Monday, March 2, 2015

Part Three of Session Ten of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Again, nucleons -- both protons and neutrons -- exist in F fields. -- F-fields exist in a minimum of four spatial dimensions (plus time), these spatial dimensions being all stretched-out dimensions of Ward-Caucy-based physical constraint.  Electrons exist in D-fields -- these fields of which exist in a minimum of six spatial dimensions (plus time).  The directly corresponding Ward-Caucy-based physical constraints of D-fields, of which exist to where  four of these so-eluded-to spatial dimensions are stretched-out and two of these spatial dimensions are curled-up.  Photons exist in P-fields -- these fields of which exist in a minimum of ten spatial dimensions (plus time).  The directly corresponding Ward-Caucy-based physical constraints of P fields, of which exist to where four of these so-eluded-to spatial dimensions are stretched-out and six of these spatial dimensions are curled-up.  The spatial parameters of the respective F-fields, D-fields, and P-fields, are at their minimum conditions of spatial Ward-Caucy inter-relationship -- when the so-eluded-to manner of as to how the directly affiliated particles of which I had described of as existing in such respective fields, is considered in an at rest genus of differential plausibility.  Often, if such respective particles -- of which may exist under the conditions of the so-stated formats of field-oriented eigenbase, are not traveling through a discrete unitary Lagrangian, the said partical-based geni -- of such physical attributes of the directly affiliated orbifold eigensets, will then exist in a Ward-Derichlet status, as to bearing, over their respective delineatory translations over time, a condition as to existing in more spatial dimensions than I had said, per the so-stated conditionality of respective Ward-Caucy physical parameterization.  For instance, if an electron is traveling through certain genus-based formats of what may be either a binary or a tritiary Lagrangian over time, often, if certain cross-sections of dimensional parameterization are to be crossed here, the said electron may often be traveling with an explicit overall physical dimensionality -- that may here be involved with more than six spatial dimensions plus time.  Furthermore, if a photon is traveling through certain genus-based formats -- of what may be either a binary or a tritiary Lagrangian over time, often, if certain cross-sections of dimensional parameterization are to be crossed here, the said photon may often be traveling with an explicit overall physical dimensionality, that may here be involve with more than ten spatial dimensions plus time.  Even a proton -- of which is generally considered to bear more of a tense of superconformal dimensionality at its general locus -- if the so-eluded-to general locus of the said proton's substringular neighborhood is being re-delineated as a whole through a worm-hole, the so-stated proton may often then be translated over more than those four spatial dimensions -- as the said proton is being pulled through a directly affiliated spatial cross-section of Ward-Caucy physical paramterization that is multiplicit, in terms of the directoral eigenbase of the degrees of freedom of the just eluded-to orbifold eigenset, this of which here is directly refering to the set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function as a proton, in the reverse-fractal tense of the so-stated particle that would here be on route to a furthered destination, via a multidirectoral Lagrangian, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Samuel David Roach.

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