Monday, January 18, 2021

A Little As To Why Yau-Exact Behavior Is As It Is

 What I term of as being the "partition-based discrepancies" of Noether-based superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, act as the directly correlative indices, of what I term of as being the general phenomenology of "homotopic residue." Such individually taken sets of such inferred indices of homotopic residue, in a way, act as a tense of what may be thought of as being a general genus of "kinks," that are here to be delineated, in an adjutant manner,  that is basically pretty much proximal local to the core-field-density, that is here to be mappable in a covariant manner, along the contour of the topological manifold, of those individually taken directly corresponding mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to have the intrinsic capacity of tending to bear a Yau-Exact nature. The faster that such individually taken mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are to travel -- in their relationship to the motion of electromagnetic energy -- the more that such inferred strings are to require an affiliation with less of the so-stated "kinks," in order to be able to work to bear a quickened piecewise continuous process, of being able to generate as much cohomology as these are here to degenerate, -- per each recursively associated iteration of an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Homotopy is to be conserved, in order for the universality of superstring-related fields, as a whole, to thenceforth be able to bear an eminent inter-connection amongst one another (which is necessary, in order for Casimir Invariance to be able to be upheld). Thereby; as a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta (which may be thought of as being basically a "team" of superstrings), is to increase in its speed of relative motion, in its relation to light, the consequential decrease in the inferred presence of what I term of as being "partition-based discrepancies," as this is here to be among the correlative composite individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, is thereby to be resulted, in a proportional increase in the number of mass-bearing  superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise such a said "team." This is part of the reason, as to why a mass-bearing phenomenology is to increase in its scalar amount of mass, as it is to increase in its velocity, in relation to light.  To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

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