Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here! How are you doing?! I am about to briefly describe what I meant in the first part of the third session of Course Six -- Course Six being about how superstrings relate, to an extent, to being described as toroidal phenomena.
The Overall-Physical-Space-Time-Continuum may be described from its exterior as a relatively thin toroidal disc. A toroid is a structure that is similar to that of a "doughnut" of "intertube" shape in the sense that the two previously named structures are like relatively fat hoops that have a correspondingly small annulus or hole in the center of these.
A toroidal disc is a relatively thin toroid when one takes into consideration the diameter of the overall structure that is being described. The topology of the Ultimon, as a toroidal based shape when considered from its exterior, moves in a Laplacian manner in a concave up while yet slanting inward manner from its edges to its exterior. This is true in both norm to norm to holomorphic cases on either side of the described relatively concave "up" curving that translates in a Laplacian manner to a correspondingly tiny annulus at its center. Each of these sets that forms a "ring" is comprised of four world-tubes. Each set of the world-tubes that comprise the most kinematic operations of the Ultimon exist as thin hoops or rings that exist in such a manner so as each associated set is comprised of three of such hoop-like world-tubes. So, relatively speaking, since the exterior concavity of the large descirbed toroidal disc has opposite sides, toward each other, these bear an opposite concavity, since the more interior of such concavities bears a dot product relation towards an observer that is corrsespondingly near this in metaphysical space, while the more exterior of such concavities bears a cross product relation towards an observer that is correspondingly near this in metaphysical space. Thus, the three described ring-like phenomena form the operand of kinematically-based translations and Fourier Transformations that describe the operational activity of space-time-fabric -- even though space-time phenomena is more granular than fabric. You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Summary Of Part One Of Session Three Of Course Six
Posted by
12:28 PM
Fourier activity,
Main world-tubes,

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Summary Of Part Two Of Session Two Of Course Six
Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here! I am here today to help describe what I meant when I typed in the second part of the second session of Course six.
In-Between each instanton, there are countless gauge-metrics and sub-metrics, with sub-metrics within these mentioned durations that are even more brief down to very infinitessimal yet discrete durations. There are also countless, yet relatively fewer gauge-metrics, sub-metrics, and within these metric-related durations that are even more brief down to very infinitessimal yet discrete durations. During the duration that operates (happens) in-between instantons, there is alot of sharing of substringular field in terms of the mini-string that is utilized to interconnect all superstrings and norm-states in one giant web-like structure during instanton -- in both indirect and direct ways. While the countless metrics, sub-metrics, down to the most relatively infinitessimal durations that happen in-between instantons, operate through the operand of space, the sharing of substringular fields occurs via the give-and-take of the ebbing of what I call mini-string that allows for the countless varieties of substringular field integrations that exist per the succeeding series of Laplacian Translations which come together to form the relatively countless yet fewer succeeding series of Fourier Transformations that define the covariant codifferentiation of the multiplicitly interbound substringular fabric -- which is more granular than fabrical -- to allow phenomena to happen through time relative to one another. The recycling of substringular phenomena is able to hapen in part because of the existence of what I call the Royal Arc, in the general manner that I described in the last summary. Sincerely, Sam.
In-Between each instanton, there are countless gauge-metrics and sub-metrics, with sub-metrics within these mentioned durations that are even more brief down to very infinitessimal yet discrete durations. There are also countless, yet relatively fewer gauge-metrics, sub-metrics, and within these metric-related durations that are even more brief down to very infinitessimal yet discrete durations. During the duration that operates (happens) in-between instantons, there is alot of sharing of substringular field in terms of the mini-string that is utilized to interconnect all superstrings and norm-states in one giant web-like structure during instanton -- in both indirect and direct ways. While the countless metrics, sub-metrics, down to the most relatively infinitessimal durations that happen in-between instantons, operate through the operand of space, the sharing of substringular fields occurs via the give-and-take of the ebbing of what I call mini-string that allows for the countless varieties of substringular field integrations that exist per the succeeding series of Laplacian Translations which come together to form the relatively countless yet fewer succeeding series of Fourier Transformations that define the covariant codifferentiation of the multiplicitly interbound substringular fabric -- which is more granular than fabrical -- to allow phenomena to happen through time relative to one another. The recycling of substringular phenomena is able to hapen in part because of the existence of what I call the Royal Arc, in the general manner that I described in the last summary. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
11:09 AM
covariant locus,
Fourier activity,
Royal Arc,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Summary Of Part One Of Session Two Of Course 6
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here. I am here today to summarize the first part of Session Two of Course 6.
The physical portion of space-time-fabric may be described as a toroidal disc. So, in a sense, the physical portion of space-time-fabric may be viewed of as a very large or infinite (even though no phenomenon is actually infinite if it is discrete, therefore this is not actually infinite) world-toroid.
There is a general phenomena that forms a relatively large Arc that interconnects the three sets of parallel universes that I name the Royal Arc. Certain substringular phenomena that needs to be recycled, in terms of substringular field or mini-string that needs to be redistributed in such a way so that the different forms of ground and norm states may interchange indices, goes through the said general process of recycling via the sub-metric activities, that happen in-between a large number of instantons, through the relatively very large holonomic operand known as the previously stated Royal Arc.
The purpose of the Royal Arc is to recycle globally ground indices gradually into globally norm indices. Globally ground indices would be the substringular field eigenstates of superstrings (and not their counterparts in this instance) that gradually become recycled into relatively holomorphically based norm-states. Such recycling happens in such a way in that there is no distinguishable change in the holonomic entity of the described superstrings per the Laplacian Translation of the said superstrings per instanton. As to what happens to counterstrings and "negative" or relatively reverse holomorphic norm-states in the process of substringular recycling is something that I will describe in a future session.
So, even though superstrings would not even "appear" to recylcle per each succeeding Laplacian framework, their is activity in the form of kinematic metric-gauge that operates in-between successive instantons in such a way so as to allow for the relatively unoticeable interchanges that allow for the substringular recycling that I have been describing. The reason for substringular recycling is so that substringular fields may have a relative commutation with its surroundings, so that the said substringular fields may have a less direct yet still important commutation with the rest of space and time, so that superstrings, forward holomorphic norm-states, substringular counterparts, and reverse holomorphic norm-states, may share in substringular activities and thus not "overwork" themselves as only one Hamiltonian Operator in terms of kinematic operation over time, and so that jointal and smooth-curveded phenomena may interchange in operation.
I hope that this post answers some of your questions. Sincerely, Sam.
The physical portion of space-time-fabric may be described as a toroidal disc. So, in a sense, the physical portion of space-time-fabric may be viewed of as a very large or infinite (even though no phenomenon is actually infinite if it is discrete, therefore this is not actually infinite) world-toroid.
There is a general phenomena that forms a relatively large Arc that interconnects the three sets of parallel universes that I name the Royal Arc. Certain substringular phenomena that needs to be recycled, in terms of substringular field or mini-string that needs to be redistributed in such a way so that the different forms of ground and norm states may interchange indices, goes through the said general process of recycling via the sub-metric activities, that happen in-between a large number of instantons, through the relatively very large holonomic operand known as the previously stated Royal Arc.
The purpose of the Royal Arc is to recycle globally ground indices gradually into globally norm indices. Globally ground indices would be the substringular field eigenstates of superstrings (and not their counterparts in this instance) that gradually become recycled into relatively holomorphically based norm-states. Such recycling happens in such a way in that there is no distinguishable change in the holonomic entity of the described superstrings per the Laplacian Translation of the said superstrings per instanton. As to what happens to counterstrings and "negative" or relatively reverse holomorphic norm-states in the process of substringular recycling is something that I will describe in a future session.
So, even though superstrings would not even "appear" to recylcle per each succeeding Laplacian framework, their is activity in the form of kinematic metric-gauge that operates in-between successive instantons in such a way so as to allow for the relatively unoticeable interchanges that allow for the substringular recycling that I have been describing. The reason for substringular recycling is so that substringular fields may have a relative commutation with its surroundings, so that the said substringular fields may have a less direct yet still important commutation with the rest of space and time, so that superstrings, forward holomorphic norm-states, substringular counterparts, and reverse holomorphic norm-states, may share in substringular activities and thus not "overwork" themselves as only one Hamiltonian Operator in terms of kinematic operation over time, and so that jointal and smooth-curveded phenomena may interchange in operation.
I hope that this post answers some of your questions. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Hamiltonian operators,
kinematic operand,
Royal Arc,
toroidal disc

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Summary Of Part Two Of Session 1 Of Course 6
Well hello again world, this Sam Roach here! I am about to summarize the second part of the first session of Course 6.
Superstrings and first-ordered point particles tend to have a "home" tori-sector-range. This means that the described first-ordered point particles and superstrings tend to exist during instanton within the same layer of reality. Yet, some first-ordered point particles and superstrings may sometimes exist in individual yet various layers of reality over a sequential set of Fourier Transformations over a set period of time. Some superstrings and first-ordered point paricles are perturbated to the extent that these said phenomena never settle within a set layer of reality.
Each layer of reality is correlative to a Basis of Light. Each Basis of Light is related to one tori-sector-range. The substringular phenomena that belong pajoritatively to one layer of reality tend to remain in one tori-sector-range and thus these phenomena exist paroritatively within the neighbood of one particular indistinguishably differently localized Basis of Light. The substringular phenomena that do not have a stable "home" tori-sector-range tend to flow through the orbifold eigenset related "kernels" or the gaps in-between orbifold eigensets so as to form many differently localized bonds with different orbifold eigensets that belong to various layers of reality. This is what I mean by that some substringular phenomena tend to not have a "home" tori-sector-range in over any spontaneous Fourier Translation of Lagrangian-based kiinematic Hamiltonian eigenmetric.
Yet, in either case, whether certain substringular phenomena are to tend to have a "home" tori-sector-range while other certain substringular phenomena tend to alter the basis of what tori-sector-range that these later said phenomena are to most directly be kinematically interactive in, the Fourier Translations of superstrings and first-ordered point particles differentiate via their kinematic Hamiltonian operations in such a Gaussian based symmetry that is non-trivially isomorphic in terms of harmonically based orbifolds and orbifold eigenstates, while differentiating via their kinematic Hamiltonian operations in such a Gaussian based symmetry that is trivially isomoriphic in terms of anharmonically based orbifolds and orbifold eigenstates, in such a manner so that the operand of the interaction of the associated space-time-fabric is made to bear a hermitian interation that produces the condition of the recycling of norm to ground and ground to norm states -- as well as recycling the indistinguishable indices that define the bases of the eigenstates that are multiplicitly directoralized under the condition of altering holomorphicity (left moving versus right moving (relative)). This is because the Gaussian conditions described produce the norm conditions that are necessary for organized and thus Real Reimmanian space-time iterations in so that the conditions of smooth-curvature based norm-conditions and jointal based norm-conditions may indistinguishably intechange so as to allow for the continued existence of the interaction of substringular field networking that is necessary for continued existence. Sincerely, Sam.
Superstrings and first-ordered point particles tend to have a "home" tori-sector-range. This means that the described first-ordered point particles and superstrings tend to exist during instanton within the same layer of reality. Yet, some first-ordered point particles and superstrings may sometimes exist in individual yet various layers of reality over a sequential set of Fourier Transformations over a set period of time. Some superstrings and first-ordered point paricles are perturbated to the extent that these said phenomena never settle within a set layer of reality.
Each layer of reality is correlative to a Basis of Light. Each Basis of Light is related to one tori-sector-range. The substringular phenomena that belong pajoritatively to one layer of reality tend to remain in one tori-sector-range and thus these phenomena exist paroritatively within the neighbood of one particular indistinguishably differently localized Basis of Light. The substringular phenomena that do not have a stable "home" tori-sector-range tend to flow through the orbifold eigenset related "kernels" or the gaps in-between orbifold eigensets so as to form many differently localized bonds with different orbifold eigensets that belong to various layers of reality. This is what I mean by that some substringular phenomena tend to not have a "home" tori-sector-range in over any spontaneous Fourier Translation of Lagrangian-based kiinematic Hamiltonian eigenmetric.
Yet, in either case, whether certain substringular phenomena are to tend to have a "home" tori-sector-range while other certain substringular phenomena tend to alter the basis of what tori-sector-range that these later said phenomena are to most directly be kinematically interactive in, the Fourier Translations of superstrings and first-ordered point particles differentiate via their kinematic Hamiltonian operations in such a Gaussian based symmetry that is non-trivially isomorphic in terms of harmonically based orbifolds and orbifold eigenstates, while differentiating via their kinematic Hamiltonian operations in such a Gaussian based symmetry that is trivially isomoriphic in terms of anharmonically based orbifolds and orbifold eigenstates, in such a manner so that the operand of the interaction of the associated space-time-fabric is made to bear a hermitian interation that produces the condition of the recycling of norm to ground and ground to norm states -- as well as recycling the indistinguishable indices that define the bases of the eigenstates that are multiplicitly directoralized under the condition of altering holomorphicity (left moving versus right moving (relative)). This is because the Gaussian conditions described produce the norm conditions that are necessary for organized and thus Real Reimmanian space-time iterations in so that the conditions of smooth-curvature based norm-conditions and jointal based norm-conditions may indistinguishably intechange so as to allow for the continued existence of the interaction of substringular field networking that is necessary for continued existence. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
11:36 AM
Basis of Light,
Fourier Translation,
Gaussian Matrices,
Hamiltonian Momentum,
Real Reimmanian,
trivially isomorphic

Sunday, November 21, 2010
A Summary Of Part One Of Session One Of Course Six
First-Ordered point particles and superstrings generally belong to a particular layer of reality. First-Ordered point particles are point particles that are of one order smaller than superstrings. Bosonic superstrings that are not gauge-bosons have a circumference of the Planck Length in the substringular, and have a circumference when fully contracted of 10^(-43)meters.
First-Ordered point particles have a diameter of 10^(-86) meters when fully contracted when considering the connective field that is directly connected to these. Sometimes, first-ordered point particles and even superstrings in a given setting partake of other layers of reality, yet, the layer of reality that is comprised of all of the universes of a given set of universes that are related to the said layer of reality is usually shared by a pajority if not a majority of the described first-ordered point particles and superstrings that are most naturally occuring in that associated layer of reality.
What I call a "tori-sector-range" is the multiplicitly directoralized layer of reality that is demonstrated by all of the universes of a given set of parallel universes. The different universes that partake of the given layer of reality are usually different, since each set of parallel universes has 10^(76) "types" of universes, since each individual universe is mirrored within kinematic space-time-fabric 9,100,000 times. Yet, all of the universes of a layer of reality bring about the same overall basis of Ying and Yang integration that make up the general overall condition of soul energy in that layer of reality. This means that if you were to take all of the partial integrands in terms of the Ying and Yang in their directoralizations through the Overall Fourier Transformation of the age of one iteration of Tau (13.7 billion years, since the duration of instanton has slightly slowed since the "Big-Bang."), and then integrated these integrands with respect to their corresponding space-time directorals via the many different types of countlessly multiplicit Lagrangian eigenbases that each of these universes demonstrate, the precise percentage of Ying and the precise percentage of Yang is the same for each "layer of reality" in spite of the differences in all of the said types of universes.
The Big-Bang wasn't big, and it didn't make a bang. The Space-Hole doesn't mean a hole in space. Black-Bodies are not usually black. And "layers of reality" needed an explaination. Yet, all of the above so-called misnomers have a strong basis in reality, and are named as such for a rigorous reason. One good reason to explain what you mean may be understood here.
Integration has to do with putting together things or other phenomena. An integrand is an eigenphenomena that is used to operate in such a way as to perform an integration. A partial integration is an integration in terms of one variable when the given situation involves many interacting variables. Variables are phenomena that are to be solved for.
So, "home-tori-sectors" are "layers of reality" that certain arbitrary first-ordered point particles and certain arbitrary superstrings generally exist in per instanton. An instanton is one discrete unit of time. One discrete unit of time is every 10^(-43) Real seconds. Real seconds are seconds that we are only normally able to determine, since that is when their is an organization of the superstrings of space-time-fabric then. The Planck Length is 3*10^(-35) meters. Normal Electromagnetic Radiation in a vacuum travels at 3*10^(8) meters per second. The maximum Lorentz-Four-Contraction taken partially is 3*10^(8). What I mean by partially is as to what occurs to one supersting and/or one point particle.
I sure hope that I have made part on of session one of Course 6 clearer by explaining what I meant a little bit more.
I will continue the suspense later! Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
First-Ordered point particles have a diameter of 10^(-86) meters when fully contracted when considering the connective field that is directly connected to these. Sometimes, first-ordered point particles and even superstrings in a given setting partake of other layers of reality, yet, the layer of reality that is comprised of all of the universes of a given set of universes that are related to the said layer of reality is usually shared by a pajority if not a majority of the described first-ordered point particles and superstrings that are most naturally occuring in that associated layer of reality.
What I call a "tori-sector-range" is the multiplicitly directoralized layer of reality that is demonstrated by all of the universes of a given set of parallel universes. The different universes that partake of the given layer of reality are usually different, since each set of parallel universes has 10^(76) "types" of universes, since each individual universe is mirrored within kinematic space-time-fabric 9,100,000 times. Yet, all of the universes of a layer of reality bring about the same overall basis of Ying and Yang integration that make up the general overall condition of soul energy in that layer of reality. This means that if you were to take all of the partial integrands in terms of the Ying and Yang in their directoralizations through the Overall Fourier Transformation of the age of one iteration of Tau (13.7 billion years, since the duration of instanton has slightly slowed since the "Big-Bang."), and then integrated these integrands with respect to their corresponding space-time directorals via the many different types of countlessly multiplicit Lagrangian eigenbases that each of these universes demonstrate, the precise percentage of Ying and the precise percentage of Yang is the same for each "layer of reality" in spite of the differences in all of the said types of universes.
The Big-Bang wasn't big, and it didn't make a bang. The Space-Hole doesn't mean a hole in space. Black-Bodies are not usually black. And "layers of reality" needed an explaination. Yet, all of the above so-called misnomers have a strong basis in reality, and are named as such for a rigorous reason. One good reason to explain what you mean may be understood here.
Integration has to do with putting together things or other phenomena. An integrand is an eigenphenomena that is used to operate in such a way as to perform an integration. A partial integration is an integration in terms of one variable when the given situation involves many interacting variables. Variables are phenomena that are to be solved for.
So, "home-tori-sectors" are "layers of reality" that certain arbitrary first-ordered point particles and certain arbitrary superstrings generally exist in per instanton. An instanton is one discrete unit of time. One discrete unit of time is every 10^(-43) Real seconds. Real seconds are seconds that we are only normally able to determine, since that is when their is an organization of the superstrings of space-time-fabric then. The Planck Length is 3*10^(-35) meters. Normal Electromagnetic Radiation in a vacuum travels at 3*10^(8) meters per second. The maximum Lorentz-Four-Contraction taken partially is 3*10^(8). What I mean by partially is as to what occurs to one supersting and/or one point particle.
I sure hope that I have made part on of session one of Course 6 clearer by explaining what I meant a little bit more.
I will continue the suspense later! Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
4:52 PM
E(6)XE(6) superstrings,
Fourier Transformation,
home tori-sector-ranges,
layer of realilty,
Planck Length,

Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Little More About Soul Energy
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here! Here is the second consecutive post that I promised on the topic of soul energy.
During instanton, the Chi shaped portion of each Planck phenomena related phenomenon twists upon its cross-sectional axes quickly in one cross-section radial-like motion as it does its in a norm-to-norm-to- holomorpic or in a norm-to-norm-to-antiholomorphic during the "wobbling" of the associated mini-basis during the course of BRST, while it relaxes in a relatively slower gauge-metric in the opposite cross-sectional basis in holomoriphic motion. If the relatively quick twisting motion just described is counterclockwise while the relatively slower twisting motion just described is clockwise relative to a polarized extrapolated detection of the holonomic entity of a given Planck phenomena related phenomenon, then the associated Chi-shaped phenomenon that is being related here has a reverse-fractored basis in forming a discrete unit of Ying, or positive soul energy. Yet, if the relatively quick twisting motion earlier described is clockwise while the relatively slower twisting motion earlier described is counterclockwise relative to a polarized extrapolated detection of the holonomic entity of a given Planck phenomena related phenomenon, then the associated Chi-shaped phenomenon that is being related here has a reverse-fractored basis in forming a discrete unit of Yang, or negative soul energy. Positive Soul Energy is energy that is constructive. Negative Soul Energy is energy is energy that is destructive. Both Ying and Yang have their place. What indicates your motives of doing right versus wrong is partially based on both the relatively Laplacian and the relatively Fourier directoralization of your Ying and your Yang (what you except via the dictates of your honor) relative to the scope of reality that is beyond what we would call normal physical space-time-fabric (beyond the toroidal disc of regular physical space-time-fabric).
The twists of the Chi-shaped configuration of Planck phenomenon related phenomena are countless in a living person's soul. So, the directoralization mentioned above relates to a multiplicitly integrated eigenbasis of the Hodge indices of all of the gauge-metrical and kinematically operational directoralizations that interact upon a given life form over the course of what we would call their physical existence.
The Ying and the Yang of a life form allow for the continuation of the process of the multiplicit Rarita Structure eigenstates' Schwinger Indices to differentiate in a generally hermitian enough manner (although this also involves Chern-Simmons singularities and some perturbations that sway off of the Real Reimmanian Plane, yet, the harmonic drive of the integration of Schwinger indices has a basis with soul energy in an abelian-based hermicity).
This associated spontaneous direct wave-tug/wave-pull upon substrates that interact local to a kinematically operatable Lagrangian of Fourier differentiating harmonics is the basis of the sub-force (not to be confused at all with the Higgs Action) that pulls homotopy back into place at the instant that it starts to almost break during what I call the "space-hole."
That is why Cassimer Invariance helps to allow the continuation of homotopy. The reorganization of the local holonomic norm-range of homotopic indices is allowed because of the gauge-metrical activity that happens during the duration of what I call the "space-hole." Because of the associated reorganization of norm-related indices in both the substringular and gauge-action related phenomena, Cassimer Invariance works to allow for the ebbing back-and-forth of mini-string or substringular field in so that substringular phenomena may recycle their indices so that the positive-norm/negative-norm/positive ground/negative ground states may recycle via Ultimon Time so that the conditions of smooth-curved and jointal associations may make hermitian enough translations that kinematically differentiate over the course of all of the related Fourier Transformations that involve instantons that happen during the time that we are able to perceive.
Ying and Yang thus work to allow for the flow of Cassimer Invariance that is necessary for the spontaneous stability of space-time-fabric via the maintance of homotopy, the recycling of substringular residue, and the integrative multiplicit directoralizations that help to define the "attitude" or mental "position" of a life-form so that its spiritual fate may have some, exterial to the physical, apprehension of motive. I believe that this is enough for now! You have a great day!
During instanton, the Chi shaped portion of each Planck phenomena related phenomenon twists upon its cross-sectional axes quickly in one cross-section radial-like motion as it does its in a norm-to-norm-to- holomorpic or in a norm-to-norm-to-antiholomorphic during the "wobbling" of the associated mini-basis during the course of BRST, while it relaxes in a relatively slower gauge-metric in the opposite cross-sectional basis in holomoriphic motion. If the relatively quick twisting motion just described is counterclockwise while the relatively slower twisting motion just described is clockwise relative to a polarized extrapolated detection of the holonomic entity of a given Planck phenomena related phenomenon, then the associated Chi-shaped phenomenon that is being related here has a reverse-fractored basis in forming a discrete unit of Ying, or positive soul energy. Yet, if the relatively quick twisting motion earlier described is clockwise while the relatively slower twisting motion earlier described is counterclockwise relative to a polarized extrapolated detection of the holonomic entity of a given Planck phenomena related phenomenon, then the associated Chi-shaped phenomenon that is being related here has a reverse-fractored basis in forming a discrete unit of Yang, or negative soul energy. Positive Soul Energy is energy that is constructive. Negative Soul Energy is energy is energy that is destructive. Both Ying and Yang have their place. What indicates your motives of doing right versus wrong is partially based on both the relatively Laplacian and the relatively Fourier directoralization of your Ying and your Yang (what you except via the dictates of your honor) relative to the scope of reality that is beyond what we would call normal physical space-time-fabric (beyond the toroidal disc of regular physical space-time-fabric).
The twists of the Chi-shaped configuration of Planck phenomenon related phenomena are countless in a living person's soul. So, the directoralization mentioned above relates to a multiplicitly integrated eigenbasis of the Hodge indices of all of the gauge-metrical and kinematically operational directoralizations that interact upon a given life form over the course of what we would call their physical existence.
The Ying and the Yang of a life form allow for the continuation of the process of the multiplicit Rarita Structure eigenstates' Schwinger Indices to differentiate in a generally hermitian enough manner (although this also involves Chern-Simmons singularities and some perturbations that sway off of the Real Reimmanian Plane, yet, the harmonic drive of the integration of Schwinger indices has a basis with soul energy in an abelian-based hermicity).
This associated spontaneous direct wave-tug/wave-pull upon substrates that interact local to a kinematically operatable Lagrangian of Fourier differentiating harmonics is the basis of the sub-force (not to be confused at all with the Higgs Action) that pulls homotopy back into place at the instant that it starts to almost break during what I call the "space-hole."
That is why Cassimer Invariance helps to allow the continuation of homotopy. The reorganization of the local holonomic norm-range of homotopic indices is allowed because of the gauge-metrical activity that happens during the duration of what I call the "space-hole." Because of the associated reorganization of norm-related indices in both the substringular and gauge-action related phenomena, Cassimer Invariance works to allow for the ebbing back-and-forth of mini-string or substringular field in so that substringular phenomena may recycle their indices so that the positive-norm/negative-norm/positive ground/negative ground states may recycle via Ultimon Time so that the conditions of smooth-curved and jointal associations may make hermitian enough translations that kinematically differentiate over the course of all of the related Fourier Transformations that involve instantons that happen during the time that we are able to perceive.
Ying and Yang thus work to allow for the flow of Cassimer Invariance that is necessary for the spontaneous stability of space-time-fabric via the maintance of homotopy, the recycling of substringular residue, and the integrative multiplicit directoralizations that help to define the "attitude" or mental "position" of a life-form so that its spiritual fate may have some, exterial to the physical, apprehension of motive. I believe that this is enough for now! You have a great day!
Posted by
2:56 PM
Planck phenomena,
soul energy,

Thursday, November 18, 2010
What Is Soul?
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here! How are you doing?
Now, to the topic. What is soul energy?!
A soul is the residual thought embodiment of a living creature that tends to perpetually exist, even after the physical death of a said living creature. A soul consists of those ghost residue of the thought waves related to the substringular and Planck phenomena related phenomena that are alleviated from a physical body after the said living creature dies physically, that iterate one instanton before the substringular iteration that exists at the moment of a life form's death. The composite thought waves described are comprised of the substrate of the Lagrangian Fourier translations of the multiplicitly sundry ATP molecular activity that exists within the process of a living creature's death. The subconscious memories that are imbued upon the said passed away life by the Collective Consciousness forms the basis of the cognitive raw "material" that a passed away soul is left to deal with. Such related energy, being mind-based, involves a generally abelian delineation of Tesla-based reverse magnetism that uncurls from the said physical body that's dead via the assymetric trivial isomorphism that is formed by the countering of forward and reverse magetism that tends to hermitianly uncurl during the brief span in which a living creature dies. The motion of the described release of ghost-related phenomena forms a kinematic redistribution during the sub-Fourier of when a soul is generated out of a physical life form that produces a metric-gauge on account of the euler metric-gauge translation of the said curl out of its corresponding body that bears a singularity, in terms of the slope of the cross-product motion of the soul out of the physical portion of space-and-time, of Fourier Lagrangian "spike" that is equal in hyperbollic euclidean translation per isometric reverse-fractored propagation as the "spike" of an initially degenerated metric-gauge of a "mini-loop" of a superstring which needs to recycle its metric-gauge during an ensuing set of Kaeler-Metric eigenactions. Such a "spike" converts the redistribution of the local relatively Laplacian sub-metrics of where the described ghosts are pulled out of a physical body in terms of what was initially empty space. The described temporary perturbation in homotopy happens specifically during the duration that happens right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode (which is one activity that happens in-between actual instantons.) The reason why we normally can only account for duration in terms of instantons is that substringular phenomena is only organized enough to be recognizable under normal conditions during the course of succeeding instantons. The newly created point particles, which are, during what I call the "space-hole", consisting of potential infinitessimal indices of pointal phenomena into the first, second, and third-ordered point particles -- along with the connective sub-mini-string or field that connects these -- that are necessary to fill the virtually created void of norm-states. Such redeveloped norm-states are, at this point, scattered into a homogeneous (relatively smooth and evenly spread) manner that is not that of ghost anomalies, yet, rather, the newly generated norm-states act as point commutators that fascillitate the kinematic operations of superstrings that are located in the neighborhood of the said norm-states. This described activity of soul energy forming fresh norm-states via the creation of third, second, and first-ordered point particles and their fields in such a manner so as to form the Ward relations of norm-states, in-between instantons so as to not dammage homotopy, only happens when the described soul energy is to leave the physical portion of the space-time-continuum.
Metaphysial means beyond the normal physical realm. So, metaphysical space-time-fabric is phenomena that is beyond the "toroidal disc" of physical space-time-fabric.
I hope that I gave you enough to think about today. My time is quite limited where I am at.
Now, to the topic. What is soul energy?!
A soul is the residual thought embodiment of a living creature that tends to perpetually exist, even after the physical death of a said living creature. A soul consists of those ghost residue of the thought waves related to the substringular and Planck phenomena related phenomena that are alleviated from a physical body after the said living creature dies physically, that iterate one instanton before the substringular iteration that exists at the moment of a life form's death. The composite thought waves described are comprised of the substrate of the Lagrangian Fourier translations of the multiplicitly sundry ATP molecular activity that exists within the process of a living creature's death. The subconscious memories that are imbued upon the said passed away life by the Collective Consciousness forms the basis of the cognitive raw "material" that a passed away soul is left to deal with. Such related energy, being mind-based, involves a generally abelian delineation of Tesla-based reverse magnetism that uncurls from the said physical body that's dead via the assymetric trivial isomorphism that is formed by the countering of forward and reverse magetism that tends to hermitianly uncurl during the brief span in which a living creature dies. The motion of the described release of ghost-related phenomena forms a kinematic redistribution during the sub-Fourier of when a soul is generated out of a physical life form that produces a metric-gauge on account of the euler metric-gauge translation of the said curl out of its corresponding body that bears a singularity, in terms of the slope of the cross-product motion of the soul out of the physical portion of space-and-time, of Fourier Lagrangian "spike" that is equal in hyperbollic euclidean translation per isometric reverse-fractored propagation as the "spike" of an initially degenerated metric-gauge of a "mini-loop" of a superstring which needs to recycle its metric-gauge during an ensuing set of Kaeler-Metric eigenactions. Such a "spike" converts the redistribution of the local relatively Laplacian sub-metrics of where the described ghosts are pulled out of a physical body in terms of what was initially empty space. The described temporary perturbation in homotopy happens specifically during the duration that happens right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode (which is one activity that happens in-between actual instantons.) The reason why we normally can only account for duration in terms of instantons is that substringular phenomena is only organized enough to be recognizable under normal conditions during the course of succeeding instantons. The newly created point particles, which are, during what I call the "space-hole", consisting of potential infinitessimal indices of pointal phenomena into the first, second, and third-ordered point particles -- along with the connective sub-mini-string or field that connects these -- that are necessary to fill the virtually created void of norm-states. Such redeveloped norm-states are, at this point, scattered into a homogeneous (relatively smooth and evenly spread) manner that is not that of ghost anomalies, yet, rather, the newly generated norm-states act as point commutators that fascillitate the kinematic operations of superstrings that are located in the neighborhood of the said norm-states. This described activity of soul energy forming fresh norm-states via the creation of third, second, and first-ordered point particles and their fields in such a manner so as to form the Ward relations of norm-states, in-between instantons so as to not dammage homotopy, only happens when the described soul energy is to leave the physical portion of the space-time-continuum.
Metaphysial means beyond the normal physical realm. So, metaphysical space-time-fabric is phenomena that is beyond the "toroidal disc" of physical space-time-fabric.
I hope that I gave you enough to think about today. My time is quite limited where I am at.
Posted by
12:56 PM
Collective Consciousness,
Lagrangian Fourier,
reverse magnetism,
toroidal disc,
trivial isomorphism,
Ward relations

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
An Introduction To A Hot, Relatively Subjective Topic
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here! I hope that you are doing great!
Soon, I am about to deliver two posts about a controversial yet "hot" topic. The type of topic that I am here descriing is the topic of as to what soul and soul energy are. I realize that many scientists do not recognize the existence of souls and/or soul energy, yet, in my next two blog posts that I wish to deliver, I will write about what souls are, and as to what soul energy is. You may take what I will write in the ensuing two blog posts with a "grain of salt", yet, my descriptions and cultivated thoughts that I will procede to show here are based primarily on physics -- not philosophy.
So, I hope that I have prepared you enough with what I shall put into my blog soon. I hope that the next two said posts will make you think, and, perhaps YOU may be the one who "stands on the shoulders of this giant (me)."
Once I write the next two posts as to what soul and soul energy are, I plan on completing the process of writing to you Course 6 on The Toroidal Nature Of Superstrings. If something comes along the way to impede the said procession of events, I will inform you as to what is going on so that you will not be confused.
Once I have completed the process of writing out Course 6, I will go back to some of my earlier courses so that I may have the pleasure of putting these more into laymen's terms. I would like to sell the rest of my courses that are feasible enough in lack of secrecy to any reputable source that wishes to buy them. Syndication would be good.
So, keep your head up to the world, and you have a phenomenal day! I will continue the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam.
Soon, I am about to deliver two posts about a controversial yet "hot" topic. The type of topic that I am here descriing is the topic of as to what soul and soul energy are. I realize that many scientists do not recognize the existence of souls and/or soul energy, yet, in my next two blog posts that I wish to deliver, I will write about what souls are, and as to what soul energy is. You may take what I will write in the ensuing two blog posts with a "grain of salt", yet, my descriptions and cultivated thoughts that I will procede to show here are based primarily on physics -- not philosophy.
So, I hope that I have prepared you enough with what I shall put into my blog soon. I hope that the next two said posts will make you think, and, perhaps YOU may be the one who "stands on the shoulders of this giant (me)."
Once I write the next two posts as to what soul and soul energy are, I plan on completing the process of writing to you Course 6 on The Toroidal Nature Of Superstrings. If something comes along the way to impede the said procession of events, I will inform you as to what is going on so that you will not be confused.
Once I have completed the process of writing out Course 6, I will go back to some of my earlier courses so that I may have the pleasure of putting these more into laymen's terms. I would like to sell the rest of my courses that are feasible enough in lack of secrecy to any reputable source that wishes to buy them. Syndication would be good.
So, keep your head up to the world, and you have a phenomenal day! I will continue the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Course 6, Session 8, The Toroidal Nature of Superstrings
How does dark phenomena effect light phenomena? Most phenomena from within the general Main-World-Sheet-like structures that carry superstrings are dark. The whole process that allows center-state strings to be illuminated involves the rest of the superstrings of the given tori-sector-range, and is called the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse. The wave connection that binds this process is called the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-range. As described in earlier course, this process allows for the recycling of differential geometries that help to form light. Each tori-sector-range has one general part to play as a base for the integration of all of the light of the Continuum. The four substrings that encode for all of the globally distributed strings, that exist for one tori-sector-range, from inside of the said Main-World-Sheets bear illumination at the central-state of a section of substringular fabric which is composed of point particles, just as any other superstrings that are illuminated. As soon as a central-state superstring is formed within a sector of a Main-World-Sheet of the Ultimon, residue from all of the surrounding superstrings is pulled in to these central-state strings as an exact and opposite reaction to the process that these said central-state strings have in the process of shocking the surrounding superstrings away from them, and this equal and opposite reaction is directed toward the central directions that the said central-strings have as these said strings dissemble, since action is continuous. Such central-state strings refers to the condition that there are 10,000 templates for each substringular encoder, and the process of instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode molds these templates to the correct form of the proper substringular encoder. The type of differential Fourier connections that exist between the substringular encoders and their corresponding superstrings works to determine what is illuminated. Just as each Kaeler-Metric forms eight back-and-forth sways that involve 16 thrusts that allow for one added increment of discrete metric-gauge added to superstrings to allow for substringular permittivity, there is 15 times as much dark matter as light matter. (16-1=15). The interaction of substringular encoders with the rest of the substringular helps to allow for the recycling of substringular residue.The residue here is brought into the prior mentioned tori-sector-range. (Two main conglomerations of substringular residues per section of majorized hemisphere.) If you were to theoretically place the relatively norm-to- holomorphic and norm-to antiholomorphic (relative "up" and relative "down") Royal Arcs together, you would form a majorized circle, yet, these need to be separated to allow for the existence of the Main Heterotic Stringular Fabric. I will continue with this fascinating session with session 9 later.
In the mean while, think enthousiastic and you will be enthousiastic! You have a phemenal day.
Sincerely, Sam.
In the mean while, think enthousiastic and you will be enthousiastic! You have a phemenal day.
Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:06 PM
dark phenomena,
home tori-sector-ranges,
Royal Arcs,

Friday, November 12, 2010
Course 6, Session 7, The Toroidal Nature Of Superstrings
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here! Here is the continuation of my string theory "saga."
So, allow me to ellaborate on what I mean by the "Royal Arc.": As described in earlier courses, the overall world-sheets (the Main Ones) of the Continuum exist as three sets of four hoop-like world-sheets Plus an arrangement that allows these sets to communicate in a sense. The arrangement here consists of three main phenomena.: The fields central to the overall "hoops", the Main Heterotic String Fabric, and, an integral half-hoop which I describe as a "Royal Arc." A half-circle that is majorized through a relatively large Lagrangian, in terms of circumference, is an arbitrary example of an arc. An integrated half-circumference of a circle that bends around into a circular connection is a half-hoop. The ways of Main-World-Sheets plus the Main Heterotic String Fabric plus the Royal Arc, as taken from a distance, appears as a circle. This is because the thickness of those phenomena is so much smaller than the diameter of the Ultimon. What I am describing here is in the substringular, since one can not detect the general propagation of light in the globally distinguishable as well as one may extrapolate such phenomena in the substringular. Light usually travels in the half-hoops of the Ultimon. These "half-hoops" are the basis of the "infinite-world-toroid." Light, since it usually travels in these half-hoops, usually has residue that is being recycled in the Royal Arc. From where is light generally detected? Light is generally detected in the substringualr at each stringular mapping that may be extrapolated in the globally distinguishable, or, a set of strings in the substringular for each of the four Main-World-sheets for each of the three sets of parallel universes per tori-sector-range may be at least a tad detected via mathematical calculations that may be completed from an extrapolation of substringular activity. Besides the one-fifteenth of phenomena that we can see from earth, all of the rest of the superstrings of the Main-World-Sheets of the given tori-sector-ranges are relatively uniluminated, due to the condition of Ward Polorization. This means that most physical phenomena is redistribution-based holonomic entity that is not simultaneously integrated directly with the predominant Basis of Light (the layer of reality that corresponds to the predominant layer that we tend to view in our universe. All sentient beings have perspective based on the Fourier differentiation of light.
I will continue with the suspense of session eight soon. In the meanwhile, as my dad used to say, "Think enthouseastic, and you will be enthouseastic!" Please enjoy my blog. I am more willing to review comments now that the "spam comments" have decreased. Please, have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam.
So, allow me to ellaborate on what I mean by the "Royal Arc.": As described in earlier courses, the overall world-sheets (the Main Ones) of the Continuum exist as three sets of four hoop-like world-sheets Plus an arrangement that allows these sets to communicate in a sense. The arrangement here consists of three main phenomena.: The fields central to the overall "hoops", the Main Heterotic String Fabric, and, an integral half-hoop which I describe as a "Royal Arc." A half-circle that is majorized through a relatively large Lagrangian, in terms of circumference, is an arbitrary example of an arc. An integrated half-circumference of a circle that bends around into a circular connection is a half-hoop. The ways of Main-World-Sheets plus the Main Heterotic String Fabric plus the Royal Arc, as taken from a distance, appears as a circle. This is because the thickness of those phenomena is so much smaller than the diameter of the Ultimon. What I am describing here is in the substringular, since one can not detect the general propagation of light in the globally distinguishable as well as one may extrapolate such phenomena in the substringular. Light usually travels in the half-hoops of the Ultimon. These "half-hoops" are the basis of the "infinite-world-toroid." Light, since it usually travels in these half-hoops, usually has residue that is being recycled in the Royal Arc. From where is light generally detected? Light is generally detected in the substringualr at each stringular mapping that may be extrapolated in the globally distinguishable, or, a set of strings in the substringular for each of the four Main-World-sheets for each of the three sets of parallel universes per tori-sector-range may be at least a tad detected via mathematical calculations that may be completed from an extrapolation of substringular activity. Besides the one-fifteenth of phenomena that we can see from earth, all of the rest of the superstrings of the Main-World-Sheets of the given tori-sector-ranges are relatively uniluminated, due to the condition of Ward Polorization. This means that most physical phenomena is redistribution-based holonomic entity that is not simultaneously integrated directly with the predominant Basis of Light (the layer of reality that corresponds to the predominant layer that we tend to view in our universe. All sentient beings have perspective based on the Fourier differentiation of light.
I will continue with the suspense of session eight soon. In the meanwhile, as my dad used to say, "Think enthouseastic, and you will be enthouseastic!" Please enjoy my blog. I am more willing to review comments now that the "spam comments" have decreased. Please, have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
10:05 AM
Basis of Light,
Fourier differentiation,
globally distinguishable,
Hilbert Lagrangian,
Main Heterotic String Fabric,
Royal Arc,
Ward Polarization

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Solutions To Test #1 Of Course #6, Part Two
Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here. Here are the rest of the latest test's solutions!
6) Superstrings have a three-dimensional tense in spite of being one or two-dimensional because everything that exists has thickness, width, and length.
7) By observing a superconformal set of superstrings, one may be able to calculate and extrapolaate, from such a reverse-fractored tense, the general substringular activity that may be caused by a given arbitrary perturbation that is initially exterior to the said superconformal set of superstrings until such an initiailly outside force interacts with the said superstrings. A perturbation here may be any general alteration in Fourier Ward Caucy conditions of the said superconformal set of superstrings.
8) Each set of four Main-World-Tubes that form a basis of interactive space-time fabric that is predominant per instatnon acts as relatively thin hoops that behave like a ring. Since there are three sets of parallel universes, there are three of such rings. The organization of each "ring" with the region of the Main-Heterotic-Stringular-Fabric appears, in a sense, from the outside, kind of like a parallelogram.
9) A globally distinguishable detection of a superstring is larger in relative extrapolation than a superstring generally exists as, because of the Polyakov-gauge-metric activity that is caused by relative Lorentz-Four-Contraction based activity. This happens temporarily during instanton through the stretching of the Ward Neumman bounds of a superstring in accordance to the relative Fourier differential Ward conveyance of a given superstring relative to the motion of light.
10) The "cosmetic" condition of equally hyperbollically concave and parabollically concave topological surface of a predominant Bases of Light as taken right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode via the mapping out of such a Laplacian-based Lagrangian holonomic surface at the sub-metric of the peak of the arbitrary Basis of Light formaition given here, before it scatters into "mini-bases", is homotopical "cosmetic" proof of the condition of a set layer of reality for all of its corresponding universes to exist under a condition of equally moving forward and backward moving time.
6) Superstrings have a three-dimensional tense in spite of being one or two-dimensional because everything that exists has thickness, width, and length.
7) By observing a superconformal set of superstrings, one may be able to calculate and extrapolaate, from such a reverse-fractored tense, the general substringular activity that may be caused by a given arbitrary perturbation that is initially exterior to the said superconformal set of superstrings until such an initiailly outside force interacts with the said superstrings. A perturbation here may be any general alteration in Fourier Ward Caucy conditions of the said superconformal set of superstrings.
8) Each set of four Main-World-Tubes that form a basis of interactive space-time fabric that is predominant per instatnon acts as relatively thin hoops that behave like a ring. Since there are three sets of parallel universes, there are three of such rings. The organization of each "ring" with the region of the Main-Heterotic-Stringular-Fabric appears, in a sense, from the outside, kind of like a parallelogram.
9) A globally distinguishable detection of a superstring is larger in relative extrapolation than a superstring generally exists as, because of the Polyakov-gauge-metric activity that is caused by relative Lorentz-Four-Contraction based activity. This happens temporarily during instanton through the stretching of the Ward Neumman bounds of a superstring in accordance to the relative Fourier differential Ward conveyance of a given superstring relative to the motion of light.
10) The "cosmetic" condition of equally hyperbollically concave and parabollically concave topological surface of a predominant Bases of Light as taken right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode via the mapping out of such a Laplacian-based Lagrangian holonomic surface at the sub-metric of the peak of the arbitrary Basis of Light formaition given here, before it scatters into "mini-bases", is homotopical "cosmetic" proof of the condition of a set layer of reality for all of its corresponding universes to exist under a condition of equally moving forward and backward moving time.
Posted by
12:37 PM
Fourier Ward Caucy,
superconforrmal invariance,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Solutions To Test #1 Of Course #6
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here! I am about to provide test solutions to the first 5 questions of the 10 test questions of the first test of course 6, which is on the toroidal nature of superstrings.
1) A "home" tori-sector-range in a specific universe is the layer of reality in that universe where a substringular phenomena tends to iterate within.
2) The "infintie"-world-tori is not literally infinite. It is called "infinite" because the covariant codifferentiation of this space-time relationship forms the basis of kinematic space-time-fabric.
3) Tori-Sector-Ranges form in a "circle" or a "hoop" because this condition fascilitates the operation of Ultimon Flow in-between instantons. The general name for the prior described hoop-like structure is the phenomena called world-tubes.
4) The word that describes what keeps superstrings on the go is permittivity.
5) Adjacent tori-sector-ranges have "cosmetic" differences because their corresponding Basis' of Light have minor but descriptive differences in their Laplacian concavity's topological surface as taken through the Lagrangian mapping out of their holonomic surfaces.
1) A "home" tori-sector-range in a specific universe is the layer of reality in that universe where a substringular phenomena tends to iterate within.
2) The "infintie"-world-tori is not literally infinite. It is called "infinite" because the covariant codifferentiation of this space-time relationship forms the basis of kinematic space-time-fabric.
3) Tori-Sector-Ranges form in a "circle" or a "hoop" because this condition fascilitates the operation of Ultimon Flow in-between instantons. The general name for the prior described hoop-like structure is the phenomena called world-tubes.
4) The word that describes what keeps superstrings on the go is permittivity.
5) Adjacent tori-sector-ranges have "cosmetic" differences because their corresponding Basis' of Light have minor but descriptive differences in their Laplacian concavity's topological surface as taken through the Lagrangian mapping out of their holonomic surfaces.
Posted by
2:06 PM
Basis' of Light,
Hilbert Lagrangian,
home tori-sector-ranges,
layer of reality,

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Course 6, Session 6, Test One on The Toroidal Nature of Superstrings
1) What is a home-tori-sector-range?
2) Is an infinite-world-toroid literally that? Explain.
3) Why does the "infinite"-world-toroid form in a circle? What is the general name for this hoop-like structure?
4) What one word describes the ability of superstrings to move along the Ultimon.
5) Why do adjacent tori-sector-range eigenstates of the same universe generally have "cosmetic" differences?
6) How do superstrings have a three-dimensional tense?
7) How may one detect substringular activity when superstrings are smaller than light?
8) Why are there three "rings" that form the hoop of the Ultimon? In what way is each ring like a parallelogram?
9) What is larger: The detection of a superstrng in the globally distinguishable, or a superstring in its primal shape?
10) What "cosmetic" condition of the substringular proves that there is always a potential for time to go forwards or backwards within the Fourier differentiation of any given tori-sector-range?
I will provide the solutions to these test questions soon. In the meanwhile, please feel free to test yourself by trying to answer these test questions. I am very greatful for my readership. Please write to me if you do not understand any of my solutions that I am going to provide soon. I will continue with the suspense later! Please have a phenomenal day!
Sincerely, Sam.
2) Is an infinite-world-toroid literally that? Explain.
3) Why does the "infinite"-world-toroid form in a circle? What is the general name for this hoop-like structure?
4) What one word describes the ability of superstrings to move along the Ultimon.
5) Why do adjacent tori-sector-range eigenstates of the same universe generally have "cosmetic" differences?
6) How do superstrings have a three-dimensional tense?
7) How may one detect substringular activity when superstrings are smaller than light?
8) Why are there three "rings" that form the hoop of the Ultimon? In what way is each ring like a parallelogram?
9) What is larger: The detection of a superstrng in the globally distinguishable, or a superstring in its primal shape?
10) What "cosmetic" condition of the substringular proves that there is always a potential for time to go forwards or backwards within the Fourier differentiation of any given tori-sector-range?
I will provide the solutions to these test questions soon. In the meanwhile, please feel free to test yourself by trying to answer these test questions. I am very greatful for my readership. Please write to me if you do not understand any of my solutions that I am going to provide soon. I will continue with the suspense later! Please have a phenomenal day!
Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
10:09 AM
Fourier differentiation,
primal shape,

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Course 6, Session 5, Part 3, The Toroidal Nature Of Superstrings
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here! I hope that you are doing great, and that you are following along!
So, although there are 32 spacial dimensions per set of parallel universes, and there are three sets of parallel universes, the basis of spacial dimensionality is a three-dimensional world -- such as is perceived by an observer in the globally distinguishable. When you look within the dimensions of a main world-sheet or a main world-tube, and one consequently observes a volume here, you are observing a three-dimensionality within another dimensionality. The perceived "volume" you are observing is three-dimensional on a fundamental basis, because volume taken to where you can form an i/j/k (hat) directorallized field has a relative up-down-right-left-side-to-side basis of Neumman boundary conditions. When you bring a field into observation to where you can dellineate these said basis of directorals -- you have globalized this field into an observers perspective. Yet, since there are a total of 96 spacial dimensions in the physical portion of the Continuum, directorals that help to describe the delineation of space-time-fabric may be described by ihat, jhat, khat...isub2hat...lsub2hat, msub2hat, to nsub2hat. The function of the globally distinguishable manner in which there is a basis in direcoralzation of ihat, jhat, and khat, acts according to the substringular, yet one is here able to detect indices within a smaller region. Substringular globalizations arae smaller than the general Bases of Light are directly involved with the perceptions here, yet one is able to make computerized drawings of what is going on here based on what one knows of the activity here within specific moments of Lapalacian and Fourier Transformations. Moments that are made up of simultaneous metric sequencial series (theoretical) are actually known as based on what we already understand, combined with experiment. One knows the value of hbar by looking at a physics table which describes this. When one is accurate to what is actual within the course of Planck Bar Time, then at least the accuracy of energy is within discreteness of one unit of energy. When the curvature between two adjacent tori-sector-ranges relative to a central one is completely flush over the sub-metric that happens during the Bases of Light (which is in-between instantons and right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode), then the curvature is within one tense of a globalization of curvature as may be perceived by a living being. Remember, substringular string is composed of many minit superstring, and mini-string forms the field of superstrings. So, discrete energy permittivity is always perceived during instanton, and discrete energy impedance is always perceived during instanton. Here's more as to why.: it is the mutually interaction of discrete energy permittivity with discrete energy impedance that allows the activity of the light-cone-gauge to be able to fascilitate the "springing" into action of superstrings and their corresponding Planck phenomenon related phenomena through the course of the generally unperceived activity that happens in-between instantons. Why do I write "Planck phenomenon related phenomena" instead of just "Planck phenomena?" Because what I term of as just "Planck phenomena" is the smoothest curvature in terms of topological hermicity that is possible, given the general curvature of the corresponding Basis of Light that converts into that phenomena that interacts with superstrings so to create the basic fields of discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance that form a disrete unit of energy that may be transversally described as an eigenstate of Planck energy, and also, that has discrete radial motion that may be describe of as an eigenstate of Planck Bar energy. I would just love to hear some education responses. I will leave with a question.: How does the condition of the substringular's toroidal nature that is often exhibited as a unit fractor down to the toroidal nature that is often exhibited by superstrings? I will begin to answer some of this question later. Until then, I will continue with the suspense later, and you have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam.
So, although there are 32 spacial dimensions per set of parallel universes, and there are three sets of parallel universes, the basis of spacial dimensionality is a three-dimensional world -- such as is perceived by an observer in the globally distinguishable. When you look within the dimensions of a main world-sheet or a main world-tube, and one consequently observes a volume here, you are observing a three-dimensionality within another dimensionality. The perceived "volume" you are observing is three-dimensional on a fundamental basis, because volume taken to where you can form an i/j/k (hat) directorallized field has a relative up-down-right-left-side-to-side basis of Neumman boundary conditions. When you bring a field into observation to where you can dellineate these said basis of directorals -- you have globalized this field into an observers perspective. Yet, since there are a total of 96 spacial dimensions in the physical portion of the Continuum, directorals that help to describe the delineation of space-time-fabric may be described by ihat, jhat, khat...isub2hat...lsub2hat, msub2hat, to nsub2hat. The function of the globally distinguishable manner in which there is a basis in direcoralzation of ihat, jhat, and khat, acts according to the substringular, yet one is here able to detect indices within a smaller region. Substringular globalizations arae smaller than the general Bases of Light are directly involved with the perceptions here, yet one is able to make computerized drawings of what is going on here based on what one knows of the activity here within specific moments of Lapalacian and Fourier Transformations. Moments that are made up of simultaneous metric sequencial series (theoretical) are actually known as based on what we already understand, combined with experiment. One knows the value of hbar by looking at a physics table which describes this. When one is accurate to what is actual within the course of Planck Bar Time, then at least the accuracy of energy is within discreteness of one unit of energy. When the curvature between two adjacent tori-sector-ranges relative to a central one is completely flush over the sub-metric that happens during the Bases of Light (which is in-between instantons and right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode), then the curvature is within one tense of a globalization of curvature as may be perceived by a living being. Remember, substringular string is composed of many minit superstring, and mini-string forms the field of superstrings. So, discrete energy permittivity is always perceived during instanton, and discrete energy impedance is always perceived during instanton. Here's more as to why.: it is the mutually interaction of discrete energy permittivity with discrete energy impedance that allows the activity of the light-cone-gauge to be able to fascilitate the "springing" into action of superstrings and their corresponding Planck phenomenon related phenomena through the course of the generally unperceived activity that happens in-between instantons. Why do I write "Planck phenomenon related phenomena" instead of just "Planck phenomena?" Because what I term of as just "Planck phenomena" is the smoothest curvature in terms of topological hermicity that is possible, given the general curvature of the corresponding Basis of Light that converts into that phenomena that interacts with superstrings so to create the basic fields of discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance that form a disrete unit of energy that may be transversally described as an eigenstate of Planck energy, and also, that has discrete radial motion that may be describe of as an eigenstate of Planck Bar energy. I would just love to hear some education responses. I will leave with a question.: How does the condition of the substringular's toroidal nature that is often exhibited as a unit fractor down to the toroidal nature that is often exhibited by superstrings? I will begin to answer some of this question later. Until then, I will continue with the suspense later, and you have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:58 PM
globally distinguishable,
Neumman bounds,
overall space-time-continuum,
Planck phenomena,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Course 6, Session 5, Part 2, The Toroidal Nature of Superstrings
Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!
First of all, I would like to elaborate as to what I mean by a "chord." The interconnections that exist in-between all of the second-orderred point particles taken per individual connection of all 91*10^(81) universes of a tori-sector-range that equally involves forward and backward moving time are flush between each individual of such second-ordered point particle and the interconnective one on either of its sides. Yet, the interconnections that exist in-between all of the second-ordered point particles taken per individual connection of all of the universes of the rest of the tori-sector-ranges do not involve such a flush interconnection in-between the described individual succeeding flow of Laplacian-based second-ordered point particles.
Another way of looking at the concept of a "chord" is that the corresponding interconnections of Planck phenomenon related phenomena that involve the same tori-sector-range tend bear a mini-string connection that tends to be more abelian in Yakawa Gliossi based differential geometry than the corresponding interconnections of Planck phenomenoon related phenomena that involve different tori-sector-ranges.
So, what did I mean by the "moment" that I was just describing near the end of the post that I wrote for part 1 of session 5 of course 6? If three people were to view the whole substringular Ultimon at once, and they simultaneously were to observe three tori-sector-ranges -- oneperson viewing each tori-sector-range at once, what each person would describe to each other afterwards would different if they accurately described their persception. This is because no two tori-sector-ranges are exactly the same, plus, the position and distance from where one observes something effects what your observation is, based from the general concept of Lorentz-Four-Contractions. The "chords" you would be observing would actually be segments of reiterating group substringular relations of activity, since these would interconnect to each other, and these would all interconnect to other chord-like segments that would interconnect until these would circle around the Ultimon in-between each instanton. This integration of chord-like segments form a hoop-like majorized surface that exist withing a main world-tube. Each of such hoops is right beside another single hoop, and there is a world-tube relatively "above" or "below" each main world-tube. Their is also a corresponding world-tube to the relative "right" or "left" of each main world-tube. This rectange of world-tubes represents a tensoric state of dimensionality, since we are here talking about the main world-tubes of one set of parallel universes, and, each of such hoops has the dimensional potential of exhibiting 32 spacial dimensions plus time. Each of such "rectangles" forms a ring-like shape. This "ring" interconnects to two other of such rings. These three rings form the instanton-related basis of the Ultimon. Each of such "rings" actually has a basis of three dimensions, though. Each ring needs the other two in order to have the basis of the three dimensions that life-forms are able to generally perceive in day-to-day living. The adjacent main world-sheets or world-tubes represent the fact that every dimension has two sides. The inner/outer world-tube geometric general Ward Conditions represent the fact that time goes both forward and backward simultaneaously in the Ultimon, yet only evenly when under the globally distinguishable terms of the predominant substringular tori-sector-range. So, each ring-like entity that I just described has a basis of three dimensions, in spite of the ability of each of these to exhibit 32 spacial dimensions plus time, yet each of such "rings" require the other two rings to allow an existence of 96 spacial dimensions plus time, and this ability allows for the fact that we as life-forms observe three spacial dimensions that each have two general sides -- not to mention that the iteration of the substance of these world-tubes allows for the dimension of time. This should be enough food for thought for right now. I will continue with the suspense of the third part of this session later.
In the meanwhile, ponder this.: How does the inter-relation of energy in terms of discrete permittivity and discrete impedance get effected by what I just wrote? I will help with this later. Sincerely, Sam.
First of all, I would like to elaborate as to what I mean by a "chord." The interconnections that exist in-between all of the second-orderred point particles taken per individual connection of all 91*10^(81) universes of a tori-sector-range that equally involves forward and backward moving time are flush between each individual of such second-ordered point particle and the interconnective one on either of its sides. Yet, the interconnections that exist in-between all of the second-ordered point particles taken per individual connection of all of the universes of the rest of the tori-sector-ranges do not involve such a flush interconnection in-between the described individual succeeding flow of Laplacian-based second-ordered point particles.
Another way of looking at the concept of a "chord" is that the corresponding interconnections of Planck phenomenon related phenomena that involve the same tori-sector-range tend bear a mini-string connection that tends to be more abelian in Yakawa Gliossi based differential geometry than the corresponding interconnections of Planck phenomenoon related phenomena that involve different tori-sector-ranges.
So, what did I mean by the "moment" that I was just describing near the end of the post that I wrote for part 1 of session 5 of course 6? If three people were to view the whole substringular Ultimon at once, and they simultaneously were to observe three tori-sector-ranges -- oneperson viewing each tori-sector-range at once, what each person would describe to each other afterwards would different if they accurately described their persception. This is because no two tori-sector-ranges are exactly the same, plus, the position and distance from where one observes something effects what your observation is, based from the general concept of Lorentz-Four-Contractions. The "chords" you would be observing would actually be segments of reiterating group substringular relations of activity, since these would interconnect to each other, and these would all interconnect to other chord-like segments that would interconnect until these would circle around the Ultimon in-between each instanton. This integration of chord-like segments form a hoop-like majorized surface that exist withing a main world-tube. Each of such hoops is right beside another single hoop, and there is a world-tube relatively "above" or "below" each main world-tube. Their is also a corresponding world-tube to the relative "right" or "left" of each main world-tube. This rectange of world-tubes represents a tensoric state of dimensionality, since we are here talking about the main world-tubes of one set of parallel universes, and, each of such hoops has the dimensional potential of exhibiting 32 spacial dimensions plus time. Each of such "rectangles" forms a ring-like shape. This "ring" interconnects to two other of such rings. These three rings form the instanton-related basis of the Ultimon. Each of such "rings" actually has a basis of three dimensions, though. Each ring needs the other two in order to have the basis of the three dimensions that life-forms are able to generally perceive in day-to-day living. The adjacent main world-sheets or world-tubes represent the fact that every dimension has two sides. The inner/outer world-tube geometric general Ward Conditions represent the fact that time goes both forward and backward simultaneaously in the Ultimon, yet only evenly when under the globally distinguishable terms of the predominant substringular tori-sector-range. So, each ring-like entity that I just described has a basis of three dimensions, in spite of the ability of each of these to exhibit 32 spacial dimensions plus time, yet each of such "rings" require the other two rings to allow an existence of 96 spacial dimensions plus time, and this ability allows for the fact that we as life-forms observe three spacial dimensions that each have two general sides -- not to mention that the iteration of the substance of these world-tubes allows for the dimension of time. This should be enough food for thought for right now. I will continue with the suspense of the third part of this session later.
In the meanwhile, ponder this.: How does the inter-relation of energy in terms of discrete permittivity and discrete impedance get effected by what I just wrote? I will help with this later. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:38 PM
home tori-sector-ranges,
Planck phenomena,
Ward conditions,
Yakawa Couplilngs

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Course 6, Session 5, Part One, The Toroidal Nature Of Superstrings
Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here! I hope that you are following along with my string theory with enthouseasm!
Tori-Sector-Ranges bear relatively orphoganol norm conditions from each other on either side by a difference of the radius of the eigenstates of many point particles, since point particles always have, relativle to most other gauge-actions, small size in comaparison to superstrings, as taken in the "three-dimensional" globalizations within the substringular.
What is a "three-dimensional" globalization taken in the substringular? Picture the set of a sequence of one and two-dimensional superstrings as taken in one eigenmetric within one tori-sector-range, and the two tori-sector-ranges on two of its immediate physical sides, just as the relatively central tori-sector-range is starting to form its quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-range. The field of the one and two-dimensional superstrings of the said central range forms a "chord" that, to its perspective, is basically straight. The main difference between the "chord" of the central said range and the "chord" of the two tori-sector-ranges that are on either relative side of the said initial range, is that the central layer of substringular holonomic reality is about to go through the process of recycling with more of a kinematic tense of permittivity -- since the tori-sector-range that I have here called central is at the given moment the layer of reality that equally involves both forward and backward moving time indices, and is thus the predominant reality over the course of the sets of the Fourier Transformations that are discribed by a sequential series of instantons over the course of a certain number of substringular iterations. Such a condition of recyclling involves Cassimer Invariance more explicitly than with the substringular activity of the other two tori-sector-ranges here described -- which will thence not be undergoing the same stage of Cassimer Invariance at that moment. All phenomena that interacts with the Bases of Light, whether we are here talking about the "mini-bases" or their corresponding Popov-Ghosts, or whether we are talking about other substringular phenomena and their corresponding ghosts, is a sense of a multiplicitly-sided tori-sector-range in the substringular -- with a variation of parameters that is used to help define a discrete gauge thickness to this. Yet, the superstrings that interact with the Popov-Trace that interconnects the Bases of Light, or, in other words, with the general Basis of Light of a predominant tori-sector-range during the sub-metric that directly precedes an instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, is considered a central toroidal Basis of Light of that said range. What is this "moment?" I will leave this first of a three part session with this question for you to ponder. In the mean while, please absorb this knowledge, and I will get back with you on this session soon so as to eleviate the sense of wonder that I am creating by the suspense here! Sincerely, Sam.
Tori-Sector-Ranges bear relatively orphoganol norm conditions from each other on either side by a difference of the radius of the eigenstates of many point particles, since point particles always have, relativle to most other gauge-actions, small size in comaparison to superstrings, as taken in the "three-dimensional" globalizations within the substringular.
What is a "three-dimensional" globalization taken in the substringular? Picture the set of a sequence of one and two-dimensional superstrings as taken in one eigenmetric within one tori-sector-range, and the two tori-sector-ranges on two of its immediate physical sides, just as the relatively central tori-sector-range is starting to form its quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-range. The field of the one and two-dimensional superstrings of the said central range forms a "chord" that, to its perspective, is basically straight. The main difference between the "chord" of the central said range and the "chord" of the two tori-sector-ranges that are on either relative side of the said initial range, is that the central layer of substringular holonomic reality is about to go through the process of recycling with more of a kinematic tense of permittivity -- since the tori-sector-range that I have here called central is at the given moment the layer of reality that equally involves both forward and backward moving time indices, and is thus the predominant reality over the course of the sets of the Fourier Transformations that are discribed by a sequential series of instantons over the course of a certain number of substringular iterations. Such a condition of recyclling involves Cassimer Invariance more explicitly than with the substringular activity of the other two tori-sector-ranges here described -- which will thence not be undergoing the same stage of Cassimer Invariance at that moment. All phenomena that interacts with the Bases of Light, whether we are here talking about the "mini-bases" or their corresponding Popov-Ghosts, or whether we are talking about other substringular phenomena and their corresponding ghosts, is a sense of a multiplicitly-sided tori-sector-range in the substringular -- with a variation of parameters that is used to help define a discrete gauge thickness to this. Yet, the superstrings that interact with the Popov-Trace that interconnects the Bases of Light, or, in other words, with the general Basis of Light of a predominant tori-sector-range during the sub-metric that directly precedes an instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, is considered a central toroidal Basis of Light of that said range. What is this "moment?" I will leave this first of a three part session with this question for you to ponder. In the mean while, please absorb this knowledge, and I will get back with you on this session soon so as to eleviate the sense of wonder that I am creating by the suspense here! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
12:08 PM
Bases of Light,
Cassimer Invariance,
Fourier Transformations,
home tori-sector-ranges,

Monday, November 1, 2010
Course 6, Session 4, Part 2, Superstrings As Toroidal Phenomena
Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here! I hope that I am keeping up with your attention span!
So, the metrics of the substringular phenomena based on the past and future occurances that happen among such tiny particles and gauge-actions effect the metrics of the rest of the substringular arena that exists along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena that interacts from within and from outside the Ultimon. The main exception to the condition of metrics that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way is when eigenstates of space that proceed within a series of space matrices are re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe. (Parallel universes that are different do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes during covariantly determined group intanton.) All of the parallel universes and time-potentials and sets of parallel universes are the fabric of the Ultimon. For an allegorical example, the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat. The direct fabric of the Ultimon appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so. This means that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of phenomena of the Continuum adjusts by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there is no such thing as a completely one or two dimensional phenomenon. The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality that is used to determine the inter-relationship of dimensionality itself. So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be one, two,...to 32 dimensional has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions. Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width. Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side that curve relative to the prime given exterioralized phenomena by the radius of a discrete number of second-ordered point particles. A second-ordered point particle is the "skinnyest" type of phenomena that exists in free space. Third-Ordered point particles only exist where second-ordered point particles are at.
I will continue with the suspense later. Sincerely, Sam.
So, the metrics of the substringular phenomena based on the past and future occurances that happen among such tiny particles and gauge-actions effect the metrics of the rest of the substringular arena that exists along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena that interacts from within and from outside the Ultimon. The main exception to the condition of metrics that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way is when eigenstates of space that proceed within a series of space matrices are re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe. (Parallel universes that are different do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes during covariantly determined group intanton.) All of the parallel universes and time-potentials and sets of parallel universes are the fabric of the Ultimon. For an allegorical example, the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat. The direct fabric of the Ultimon appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so. This means that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of phenomena of the Continuum adjusts by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there is no such thing as a completely one or two dimensional phenomenon. The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality that is used to determine the inter-relationship of dimensionality itself. So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be one, two,...to 32 dimensional has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions. Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width. Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side that curve relative to the prime given exterioralized phenomena by the radius of a discrete number of second-ordered point particles. A second-ordered point particle is the "skinnyest" type of phenomena that exists in free space. Third-Ordered point particles only exist where second-ordered point particles are at.
I will continue with the suspense later. Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
11:48 AM
Bases of Light,
exterialized phenomena,
first-ordered point particles,
Parallel universes,
Ward conditions

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