Saturday, April 10, 2021

Lack Of Holomorphic/Anti Holomorphic Flow Of Spatial Dimensions -- Betti Action Jacobian Stabilization (BJS)

 The Betti number, is an imaginary number ordering.  So, when I have accidentally implied that it is a Real number ordering, what I mean, is the equivocal Real Riemann value, that may be taken, in consideration of the respective Betti number  For instance; If the Betti number is “i,” the equivocal Real Riemann value for the Betti number would be “1.”  If the Betti number is “2i,” the equivocal Real Riemann value for the Betti number would be “2.” If the Betti number is “3i,” the equivocal Real Riemann value for the Betti number would be “3.”  This is the pattern that I have intended for this.  

When a superstring of discrete energy permittivity:  which is here to be both harmonically spatially translated, during the general course, of going into a correlative iteration of BRST, as well as that the general physical condition of such a said superstring, is here, to simultaneously, via the vantage-point of a central coni-axion, to thence Lack the general activity, of working to bear a holomorphic spin, in any number of spatial dimensions, during the respective general process of going Into the herein mentioned iteration of BRST; And,  -- When such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, which is both to be harmonically spatially translated, during the general course, of going into the correlative iteration of the directly corresponding Regge Action, as well as that the general physical condition of such a said superstring, is here to Lack the general activity, of working to bear an anti holomorphic spin, in any number of spatial dimensions, during the respective general process, of going into the mentioned iteration of the Regge Action; -- Then, -- one may consequently venture to say, -- that such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be behaving in such a herein described manner, is thence to tend to not be in the process of altering, in the display of its resultant number of spatial dimensions, that it is here to be exhibiting, during the general course of such an inferred iteration of instanton. Thereby; such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be of such an inferred case scenario, is consequently to result in tending to work at displaying, the general physical condition, of which I happen to name of as being, "(The) Betti Action Jacobian Stabilization." (BJS). I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

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