that carry superstrings are dark.  The whole process that allows center-state strings to be illuminated involves the rest of the superstrings of the given tori-sector-range, and is called the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse.  The wave connection that binds this process is called the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-range.  As described in earlier course, this process allows for the recycling of differential geometries that help to form light.  Each tori-sector-range has one general part to play as a base for the integration of all of the light of the Continuum.  The four substrings that encode for all of the globally distributed strings, that exist for one tori-sector-range, from inside of the said Main-World-Sheets bear illumination at the central-state of a section of substringular fabric which is composed of point particles, just as any other superstrings that are illuminated.  As soon as a central-state superstring is formed within a sector of a Main-World-Sheet of the Ultimon, residue from all of the surrounding superstrings is pulled in to these central-state strings as an exact and opposite reaction to the process that these said central-state strings have in the process of shocking the surrounding superstrings away from them, and this equal and opposite reaction is directed toward the central directions that the said central-strings have as these said strings dissemble, since action is continuous.  Such central-state strings refers to the condition that there are 10,000 templates for each substringular encoder, and the process of instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode molds these templates to the correct form of the proper substringular encoder.  The type of differential Fourier connections that exist between the substringular encoders and their corresponding superstrings works to determine what is illuminated.  Just as each Kaeler-Metric forms eight back-and-forth sways that involve 16 thrusts that allow for one added increment of discrete metric-gauge added to superstrings to allow for substringular permittivity, there is 15 times as much dark matter as light matter.  (16-1=15).  The interaction of substringular encoders with the rest of the substringular helps to allow for the recycling of substringular residue.The residue here is brought into the prior mentioned tori-sector-range.  (Two main conglomerations of substringular residues per section of majorized hemisphere.)  If you were to theoretically place the relatively norm-to- holomorphic and norm-to antiholomorphic (relative "up" and relative "down") Royal Arcs together, you would form a majorized circle, yet, these need to be separated to allow for the existence of the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric.  I will continue with this fascinating session with session 9 later.           
In the mean while, think enthousiastic and you will be enthousiastic!  You have a phemenal day.
Sincerely, Sam.                                      

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