Friday, April 16, 2021

Reason As To Tenses Of Co-Tangential Approach

 The reason as to why Noether-Based mass-bearing bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are to work to bear a co-tangential approach, -- that is to tend to be of a hyperbolic manner -- is due to the general manner of the behavioral display of the Polyakov Action. Please let my explain: As the rate of the motion of a mass-bearing cohesive set of strings, that are here to work to perform a specific function (e.i. -- A Team Of String-Related Phenomenology), is to alter in either its rate and/or its direction of motion, when in relation to light, there is thence to be a perturbation of the directly corresponding individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be proximal local to the core-field-density, of each of the correlative respective superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to make-up/comprise this just inferred/mentioned team of superstring-related phenomenology (as being of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta). As this is to occur, there is to be the proximal local physical attribute, of what may be termed of as being, the "Polyakov Action." (Which is the correlative inverse operation of the correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction.) As this said "Polyakov Action" is thence to occur, -- the multiplicity of the correlative individually taken light-cone-gauge eigenstates, will quite often tend to work to bear a relatively peaking hyperbolic topological sway, in so as to work to accommodate the herein needed string-related flow, of the innate tendency of relativistic behavior, that is predominant in our world. Due to the general tendency of that wave-related arcing, that is here to be directly apperataining to the kinematic display of the exhibition of the Polyakov Action, the co-tangential approach of mini-string-related segmentation, as this is here to be in the general process of approaching the core-feild-density of the composite superstrings of discrete energy permititivty, that are here to work to comprse the multiplcity of the individually taken "teams" of such inferred quanta of energy, the co-tangential approach that is to be delineated towards such said strings, are thence to tend to be of a hyperbolic nature. Whereas; Since the earlier inferred "puncture," that is here to act as the individually taken "anuuli" of the core-field-density of such said strings, is inherently to not work to bear such an inextricable interdependence upon the general kinematic activiy of the Polyakov Action. This is, in general, a significant reason, as to Why the strings of such a case, in and of themselves, are to tend to be approached, in a hyperbolic manner; whereas, -- the multiplicity of the "puncture" of such inferred superstring-related individually taken fields (at the core-field-density), is to thereby tend to be approached, in a cartesian manenr. Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH.

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