Thursday, March 5, 2015

Static Charges

When one d-field that is directly associated with the immediate field of one given arbitrary electron, rubs against another d-field that is directly associated with the immediate field of another given arbitrary electron, there is -- to one extent or another -- an electrostatic charge that would here involve a certain degree of the scattering of the two so-eluded-to Calabi-Yau manifolds, that are here directly related to the scattering of the two general respective d-fields -- that would here work to form the two electric fields that are directly correlative to the two said electrons of this case scenario.  When two electric fields that are directly affiliated with the respective presence of two respective individual electrons, each, scatter amongst each other -- via the interchange of their correlative Yakawa-based indices, then, not only are the directly affiliated respective given arbitrary Calabi-Yau manifolds scattered to one extent or another, yet also, the directly affiliated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost anomalies that are directly associated with each of such individually taken electrons, are also each scattered -- to one extent or another.  As the so-stated respective Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts of the two given arbitrary electrons are scattered, the dual states of the Reimman-based cohomological indices -- that had initially here worked to form the physical memory of both the existence and the activity of the initial eigenbase of the two said respective given arbitrary electrons -- are scattered annharmonically, via  a Rayleigh-based scattering -- from the initial chiral-based and Reimman-based integrative cohomological-based ordering, into an entropic antichiral-based disorganization of the directly affiliated cohomological-based indices, that had initially worked to form the individual respective Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts, that had been the mappable tracings of the two said respective given arbitrary  initially superconformally invariant electrons that will have here diverged from such a Majorana-Weyl Invariant mode by scattering amongst each other here.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely,
Sam Roach.

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