Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Perturbative Pressurized Vacuum — Topological Sway

 Let us initially consider two different and distinct superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to be basically of the same nature, — except, that one of such individually taken superstrings, is to exist in an environment, that is here to work to bear a greater scalar amplitude of a tense of a perturbative pressurized vacuum enacted upon its topological stratum,  than the other inferred superstring of discrete energy permittivity is thence to be existent in, ( to where the second inferred superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to work to bear a lower scalar amplitude, of a tense of a perturbative pressurized vacuum that is here to be enacted upon it), — as this is here to be taken, over a simultaneous durational course (via the vantage-point of a central locus), that is of a common proscribed given arbitrary tense, of the workings of a directly corresponding Fourier-related Transformation (as this is here to be taken, over a common relativistic and respective covariant duration of time). That superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is to be existent in an environment, that is here to be exhibiting a greater scalar amplitude of a tense of a perturbative pressurized vacuum enacted upon it, will consequently tend to bear a greater scalar amplitude of topological sway (as in terms of the oscillation-related flow of its “regional-swipe-inhabitation”), than the other of the two individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity will tend to be exhibiting — as this is here to be taken, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigen-metric. SAM. 

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