Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Last Part of Session 10 of Course 18

A d-field -- of which is the general format of the fundamental field-density of an electron -- works to bear a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time, as a phenomenon such as an electron is moving, over time.  Flat space or Minkowski space consists of up to 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  A single set of parallel universes works to consist of up to 32 spatial dimensions plus time, and, this works to form an overall Hilbert space.  So, the difference in the spatial dimensionality of an overall set of parallel universes And the maximum number of spatial dimensions in a flat space or a Minkowski space is a quantity of six spatial dimensions.  Likewise, as I have said before, an electron exists in a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time, as such so-stated electrons are distributed and delineated from one given arbitrary respective spot to the next.  The mobiaty of space-time-fabric is based upon a general eigenbase of 26 spatial dimensions, over any respective given arbitrary period of time that may be correlative to such a said eigenbase.  Electrons are that phenomena, that, over the time period that we as people have ever been able to perceive of space-time-fabric in any viable tense that we have been able to apprehend its nature, works to form photons, or, discrete units of electromagnetic energy -- by the so-stated electrons dropping an energy level, in order to be able to go to a state of optimum rest.  Light works to exist in a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time, as such light is distributed and delineated from one spot to the next.  The first four spatial dimensions that would here directly appertain the most to the existence of an f-field of a nucleon -- are all extended spatial dimensions.  The next six spatial dimensions, that would here most directly appertain to the existence of a p-field -- the immediate field of any respective given arbitrary photon -- are all curled-up in nature.  Thus, the relationship that electrons -- in the process of being the core relater between the existence of mass, kinetic energy, and electromagnetic energy -- work to form the ongoing extrapolatory existence of light, works to help cause the conditionality that electrodynamics is the key to the condition, that the general existence of relative mobiaty works to form a second-side/second-edge, as the granular extrapolation of space-time-fabric is pulled over the general genus of the curvature of its multipicit eigenmembers, in so as to cause the multiplicit correlative gauge-metric eigenbase that would here work to cause overall space-time-fabric to have a basis as a Hilbert space or a volume space -- instead of having a basis as a Minkowski space or a flat space.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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