Thursday, April 22, 2021

More As To The Workings Of Homotopic Residue

 Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity Want to move in a certain given arbitrary innate direction, -- When given What the specific traits and other physical attributes, that are of such an individually taken  respective given arbitrary superstring, are here to be, in such an eluded-to type of a  theoretical case scenario. That directly corresponding respective mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which the directly corresponding composite individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are to work to comprise, tends to Want to move Into its relatively Innate Holomorphic Direction. All of the  "strings" of discrete energy permittivity, that are thenceforth to work to comprise the earlier mentioned respective cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are to be delineated during the general course of group-related instanton, At the external shell of the said correlative cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that these are here to take part in working to be exhibited at, when such an inferred type of a set of interdependent energy, that is here to be operating to display one specific task, is here to be considered -- as a metaphorical "team" of reductional energy. The cohesive set of discrete energy quanta of such a respective given arbitrary case scenario, is to take precedence, -- as to the resultant accommodation of its "phenotypical" display, as to its tendency, to move Into its innately holomorphic direction, -- to where the inferred "team" of energy, will consequently tend to "win-out," as to the ensuing resultant spatial direction, at which the inferred net composite energy-related quantum, of such a general tense of a case scenario, is thereby to be transferred into, over the span of a directly corresponding duration of discrete time. SAM.

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