Sunday, December 13, 2020

A Very Special Analogy

 Here’s my take — as to a certain very special analogy (metaphor), that I have “drawn-out” — as to a symbolic relationship that I have considered, as being in comparison between certain general workings in the superstring-related realm, in a correlation to certain general workings in the biological realm.:

The general functional workings, of what I call the superstring-related “Klein Bottle,” when this is here to be in reference to the eminent general superstring-related activity, that is happen, when a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta are to behave, as acting Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric (which is when the multiplicity of certain fractals of discrete energy are re-attained, in a respective correlative manner, in so as to help to work to allow for discrete energy to remain as discrete energy) is metaphorical to discrete energy in the realm of substrings, — what mitochondria, which help to work to allow for an adequate generation of chemical energy (ATP) in animal cells, are, to the perpetuation of the existence of that physical energy, which is needed in a multiplicity of biological life forms — as this is here to be taken, as an analogy between the superstring-related realm AND the biological realm. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

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