Thursday, March 19, 2015

Part Two of the 11th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and the Kaeler Metric

Any given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate exists in-between its respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, and its directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  Any given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric happens in-between a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, and its respective immediate counterpart.  The immediate respective counterpart of any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to the relatively forward-holomorphic side of the so-stated directly corresponding superstring.   (With a relatively limited amount of mini-stringular segmentation in-between these two said phenomenology.)  The multiplicit Bette Action eigenmetric happens during the whole duration of BRST.  The multiplicit Bette Action is that activity that happens, in so as to work at making any directly corresponding superstring to be orientable to its immediate substringular counterpart.  A superstring of discrete energy permittivity is orientable, when the region in-between the so-stated superstring and its counterpart is differentiably homeomorphic during BRST -- or, when the region in-between the so-stated superstrings and its counterpart is differentiably homeomorphic during the Bette Action.  The multiplicit light-cone-gauge eigenstate is physically existent, just to the relatively reverse-holomorphic side of any directly corresponding given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, during BRST.  The activity of any respective given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge, and the activity of the Bette Action -- are interdependent during BRST, though.  As the region in-between any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy perimttivity and its directly corresponding counterpart is undergoing the Bette Action, this activity initially works to tighten both the fractal modulae and the elastic modulae of this said region, at this so-stated point in gauge-metrical duration.  Yet, as the directly corresponding first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of any given arbitrary region, that is at the Poincaire level to a holonomic substrate of discrete energy -- works to bear a torsioning -- this of which goes from initially going into a coiling phase, into going into a reaction-based recoiling phase, this genus of activity works to relax both the respective fractal modulae and the respective elastic modulae of the specific region, where the directly corresponding Bette Action eigenmetric that is immediately related to the same discrete unit of energy -- had been happening, at the start of the metrical process of the so-stated duration of BRST.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sam Roach.

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