Saturday, January 23, 2021

Potential Exchange Differential

 The greater that the given arbitrary scalar amplitude is to be, of that potential exchange differential, that is here to be pertinent to the correlative respective alterations in the number/delineation of those directly corresponding partition-based discrepancies (of superstrings), that are here to be kinematically re-distributed, in one manner or another, in relation to the motion of light, — in so as to work to facilitate the eminent covariant proximal local presence, of the respective correlative i*PI(Del) Action, — thereby, the higher that the reverse-fractal-related tense of the directly corresponding magnetic flux potential will consequently tend to be, — when this is here to be taken, relatively speaking,  at a significantly more “macroscopic” level. (As this is thence to be taken at more of a molecular level, instead of at the superstring-related level.) SAM.

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